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Crimson Fist Captain.


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Hey all, iv been lurking here for a while now and i finally had the guts to post some of my own stuff on here at last! -_-


I give you... my new Crimson Fist commander!








The base and freehand still needs doing to the purity seals


Let me know what you think!


Spladge P

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Looks good. I'm likign the depth you've added to the blue. Some suggestions:


1. Work on your picture taking. You'll want more than one light source, a uniform backdrop, and the correct white balance on your camera. There are plenty of great guides out there for mini taking. One that I would suggest is Taking photos of your minis. Good guide with a lot of great tips.

2. As far as I can see, your red is a bit bright. I'd try for a darker color closer to Red Gore.

3. I'd like to see some color on the bolter, particularly on the casing. Making it straight boltgun metal really takes a lot off the looks of the model.


As a personal preference, I try not to use models that are well established and known as one thing (this guy is one of the most popular Sternguard) for rules of another model without conversion. Unless you do some stuff to spice this model up, a lot of people will not get that it's your captain without you notifying them.


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