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Way of the Space Wolves

Iron-Daemon Forge

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Captain Artimum: Yep it been a while since you posted




Not really had much time on my Space Wolves as I been focuse on my main army, the Iron Warriors with the Grand Tournament the weekend that has just pass. So they where my No1 spot for painting, building & gaming.


Also give me a little break so I can see what my army that, what change where going to be made painting & army list wise


So now the GT has been & gone it time to get my Wolves done, being inspired by Spikyjames on these fourm own Wolves & given tips from other while down that the GT since it is the HQ of all that is Games Workshop!!












My local Gw is running a painting comp where the end of the month you paint up somthing to do with that month release. So for Space Wolves I done a lone wolf from left over bits I had since starting this army.








I have use the new Dead static grass which work so well with the base & the idea of Nids trying to take over the world!!


Wolf Guards






Also if that is not enough, my local GW doing a battle force comp as well, basicly like the tale of four gamer, it to help people start a army, show them how to paint it fast. I'm just in just to get some other thing for Wolves like Blood Claws so they are there, while I will try some conversion work on a small 5/6 man Grey Hunter unit & make up diffrent Power Armour Wolf Guards. Same time I will make a few Lone Wolfs in power armour as well just to look cool


Also in the photos you will see some Wolf Guard Terminators, bought a new box for bits to convert my Logan "count as" as I would like to convert my own model useing his rules. While same time there a box of Devastators so I can make up Long Fangs





  • 3 weeks later...



It has been some time since I last update. This is down to a few thing, mainly real life & also all hobby time was focuse on my Iron Warriors force for this year tournament session. You can find more of my IW by this link




So what have the Space Wolves been up to since they where last update here. LOTS!!!! I been useing my Drop Pod list a fair bit & I find they are fun, but for tournament sake it might not be best (lack of mobilty & long range fire power). However it cool to have this 1500pts army, then I'll have a further 1500pts of a tournament force & add onto this a further 1500pts Terminators force (which I can now make with all the parts I have left over!!!!)


Anyway here photos


With the tournaent list in mind, it has resulted in me useing Logan Grimnar....however I like thing to be my own, so I chosen to have the Logan rule for my "count as" Wolf Lord, also I wanted Wolf Guards to be troops!!!!






Logan "count as" with his Wolf Guard bodyguards. This has been a good unit so far in games, they do get killed but just the amount of damnge they do, it well worth the pts.




I still need to add the Power Weapon to the un-undercaoted models. Just trying to get around it, as like I said busy life get in the way :P


My current tournament list is trying out double Land Raider, after seeing what was in show that the UKGT heat 1 in Oct there.




Really enjoy building the Land Raider & have the inside painted. Just the Land Raider bring back a lot of memories as I still rememeber the day they where release & the WD article that give a lot of great tips. It good to finial get to use one....or two :)


Also I am current having to rush a Space Wolves battle force. My local GW store is running a battle force comp for a month (start of Oct), however with real life & my IW with tournament session. I not had time until this week to get around & build/paint. Down side is, the deadline for the battle force comp is this Sat!!!!!! So some model have been rush in term of not fully built the way I want them. But whole idea for me to make unit like the Blood Claws so they are just there, while the Wolf Guards I made so I got those diffrent chose between games if I want to/to try out diffrent builts.




WIP Bjorn the Fell Handed

Not how I wanted the model, but right now it simple because I had the Dreadnought spare & we need a HQ. I'll get around to doing a proper version of Bjorn the Fell Handed useing the Forge World Venrable Dreadnought.


The Space Marine there will be a Wolf Guard simple carry the Heavy Flamer. No in game effect beside carry the heavy flamer & look cool




New Grey Hunter which will be use in my tournament force. Just more making use of the molded shoulder pads to look cooler




Wolf Guards




Blood Claws




Some rush scouts, proper once are being made up but taken a while, also it useing what is in the battle force box set




Still got my Drop Pod to paint.


For the Drop Pod force of my Space Wolves, not much has been done/painted due to the amount of other stuff I got on the go. But will try get photos of them up on Sun.


On another note, as shown there I have Two Land raider. I am looking for cool idea to make them stand out. For exsample I have plasticard Iron Warriors icon or free hand painted a Mark of Chaos Undivided onto the hatch of my Rhinos as seen in the link above^^.


So lots to arrive for the Space Wolves, just very little time currently.


cheeseychaoslord Posted Oct 20 2009, 07:15 PM

awsome army!!!!!


