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I have been reading through the B&C tactica for a few days now and I have noticed many interesting and informative posts on Dreads and their use, but I want specific answers to some questions I am having. My list is an IH list that I intend to be oriented around drop pods and in the majority of these pods I intend to have Dreads. I play in 1850 games at the store I go to so, with that limit in mind, I have been considering bringing 2x Reg Dreads, 1x Venerable, and 1x Ironclad into the mix.


The way I pod these dreads will vary on the way I use my MotF, if I am using him as a repairman I may only pod in two of my dreads and hold two back to walk with the MotF, otherwise I may drop three and keep one back as a fire base. I am not quite sure. The only other certainties I have for the army are 2x Tacticals and 1x Scout Sniper squad. The rest is in the air. I was considering Sterns and Termies as well. Anyway, I was wondering what you guys thought the best layout for the Dreads would be and how best to use them.


Thanks again!



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ironclads are best used as drop pod assault units. Stock dreads are good for multi-purpose and venerables are good for fighting MC's and hitting reliably. You may want two MotF, or another techmarine. A motF on bike can keep up with all dreads and has a nifty servo harness to aid tacs. Dreads suffer when swamped by sacrificial units, or a unit with a hidden PF, or just good AT. An immobilized dread is practically useless. I find EA worth it to keep moving/assaulting. It's also very useful to remember you can use your smoke launchers while running and strike before and more accurately than defilers and carnifexes (Many chaos players assume it's WS4 I4) Iron hands are also quite into speeders and razorbacks, so I tried to incorporate some of those. Here's an example 1850.

I would suggest




1 on bike-135


one on foot-100 (In razor)




1x tac squad in rhino-230

(Flamer, ML, PF)


1x tac squad in razorback (Tl-Hb)-235

(MG, PC, PW)


tac squad in pod-235

(MG, MM, PF)






2x Normal dreads as elites with 2x AC (Riflemen)-250






2x Typhoons-180


2x MM attack bikes-100




2x ironclads-(MG/HF) pod-350


1x Venerable with assault cannon and storm bolter plus EA-190


this leaves you with 35 points to play with. (Maybe a Lascannon on the razor, or combi's)

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If I had 4 Dreads, I'd probably do it like this:


2 IronClads, Heavy Flamer, Meltagun, Pod (HK missiles if points allow)


2 normal Dreads, 2x TL AutoCannons and Plasma/Missile no pods


Thats 2 shooters and 2 assaulters. If you wanted to go with 1 and 3 respectively I'd drop the Plasma/Missile and take a normal Dread with Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer, DCCW for all purpose support.


In a way the Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer, DCCW pod Dread is your ace up your sleeves. For 150 points you have a unit that can effectively do anything. A flank getting over-run by Orks? Pod in and flame their faces. That Leman Russ blasting your troops? Drop by and Melta its butt.

The Ironclad does the job better, but it also is more expensive.

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Thats good to know, but I still want to know what the best weapons are for my Dreads.


I have done a bit of reading and so I now have a more solid idea of what people like on their Dreads so my question is this:


If I have a Ironclad what is the best way to equip it?


If I have a Venerable what is the best way to equip it and what is its ideal role (assault or walking turret)?


If I have two regular Dreads what should I do with them? One Melta/Pod, One Rifleman?


Essentially I was looking at the final result like this:


Ironclad w/ MM + 2x HKM + HF/ Pod


Reg Dread w/ MM + HF / Pod


Ven w/ PC + ML


Red Dread w/ 2x TLAC


does that look decent or should I shimmy some stuff around? I intend to have a MotF hugging the Ven and Riflemen to keep them in top shape, so what do you guys think?

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If I have a Ironclad what is the best way to equip it?

Meltagun, Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod (HK missiles if you can afford it)


If I have a Venerable what is the best way to equip it and what is its ideal role (assault or walking turret)?

Assault Cannon, DCCW, Drop Pod (I feel that the Ass-Cannon makes the most of the BS5 and since its a short range weapon, podding makes sense. If you're podding, you might as well keep the DCCW for assault right?)


If I have two regular Dreads what should I do with them? One Melta/Pod, One Rifleman?

If you follow my advice on the Ironclad and Venerable, then you'll have 2 short range Dreads already. I'd make these guys GunDreads since thats the cheapest and most effective option. Barring that I'd do the Multi-Melta/Heavy Flamer/Pod option, but I feel that the Ironclad does that better)

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If you are wanting to stick to the fluff, keep in mind that ALL Iron Hands Dreadnoughts have a DCCW on their left arm. ;)


Really? Aww man that will make my Dreads that much less potent!! Dilemna... I mean how much of a kick in the pants is it to not take a dual AC combo or a PC/ML? Remember my only experience with Dreads has been with my DG Dread who enjoys shooting my own troops in the spine with a heavy bolter, so I don't have a solid idea on what a reliable dreadnaught really is. I mean if I give them all DCCW's would it be a good idea to pod them all? Or still keep some in the back? Hrmmm?

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