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Running Calgar at 2000 pts?


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I love the Calgar mini, and as an Ultramarine player, I'm looking for a good excuse to bust him out for some Semi-Competitive matches. Anyone have ideas on some reasonable ways to use him in an army? As a side note, would running the HG from his boxset provide a reasonable escort for him?
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I've always figured if you take Calgar you're probably using him in his armor of Anticholus (spelling?) so he usually costs 265 points. Then if you tack on Honour Guard you have an especially potent CQC unit. However this cause 2 problems: 1) Cost is very high 2) You need to take a Land Raider in order to deliver them into combat effectively. The power of such a unit is mighty indeed, but at 2000 points Calgar, HG, and a LR are easily going to be more than 600 points (more than 1/4 your army's points). Used correctly, and making the rest of your list to compensate and fill in the role-gaps that Calgar and his HG cannot fulfill (i.e. long range support, scoring units, etc), then you can definately make an effective force based around him.
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I don't see why you'd really need to have him in his terminator armor. The only difference between termy armor and power armor on Calgar is that termy armor gives him teleport homer and 2+ save. Everything else stays the same.


If I were you, I'd run power armor calgar + a squad of assault terminators (a combo of LC and th/ss termies).

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I am actually putting the finishing touches on a "Counts As Calgar" as of now. I plan on fielding him without his TDA and with my Vanguard. I'm using him primarily for the ability to choose whether to pass or fail my morale checks. It's a lovely bonus that he's also a CC monster, which is true to the way my army plays anyhow.


He'll have a different name, and fluffwise won't be my chapter master and won't account for the Orbital Bombardment, but I think he'll be fun nonetheless.


As Giga said, there's not much difference between Calgard in PA and Calgar in TDA. Other can going from 3+ to 2+ and the teleport homer, he also loses his ability to Sweeping Advance (a big reason I steer away from assault terminators). So him + an HG or a vanguard means that unit is terrifying in CC AND can sweep. <3

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Calgar + assault terminators can sweeping advance, and they do that at I5. :)

Terminators can't sweeping advance, since that's the tradeoff for them being relentless. Even if an IC who normally could sweep joins a unit of termies, then they lose that ability since they have to stay with the squad they are attached to. Calgar in terminator armor can't sweep, so neither can his attached HG, or any other unit, since they stay with their commander. But if Calgar was in his power armor with attached HG (or other unit who can normally make a sweeping advance), then they could sweep as normal. Characters lose the ability to sweep if they join a unit which cannot, just like a character with FNP does not neccessarialy confer FNP to the whole squad they join.

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Just move calgar out of coherency during your movement phase, but still move him so that he can assault the same unit the terminators will assault.


There, you got calgar + termies assaulting a same target and getting their I5 sweeping advance.

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Just move calgar out of coherency during your movement phase, but still move him so that he can assault the same unit the terminators will assault.


There, you got calgar + termies assaulting a same target and getting their I5 sweeping advance.

That's excatly how you do it! Especially since he can be singled out in CQC anyhow. Getting the sweeping advance at I5 is awesome.

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Just move calgar out of coherency during your movement phase, but still move him so that he can assault the same unit the terminators will assault.


There, you got calgar + termies assaulting a same target and getting their I5 sweeping advance.

That's excatly how you do it! Especially since he can be singled out in CQC anyhow. Getting the sweeping advance at I5 is awesome.


I started a sizeable thread regarding TDA and Sweeping Advances in the Official Rules forum and this is more or less what we settled on...and it seems silly having to move them out of coherency to do it. So my club is thinking about just allowing mixed units to Sweep if the majority of the unit is not in TDA armor.


I kind of wish they'd write a more comprehensive FAQ.

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Just move calgar out of coherency during your movement phase, but still move him so that he can assault the same unit the terminators will assault.


There, you got calgar + termies assaulting a same target and getting their I5 sweeping advance.

That's excatly how you do it! Especially since he can be singled out in CQC anyhow. Getting the sweeping advance at I5 is awesome.


