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Black Templar Stormlord

Brother Nephilum

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well here it is The Stormlord Baneblade, about 6 months ago i went and played a game against a chaos army that had one of these, after it slayed my then tau army i decided my Templars need abit of "refurbishment" so to speak =D,

i always loved the pictures of Commissar Yarick's "The Fortress of Arrogance" so my idea was to do up something like that for Helbrecht, and i thought that the stormlord would best suit the templar (baneblade wise) so here it is


High Marshal Helbrecht's "Dorn's Fury"


and as always let me know what you think =D











i must give a MASSIVE thank you to my wife too, she painted the machine spirit on the back and it BLEW ME AWAY!!!

that was her very first attempt at anything like that




And i also thought id put in some pic's of my first Vindicator in my Line Breaker Squad ( its the HQ tank :D )












Thanks everyone for looking!!!





OH and on a note the stormlord isnt quite finished yet paint wise,i needed it painted for a big game tomorrow B) there is still afew more things that need to be done on it please let me know if you spot something you think needs attention :)

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That is amazing...


It is a tad too bright for black Templars in my opinion; stands out too much... but then again, a tank that size always will...


Good model and, despite what I said, very good paint scheme




P.S I love the edging on the black, most of the time it looks out of place but you have done it perfectly; awe inspiring.

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Ok, I like the Stormlord wayyyyy more than your Land Raider! Looks neater, less to distract the eye. Also, I figured out what bugs me about your tanks: the blue highlighting, if you used gray I would be completely, absolutely in love with these tanks! As it stands, I am only marginally in love with them! Great work, Brother!
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Awesome addition to your crusade. I simply love the way it is painted. Only thing I could suggest is since space marines don't have heavy stubbers in their armory would be to replace the heavy stubbers with storm bolters or heavy bolters, but with the way it looks who gives a heck anyway?
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thanks everyone for all you input! its been great to hear what you all have to say, but i need to clarify something.... te red on the baneblade is because it is High Marshal Helbrecht's personal tank! and as all the pictures and fluff stories go Helbrecht loves the color red! even the mini is gold and red (not black and white) anywho thats all i really wanted to say, and i still have lots more to paint but real life gets in the way lol


Peace out ;)

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