I like space wolves so much but i have no money after buying space hulk


The joy of having Space Hulk release on my birthday ;) Ment I got two copy for free, while I had money to spend that Games Day UK. Right now my Wolves are roughly 4500pts, a extra 1500pts if I can work out my old Space Wolves force which can be seen here






You're an army forging factory, IP.


Liking the Wolves, and the poses and paint jobs look solid.




This was said about me in a recent tournament (my gaming club Stirling wargamer Rapid Fire tournament) in one of the gamer reports


Best Painted Army: The hobby-machine that is Jamie won again with his Iron Warriors, and he deserved to. I can’t wait to see what he paints up next


Like I said, got Daemons done in Nov to 24th Dec. Iron Hands 28th Dec to the 8th Feb. Space Wolves shown in link before this post in four weeks. WFB Chaos army 2250pts painted in five hours. Battle Fleet gothic chaos fleet built, painted, varnish in six hours.


Right now my Wolves from the battle force challenge should hopeful be all fully painted by tomorrow night & ready for varnish on Fri moring.


Then I can focuse back onto my Drop Pod Space Wolves force get them fully painted & of course keep working away on my tournament list.



  • 2 weeks later...



Well first all, as per usely real life has been taken up a lot of time & more so with the christmas session almost upon us, so lot of stuff to do before this holiday hit the world. So going to be a busy few weeks & having a knock on effect onto my painting time ;)


So what been happen with my Space Wolves.


Well first of all here are the models I been painting with any spare time I had. A new unit of Grey Hunter along with the Wolf Guards shown in the last post. These two units along with my logan "count as" (I preffer useing the rule for my own Wolf Lord) will hopeful be make part of my tournament army (play testing of course will tell)


The first of two unit of Grey Hunter which will be in my planned tournament force. Arm with a Melta, Mark of the Wulfen & a Power Weapon, they will soon be join by a Wolf Guard with Combi Melta & power fist




Mark of the Wulfen, like my Pods force I wish to keep with the beastman sheild idea. It mark him out in games & just look cool, also like the art work of the Lone Wolve






Still a lot to do from finish of the eyes to other little bit of detail.


While here is my Wolf Guard unit with Logan count as Grimnar




I did have single photos of each Terminators, however they sadly turn out to blurry :) Again the unit is almost there, just bits of detail & the eyes to finish off.


As for the Space Wolves overall....... well so far it turn out I have around 4500pts of Space Wolves since Games Day UK. In total there is 70 Power Armour Space Wolves (4x unit of Grey Hunter, 1 Unit of Wolf Guards, 1 Long Fang, 1 Blood Clawns unit), 5 Scouts, 1 Dreadnought, 4 Drop Pods, 25 Terminators, 3 Land Speeder & two Land Raider.


The drop pod side of the army which where orignaly shown in this topic. I am aim to get them finish off by the end of next week (finial got a few days free & set aside for painting).


Battle force challenge. As said in the last post I am current take part in a battle force challenge that my local store is running. The painting side has been push back take of a bit of stress I had while trying to get my own battle force fully finish. It also allow me to make some quick replacement of models with some nicer conversion, mainly the Scouts. Or to spend a bit more time painting like the Blood Claws.

So I have unit the 2nd of Dec until my Battle force shown in last post, need to be fully painted :huh:


Finial, my local store dose a painting comp know as "end of the month" which is basicly painting a model that is theme upon the release of the month, this month is currently some Rat men of a magicly (heretic) world of Knights & Dragon.

However last month being the Space Wolves release, I enter my Lone Wolf which was shown a few post back








Turn out he came 2nd place over all in my local GW painting comp. So really happy with this, he still in display that Games Workshop Falkirk along with the other models that where eneter.


So next week I will be focuse on finish my 1500pts Drop Pod army which where orignaly shown in this topic. Then I will be aim on focuse on my Space Wolves battle force for the 2nd of Nov for the painting comp side of thing as well as mini tournament that is being held. Try out some conversion & make some replacment on models which where rush.



Excellent, darker Space Wolves, always a fan of non-bright marines, brightly coloured marines just... feel wrong. I think you got a great grey balance with their armour there, nice work!




Yes I like my dark colour :tu: I am just not a fan of bright colour to be honsty, if people seen my IW they will notice I never use Hazor strips. Ever army I have in a dark tone ;) Just for me the 40k world is not a bright happy place like some kid movie, it a world of total war & slaughter :D


With the grey is simple Battle Grey from the Foundation, Black wash (not to heavy), highlight with codex grey & then a finial highlight on the more rise area with fortress grey.


