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Equipping Vanguard?


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My vanguard:


- relic blade

- power sword

- power fist

- 3 to 4 veterans with storm shields

- 1 to 2 "vanilla" (no upgrades) veterans


I also place a melee-oriented IC with them or two (in my past few battles, a libby with MotA and a Master of the Forge with a power weapon and full servo harness...amounts to 4 power weapon attacks on the charge and 2 power fist attacks at init 1). You are going to want at least a one to one ratio of "guy with upgraded weapon" to "guy without upgraded weapon" to spread hits across the unit and - ideally - prevent your power weapons from going down as casualties. The vanilla marines are there to take saves (and put out some hurt, really, 2 base attacks + 1 offhand + 1 charge = 4 straight up hits) and the storm shields are to suck up power weapon hits and any other attack that will deny them an armor save.


One other thing: I recommend giving them a transport. I drive mine around in a land raider, but nothing says you can't sit them in a Rhino. They can't charge out first turn the Rhino gets somewhere, but if they sit still and let the box take the hits for a turn, they can charge out the following turn. If you give them jump packs because you want to use Heroic Intervention, make that really work with a locator beacon...which can go either on a scout bike squad OR on a drop pod with an Ironclad Dread in it. =)

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Haven't had much time to play around with vanguard so far (I lack the models!), but when I do get to it, I'm thinking I'm gonna go for a full 10 men vanguard squad with 3 powerfists and 2-3 storm shields, and drive it around in a land raider. Possibly gonna keep it in a pedro list, for the bonus attack aura.


It's gonna be expensive as all hell, but would go well with the "power armor swarm" army I want to play someday. :devil:

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Haven't had much time to play around with vanguard so far (I lack the models!), but when I do get to it, I'm thinking I'm gonna go for a full 10 men vanguard squad with 3 powerfists and 2-3 storm shields, and drive it around in a land raider. Possibly gonna keep it in a pedro list, for the bonus attack aura.


It's gonna be expensive as all hell, but would go well with the "power armor swarm" army I want to play someday. :devil:


I have been playing with the idea of fielding two vangurds.


Don't tell anybody. They'll think I'm crazy.

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I have been playing with the idea of fielding two vangurds.


Don't tell anybody. They'll think I'm crazy.

Which is just as well. If they work for you, then you should field them. :D


From my experience, there are some units that are widely considered inefficient, but in the hands of some players they're gold. It's all about playstyle and preference. :)

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To the OP: after reading this thread, I think I may actually try your configuration (or something very near it). I've had really pleasing results with a vanguard wielding a relic blade, PF, PW, and a smattering of storm shields...I think going with one less storm shield than usual and an additional power sword or two might be worth it vs certain kinds of opponents.


VS MEQ with armor, I'd probably go with my normal route. VS an opponent with fewer armor-negating melee attacks, I think I'd go with your route. Or, if their Initiative is uniformly less than mine (for example, Orks), more power weapons and two storm shields = they die faster and that hidden power claw will likely bounce off my Shield Bearers. =)


In any event, I definitely recommend throwing a vanilla vet or two into the squad, so you have somebody to take saves that won't cost you a power weapon.

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Haven't had much time to play around with vanguard so far (I lack the models!), but when I do get to it, I'm thinking I'm gonna go for a full 10 men vanguard squad with 3 powerfists and 2-3 storm shields, and drive it around in a land raider. Possibly gonna keep it in a pedro list, for the bonus attack aura.


It's gonna be expensive as all hell, but would go well with the "power armor swarm" army I want to play someday. :)


I have been playing with the idea of fielding two vangurds.


Don't tell anybody. They'll think I'm crazy.


I consider myself unhinged as it is, however even I call you mad for doing that. I love it, DO IT!!!!!!

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I have been playing with the idea of fielding two vangurds.


Don't tell anybody. They'll think I'm crazy.


I consider myself unhinged as it is, however even I call you mad for doing that. I love it, DO IT!!!!!!


I can't unless I play over 2k points I feel, but I'm already looking into more models for it. I'll post how it works out for me, fear you not. :P


(Sorry for veering OT.)

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