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Sculpted Slaaneshi Greater daemon


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i recently found a broken apart daemon prince i sculpted years and years ago in my bitz box and decided to try my hand at it again. This time i decided to go with a greater daemon to center a daemon army around. The neck is purly structural right now. more to come soon. sorry for the bad pics ill get better ones up when i can, c+c very welcome.







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Thx for all the feed back so far. got alittle better pics, also a size comparison with my first 2 daemonettes. i added the muscle structure on the torso, next up skin on the neck and torso. As always C+c welcome.







Also here is a closer shot on the daemonettes, the masks are gonna be a theme and i think the little detail adds alot of character to the rank and files.



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thx for all the feedback :D and your both right, its a toothed vagina/ gut mouth, womb lol


It's Slaaneshi, i'm not sure anyone actually wants to know in the end! :)


So by the wire mesh it'll be a "Naga" styled daemon? (Snake-bodied.)

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