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Fighting My First Super Heavy


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Tomorrow night I am playing two guard players in a different kind of match. Its 1v1v1 and there is no force organisation but one Guard player has a Stormlord Super Heavy Tank. The limit is 1900 points so its like a mini apoclypse game.


I am going to field my DIY Chapters 1st Company. This will include at least 5 Assault Terminators and 5 Tactical Terminators riding in a Land Raider Crusader and Phobos respectively. I also plan on taking an Ironclad in a Drop Pod and maybe some Sternguard in a Razorback. Though I'm not too sure of what to field exactly.


Now, would it be best to field another squad of Tactical Termies or my Lysander Counts-as and would it be wise to have a single Ironclad in a Drop Pod?


Also, does anyone have any tips for taking down a Stormlord?

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Close combat - its the easiest way to get through its high armour... If your Assault treminator squad has enough thunderhammers, I'd get them up to it as quick as possible and then thump it good and proper till it goes boom. Ironcald might well do similar damage to it as well - a short range meltagun shot then charge it asap. Failing that (Stormlord is the Heavy 20 one isnt it?) ignore it as much as possible - its main gun isnt actually that great at killing MEQ's compared to other superheavy weapons...
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I agree that close combat is the best way. The Stormlord has a nasty S6 AP3 Heavy 15 that will cut right through your Sternguard. Use a lot of Termies and Lysander. I would use the single DP for the I-clad. Keep the shooty Termies and give a couple of them Chainfists. But remember, you will have another IG player gunning for you.
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Close combat will indeed be the best - seismic hammer for an ironclad might be nice. Leonaides has it right - drop the 'clad close, melta the Stormlord, then charge in. Or if you can afford it and they'll let you, use the FW rules to turn the drop pod into an Icarus pod. Costs a little extra, but the ability to charge a Dread straight into CC from a same-turn landing could be most useful.


The Icarus rules are part of the IA:2 update available from the Forge World 'Downloads' section of their website.

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Thanks for the replies guys.


I only have 5 TH/SS Termies but I'll add my Lysander counts as to the mix. Should I bother with anything like Land Speeders or Attack Bikes or just focus on hard hitting Terminators and Land Raiders?

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