I started a sizeable thread regarding TDA and Sweeping Advances in the Official Rules forum and this is more or less what we settled on...and it seems silly having to move them out of coherency to do it. So my club is thinking about just allowing mixed units to Sweep if the majority of the unit is not in TDA armor.


I kind of wish they'd write a more comprehensive FAQ.

If you dont want to get to pendantic about it simply state that if a PA model wishes to sweeping advance it may, but automatically breaks coherency with the unit members who cannot SA. If done at the appropriate moment you can then move them together in your movement phase, but otherwise they are seperate during your opponents turn- as they have run forward to cut down the enemy, headless of their brothers pace.


Simple, streamlined, and sensical.



As for Calgar- Id say take him with 5 Honorgaurd, himself in PA, and take the unit upgrades like the banner.


Then get him a ride similar to that of the rest of your armor, or perhaps a landraider if your doing an all mounted army.


A very very nasty CC unit indeed.

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The good thing about Calgar is that hes a man tank, you can put him in PA with a 5 man tac/combat squad in a razorback and have an effective CC unit, if you take TH/SS termies then you have TWO effective CC units.

there is great wisdom in not putting all your eggs in a single basket, especially since Calgar can deal with most opponents single handedly.


Also you dont necessarily need to take an expensive CC unit as a bodyguard, like i said the 5 man combat squad in razorback is usually adequate to see him get to CC.



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The 2 (thats right, only 2) times that I have used him since 5th came out I have run him with assault termies out of a LR. Both have been 1750 point games and he was..... devastating. Absolutely destroyed both a IG and a Tau army. Of course it would have been better if his raider hadn't immobilised itself on grass both times.


My view is that even if he costs a load of points (715 with my config) its worth it. Attention is focused on him and you can use that to manoeuvre the remainder of your forces as you want. Want to keep a flank clear, stick him there. Want to ensure that your control point is super secure, stick him there. Its all about how you use him though I will admit that the sight of him and his 3xth/ss and 2 lc termies bullying a squad of firewarriors was hilarious.


So in summary, I like him, I like using him but I generally only use him when I want to use a list that is as unlike my usual list as possible.

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If you dont want to get to pendantic about it simply state that if a PA model wishes to sweeping advance it may, but automatically breaks coherency with the unit members who cannot SA. If done at the appropriate moment you can then move them together in your movement phase, but otherwise they are seperate during your opponents turn- as they have run forward to cut down the enemy, headless of their brothers pace.

Which, while ok ruleswise I suppose, is stupid because it's unfair.


The IC is considered to be a separate unit for the purposes of assaults (hence it can be singled out by enemy powerfists and the like), so why shouldn't it be able to be considered a separate unit for the purposes of sweeping advance?

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Doesn't Idaho run Calgar? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Im sure he has run him in the past, but usually he runs a standard chapter master with honour guard IIRC.

Tual is a big fan of Marney, perhaps your thinking of him?




edit: idjit spelling

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How do you use them as a meat shield?


As a meat shield against shooting because no matter how eternal you are, it's nice to have someone else share the torrent of pulse rifle/lasgun/bolter/shuriken shots coming your way.


If I don't care about scoring units then I pair Calgar up with a packless Assault squad (in a LR) and donate the Rhino APC to a scout squad.


Personally, I am a fan of putting a potent CC character in a squad of average units. Because of the character you know they will be shot up and it forces your opponent to split fire between your epic CC unit (HG, Vanguards) and your epic CC character (Calgar, Sicarius, Shrike etc.).

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Which, while ok ruleswise I suppose, is stupid because it's unfair.


The IC is considered to be a separate unit for the purposes of assaults (hence it can be singled out by enemy powerfists and the like), so why shouldn't it be able to be considered a separate unit for the purposes of sweeping advance?


Because that allows units to gain Fearless and re-roll attacks on the charge AND get a Chaplain *in Terminator Armor* backing them up.


While it would be awesome, it's not okay. See this (entire) thread for details:



Just work with RAW. As the IC can't leave the unit during the assault, if he starts it in coherency, they are bound by his inability to Sweep. He is treated as separate only for attacks and wound allocation.


Anyway, I never thought of running Calgar with a combat squad. I think I will do that today at my match; I'll let you know how it goes. =)

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