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My First Mini!

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Its so bad I'm question my decision to take a proper interest in the game....






And the pics are terrible too because my digi cam is worse than my painting skills, so I had to use my webcam!

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I think you're being a little hard on yourself - most people don't do a perfect paint job on their first minis. Although it's hard to see some of the details, one piece of advice is that you may get better results when painting white over black if you either paint multiple layers or by painting an intermediate color like a tan or grey before covering over with white, or both. Hope that helps.
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Consider picking up (or at least skimming through) Citadel's "How to Paint Miniatures" book. Also, there is a web book I've seen (which I think is free?) from the CoolMiniOrNot site which is good. And there are tutorials on this site, as well as CoolMini...and of course you can ask for advice here. :devil:


Sgt. Blank is on the money: best way to paint white pretty much at all (but especially over a dark color) is to first paint an intermediate color (like a grey) and then many successive washes (read as: thinned with water) white. In general you'll want to thin your paints when applying them. It will give them a smoother look once they dry. (Make sure you allow them time to dry between coats; it only takes a few minutes at most, but you want to give it that time.)

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I'll tell you something, though, it's better than the first mini I ever painted. Those poor, poor High Elves. I don't think the race ever recovered from my hacking and slashing with a paintbrush in about 1992 - Malekith ain't got nothing on me.


Anyways, I find the best way to paint is not to try and do all the detail at once, such as the Tactical squad markings. Take your time, make each brush stroke count and paint in a well-lit room.


As you're painting a lot of black, try following the Painting Black Templars guide on GW's site. Black and white are both difficult colours to get right, really, but I bet by the time you've finished your first squad you'll be able to see a dramatic improvement.


The learning curve may be frustrating but the difference between mini 1 and mini 10, and mini 50 will be remarkable. Promise.

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It rerally doesn't look that bad from the photos. One thing that springs to mind is that if you're not being satisfied with you're abilities to paint "clean" armour, then go for a weather beaten, "in the field" look, force and cover up those mistakes with battle damage and grime. To this end, learn to dry brush, use washes, and stipple. There are some simple tricks that will go a long way.

Keep it up.

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to be fair to yourself mate you did use white which is a really difficult colour to paint even when you have experiance. Its the bane of my exsistance and I avoid ti when possible because i can never get ti smooth. You could try a difference scheme using better colours and you may find your not as bad as first impressions imply.
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If you want to avoid painting white over black you could paint black over white! Black is much easier to "stack" on top of another color.


Don't be hard on yourself, I didn't like my first paintjob a whole lot. It was a blob of Gore Red with Chaos Black spots all over. Then I took a Silver Metallic Sharpie and colored in the Shoulder Trim. I've seen worse then it, but the Sharpie parts were the best looking for sure :P


Good Luck sir, and don't drop the game altogether because you can't paint. Just play with "greys" if you want to play without ruining a model.


Don't give up! It gets better!! I promise!

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Also... Quick effective ways to get a decent looking model is to use single light colour and mabey add a small amount of detail (depending on how brave you are) and drop a badab black wash over the whole thing. what the wash does is seeps into all the gaps and picks out all the detail. It also has a nice habbit of being able to cover up alot of mistakes where youve gone slightly over the line. Your models wont look crispy clean but they will look half decent.
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Dude, keep at it, man, my first mini was horrible! But, as has been stated, Simple Green is your friend.


I'll add that you should thin out the paint, buy a good set of brushes (you'll be surprised how much good quality brushes improve your results) and if you're going to practice a lot, practice on metal minis (easier to simple green them^^).

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Basecoating is an absolute must with models... Get some GW black spraypaint, or if you decide on another main colour, have a look at Tamiya Spraypaints...


Use that, then paint on top, it helps what you paint stay on, and gives you a nice flat matte black surface to start with!


Otherwise, don't put yourself down mate, my first minis were horrible things to look at... (I may even still have one or two around... I'll see if I can find some photos) and most other peoples tend to be the same... It's taken me a fair while to get to a painting standard i'm happy with (and even then I could still do better!). What you need to do is keep practising, and eventually you'll be producing beautiful models all the time...


Get a decent spraypaint from GW or Tamiya from a model shop, and work up from that...

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Don't get down on yourself, mini painting is an art just like any other. The pretty miniatures you see in books and codexes are painted by people that have been doing it for years and years and have painted thousands of minis. I'd be willing to bet that many of them have also studied painting at a university or art school.


First thing I'd suggest is to make sure you are using a small enough brush for detail painting on small minis. BE PATIENT! Don't overload the brush and apply small amounts of color at a time. It will be very slow going at first, but as you improve you'll pick up speed. It is important to practice painting carefully and precisely.


Next, I'd suggest learning some basic highlighting techniques... drybrushing is a great place to start, simple and looks pretty good when finished. There is a plethora of resources available on the internet about how to shade and highlight, and a hundred ways to accomplish various effects. Drybrushing, glazing, shading, highlighting, washes, inks, metallics, non-metallic metal, etc. etc. Find out what you have an easy time with on a few test models and practice practice practice.

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I was having a discussion with my partner about it.. She got quite irritated I had spent quite a bit of cash and was going to give up, but my problem is I hate to fail.


If I cannot do something that is satisfactory to me, then I won't do it.. But with this I shall persevere, even if they all end up sucking!


I asked this elsewhere, but am I right in believing that a proper squad box or IC sprue will come in alot more pieces?

AoBR, that ive been using, comes in like 3 or 4 pieces which can be hard to paint at all, let alone well!

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It's crap :D and so it should be, if you started off awesome we'd all hate you. Don't worry about it though, doesn't take long to pick up the basics and there's loads of good advice to be had on the interwebs. Welcome and good luck.



to be fair to yourself mate you did use white which is a really difficult colour to paint even when you have experiance. Its the bane of my exsistance and I avoid ti when possible because i can never get ti smooth. You could try a difference scheme using better colours and you may find your not as bad as first impressions imply.



Its about having fun with it mate, not whether your first model will win you a slayer sword



Dude, keep at it, man, my first mini was horrible! But, as has been stated, Simple Green is your friend.


I'll add that you should thin out the paint, buy a good set of brushes (you'll be surprised how much good quality brushes improve your results) and if you're going to practice a lot, practice on metal minis (easier to simple green them^^).



What these guys said. My first ever model was a Grey Knight Terminator. by the time I was done with it, it had so many annoying layers you barely see the details. I still don't know why I used blue underneath white :( Keep at it buddy, and you'll be pretty good in minimal time. Search the interwebs and don't be afraid to ask for any advice whatsoever here! somebody will answer!


May the Emperor be with you!

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My First Mini... Version 2!!


In various stages:






And the finale..





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