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Making a Mech Gunline at 2000 points


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I have been playing a pretty smash-mouth Vulkan Biker/Termy list for the past few months and would like to try a different build for C:SM. I have been thinking about trying to build a mechanized, long-range shooty force (something I haven't tried with C:SM) that can lay solid amounts of fire at range before dealing a solid (counter) charge. For one, is this type of list feasible for C:SM? If it is, then I have a few questions as to what it would look like in general:


What HQ would fit this theme best? (Do I go with a CC monster, a cheap Libby, or even a SC?)

What Troop setups should I look at? (aka, Las/Plas versus MM/Flamer, Razorbacks versus Rhinos, etc)

What units provide the best long-range firepower? (LRs, Preds, Typhoons, TFCs, Devastators, etc)

How much counter-charge do I need?

How much mobile-melta is needed? (Do I use Bikes, Landspeeders, or even meltas in Rhinos)

How do I deal with armies that can outshoot me? (New IG Butchered my poor Bikers)

How do I counter deep-strikers/fast assaulters?

Can DH/WH allies provide more "oomph" to the gunline? (GKGM is a beast and can take a Pyschic Hood, SoB provides cheap troops with MGx2, etc)


I was thinking of something along the lines of using 2 vanilla LRs as being the anchors of the gunline, one holding a small squad of TH/SS Termies to act as a counter-charge unit and the other holding a scoring unit. The scoring unit could be supported by an assaulty HQ to provide another decent counter-charge unit. These two AV14 boxes could bookend other units such as Predators/Vindicators to protect their side armor and provides firepower on the move. Throw in some MM ABs and/or squads in Rhinos to screen or even go offensive and I think it could be a fairly tough nut to crack. I'm thinking of trying something like this at an upcoming 2000 point tournament and would like to get some advice from anyone who has run shooty Marine lists in the past.


My current working list is here.

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For one, is this type of list feasible for C:SM?

I would say yes it is.


What HQ would fit this theme best? (Do I go with a CC monster, a cheap Libby, or even a SC?)

For me? A Chaplain leading your counter assault forces. Cheap but really helpful.


What Troop setups should I look at? (aka, Las/Plas versus MM/Flamer, Razorbacks versus Rhinos, etc)

I'd do a 1:1 ratio of Rhino squads with Power Fist/Meltagun/Heavy Bolter to take the fight to the enemy and claim objectives and Razorback squad with Plasmagun/PlasmaCannon or LasCannon to hold your objectives. I might also consider some Sniper Scouts. 150 points for 10 with a Heavy Bolter ain't bad.


What units provide the best long-range firepower? (LRs, Preds, Typhoons, TFCs, Devastators, etc)

Combi-Predators (AutoCannon/LasCannons), Gun Dreads (TL AutoCannons in particular)


How much counter-charge do I need?

I'd say atleast 2 solid units. You can use your Tactical squads as backup counter assaulters assuming they have a Power Fist, but 2 dedicated ones would work. I'd probably do either the TH/SS Terminators in a LRC or Assault Marines/Power Fist/Flamers. Ironclads in pods would also work well.


How much mobile-melta is needed? (Do I use Bikes, Landspeeders, or even meltas in Rhinos)

Considering that most of your ranged firepower will be geared to take out AV10-13, you're relying on your Melta for the big boys. I'd say 2 units of 2 Speeders or Attack Bikes would be solid, without breaking the bank.


How do I deal with armies that can outshoot me? (New IG Butchered my poor Bikers)

Assault them, even with your shooting elements if need be. Use the shooters to open up a hole and get your assault troops inside it. Blocking LOS to the more valuable stuff with your tanks can also work.


How do I counter deep-strikers/fast assaulters?

Redundancy in units, fast counter assaulters and denying easy landing zones using deployment probably.

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