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Swift Death


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Well heres another, I had some spare bits and so decided to throw these together.


I dont like creating lots of fancy models using green stuff etc, I like to use what you actually pay for. There is no customisation involved, just a simple rumage through my bitzbox.


It just goes to show that you can get some good poses from the very basic pieces...







This is a quick post cause I need to go to college now! More updates soon!

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Thanks for the comments.


well when Bitzbox get some more assault marine legs in then I'll order a load and maybe make a whole squad.

they're not meant to be part of an army or anything, so I can do what I like with them really. These arent finished yet as you can see, a few more details and the bases to do.

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Nice! Very well painted and dynamic poses.


But the poses are anatomically not correct. Natural movement is always cross wised.

Eg. left leg in front and right arm in front and vice versa. Just walk naturally trough your room and take a look on your limbs.



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Anatomy aside, they look pretty impressive.


Are they supposed to be any particular chapter or is the 'rule of cool' in effect?


No no chapter, I had some black paint, some white paint, and thought what the hell! :D


I don't know, to me this is how I personally imagine a space marine, don't get me wrong I like all the chapter colours, but i think some of them are just screaming 'shoot me i'm over here!', If someone asked me what I thought a SM would like like these would be my answer, dark armour.

Thanks for comments

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