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Army finishing


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I want to finish an army on a tight budget.



What's on the list that I own:


Tac squad Flame/ML



Land speeder MM/HF

Land Raider


What I got to work with:

5x Dakka TDA

Normal Dread +TLAuto-Cannon

2-3 more Tac squads

Dev squad worth of various Heavy Weapons

4-6 total ML marines

Parts for a LRC


What I'm looking at to buy:

two SM bikes box (makes 6 bikers)

Drop Pod



I need another troop choice but don't have a 3rd transport. One day I hope to buy a Battleforce, so I'm trying to avoid buying another rino.

I either:

Foot slogg the 3rd squad of whatever

Buy the bikers to make a Capt+ a squad of 5xSM bikers

Have a 10xTac squad and 6xSternG squad share a LRC.

Suck it up and buy another rino.


HQ wise I'm thinking taking either a count as Pedro, one or mor Librarians, or the bike capt. if I opt out to buy the bikes.

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First off, the Tacticals and Sternguard cannot "share" a Land Raider. One unit in there at a time.


On the cheap, you can footslog the third Tactical squad. You have two mobile ones, so in 66% of games, you can use the third one as a "home base" unit.

Bike Troops are awesome for late-game arrivals from reserve, or turbo-boosts onto objectives. However, you'll quickly find yourself wanting more of them, and an attack bike to get a heavy weapon in the unit. Bikes are great and all, but they have very short range weapons (not counting bolters), and plasmaguns are super-risky on them (though I consider them worth the risk).


Play several games with the footsslogging Tactical squad, with the Dread as their "overwatch" unit.

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Two squads can't share a Land Raider as a Heavy support option?


Nope. Only one unit may embark inside a vehicle at a time.


Thanks for the advice, but should the escort dread have a MM or TLAC?


Depends on what you want it to do, really. The multimelta is nice for hitting heavy armor ar 12" or less (Melta range for the multimelta). The autocannon is nice for a couple twin-linked long-range shots at light armor. Kills AV11 or less with ease.

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Vindi and Land speeder should cover my AV14 needs. I guess it's silly to think a heavy armor vehicle would pull up next to a dread, but it could further serve as a deterent.


I guess I'll put TLAC to help the LR with transport/MC popping duty.


Current list

10x Tac Flamer/ML+MB

10x Tac Flamer/ML

Dread w/TLAC

Vindi+Siege Shield


Land Raider



That leaves me to decide what to do with the remaining 560 points for HQ and 3rd or 4th squad.


Option A:

Pedro+10x SternG+Lib or Chapy

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