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Sicarius and Emperor's Tarot


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So I was thinking about my inability to win the dice-off before games and was curious as to what I could do to mitigate it, especially in larger games where shooting can wipe units off the table on Turn 1. My first thought was Sicarius basically twin-links the Sieze the Initiative roll, so it boosts it from a 16.7% chance to a 30.55% chance. Then I was looking through my DH Codex and noticed the Emperor's Tarot wargear. It basically gives you a 83% chance of getting a +1 to the initial die roll to see who goes first (17% chance you get -1 though). If I did the math right, that gives you an overall 62% chance of winning the roll to go first with the Tarot. The other 38% of the time, you still have your Sieze the Initiative roll to fall back on, giving an overall chance of 66% (73% before your opponent's chance to Sieze the Initiative) of getting the first shot off. :lol: I'm almost tempted to try and create a SAFH with the Tarot and Sicarius just for giggles.


Edit: Factored in opponent's chance to Sieze.

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