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Dragonsons Tactical Squad (90% finished)

Pirate Metal Troy

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Here's my Dragonsons. I decided I'd paint a whole squad before posting any pics. WIP threads seem to be a curse for my armies.


They're not quite finished, yet. I still need to highlight bolters, and anything black, paint eyes, and drybrush their bases.


Here's the pics!








What do you guys think?

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Not sure what the "viva metallica" technique is. I just drybrushed em boltgun, 2 washes of green, highlight mythril, then 2 more washes of green.


And yes, they are part of an army.



MotF (biker-beam)


10 tac marines + pod

10 tac marines + pod

10 tac marines


3 melta + heavy flamer dreads in pods

4 servitors


2 dreads w/ plasma cannon + missle launcher

Thunderfire cannon


That's the list at 1850 give or take, i'm still tweaking.

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