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The Melta Myth


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What I'm saying is whether you favour gunlines or the above Vulkan lists, you should ensure you try and keep some options in the list that are different to your main play style, even if less than optimum in some games.

For most of my armies, I tend to do this. However, some of my armies have themes that are a little less flexible - but still fun to play.

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... make sure if you are rolling with rocks and your opponent changes to scissors, you can change to paper and still win the game.

looked good up to here, but I'm afraid you may have just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory (rock > scissors > paper > rock)


Cheers, Paul.


Ah but everyone knows that Idahos paper is made out of Honour Guard, which is tougher and more experienced than your average paper. Therefore is adaptable enough to make a paper airoplane out of itself and dive bomb those damn scissors :devil:


I think there is room enough for long ranged high strength weapons to take out noteable targets. Hell at a pinch even the humble Assault cannon can provide some very impressive anti transport, S6 is still fairly decent against A11 rending or no rending.


I find that the range matching of Bolters is a fairly trivial thing, its not like your bolters can fire at the contents of the transport that your Melta has just opened up if they are in the same squad. Though it does make charging the enemy within that much easier I guess. Still when you have 2 sometimes 3 more attempts to knock out that transport with longer range weapons their quality makes way for quantity. Missing once with a lascannon when your enemy is 48" out is not terrible but missing your melta when you are 6" out is that much worse if you have nothing within range to hit it.


Still we all make war in our different ways, its what makes this hobby so interesting.



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Still we all make war in our different ways, its what makes this hobby so interesting.


Indeed matey. I am an Ultramarines player after all, so I like having options open to me :)


looked good up to here, but I'm afraid you may have just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory (rock > scissors > paper > rock)


Ah but everyone knows that Idahos paper is made out of Honour Guard, which is tougher and more experienced than your average paper. Therefore is adaptable enough to make a paper airoplane out of itself and dive bomb those damn scissors


Artificer paper! Man what a muppet I am, I actually read that just now and thought to myself, eh, what was I thinking at the time? :devil:


For most of my armies, I tend to do this. However, some of my armies have themes that are a little less flexible - but still fun to play.


Yeah I reckon there is room for all kinds of styles of play, themed being a part of that.


Sorry if I seem like I'm preaching to everyone, its just I noticed a one-track mindset creeping into players in 40K now-a-days, with flexibility diminishing to optimisation and there doesn't seem to be any acceptance that the are other ways to play.

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This thread has inspired me to shuffle around my army list some.


My 1750pts army list now has a 5 man devastator squad with 3 Missile Launchers and Power Fist in a Twin-Lascannon Razorback and a 5 man devastator squad with 3 Plasma Cannons and Power Fist in a Twin-Lascannon Razorback.


I can't wait to paint these up and blast the enemies of the Emperor from afar.

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That's good to hear. Only question is do you really need those powerfists in there?!


I have Power Fists in EVERY SQUAD :lol:


Do I need them? Not really, but they look really cool and they make the enemy think twice before dropping something behind my lines to try and assault my fire support.

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That's good to hear. Only question is do you really need those powerfists in there?!


I have Power Fists in EVERY SQUAD :D


Do I need them? Not really, but they look really cool and they make the enemy think twice before dropping something behind my lines to try and assault my fire support.


And at the end of the day it works for you, so there's plenty of reasoning to it :P

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