Gold is Dwarf Bronz, old GW Brown Ink, Purple Wash.


Green power weapon, etc.. Highlight the edge with (so the middle area still Black) Dark Angels Green, Snot Green Scorpian Green, Green wash all over the weapons.



  • 2 weeks later...



It time I try to update this a bit more. Right now though my real life is busy to a point I rarely had any painting time over these past two weeks (was aim to update this topic ever week), there nothing you can really do about it :D


However thing will lighten up soon.


Anyway I though I would take this time to go through my Wolves & show people how far this project really has came on since Games Day UK


First up the orignaly start to the brand new Space Wolves being a all out Drop Pod force, 1500 Strong.


List was (not include wargear), Wolf Lord, Rune Priest, 9 Wolf Guards, 2x 8 Grey Hunter, 6 Grey Hunter, 3 Single Land Speeder, 4 Drop Pods




Also here is my current WIP Logan force. This was mainly to try out for the tournament front, those the list is good........it dose not do it for me & a bit of a risk in the GT scene IMO

Logan, 6 Wolf Guards (2 not included), Rune Priest, 7 Grey Hunter, 7 Grey Hunter with rhino (not shown), two Land Raider




As said a few post back my local GW been doing a battle force challenge, I wanted to use this chance to add in unit like Blood Claws & Lone Wolfs just so there built & ready to use.




If this was not enough, I have already been working hard on my finial tournament list (play test permit of course) & here a little preview into the tournament Wolves army that I been building tonight


One of two new Grey Hunter




Second Grey Hunter




Why more grey hunter. It simple I want to have these with the molded Shoulder pads with the Wolf head to look that bit cooler which you can see on the photo below & after spending a fair bit of time on this Space Wolves army I am getting a bit more idea for conversion




Finial in this new tournament list, it will see one of Three Dreadnought






I am hope to start painting this Dreadnought on Mon that my local GW. Aim to try & free hand paint some celitc rune which I said in the past few post on this topic.


Also here is the second of the three dreadnought, just bought him today & half way build him while also type this post




As well as buying this Dreadnought today, I also got this nice order from GW Mail order :P




So as said real life has been very busy right now. However I am hoping to get some hobby time to sit down & paint as of the end of next week. Want to try get my Drop Pod army fully painted before Dec. While my new tournament list, the models for that will be on/off until March which will be there first tournament know as ELG Conpulsion on the 26th of March. So will need to get my Space Wolves fully painted for that.


Right now I am thinking for counter for the object mission



- Legion of the Damned carry back a Space Wolves squad who have been badly wounder while Scout out for my force

- Nids over the slaughter remains

- Nids battle a Squad of Grey Hunter or Scouts??


Home & away mission (can never rememeber the name of this from the rule book)

- Grey Hunter or Wolf Guard carry my Great Company standard

- Lone Wolve sitting on top of a Nid monster, sort of like the Viking King in the 13th Warrior when he has been posin & finial fall to his wounds after killing the evil warrior king.


Well that it for now. This Fri coming I should have the time in which I can finial sit & paint that home, focuse on getting the Drop Pods force fully painted first.





Update time


Mange to get a fair bit of work done onto my Dreadnought today (one shown in last post)








Also some work onto my new Grey Hunter








So I have tomorrow free (really need it after this month solid of meeting, etc.. :P ) & as said Fri. Tomorrow I will be aim to get a fair bit of this second new Grey Hunter unit built along with the second Dreadnought.



  • 2 weeks later...



Well with a lot more time on the hobby side I been focuse on the tournament side of my Space Wolves force. With the new list made & doing well (2 wins, one making a Ork player give up on turn 3 before my assault & one draw....you got to love Bjorn being a object :) )


So here what I have so far


My chooser of slain model/maker






Though it ment to be a bird background wise for the Wolves. To be honsty I not being able to find many raven or if I have there to plain & not what I have in mind. So what the next best thing....servo skull dose the same job (as shown in Dawn of War 1)


Some more of the Second Grey Hunter unit




Wolf Guard




Also here two of the new Dreadnoughts (theme on Wolf Guards of my HQ bodyguard)














List change: As you see one of the Dreadnought has a Missile Launcher, that is as good as gone from my list & will be replace with a Heavy Flamer on the Dread close combat weapon. Just make sence when you got wolf tooth, also as the name missile launcher would suggest. In the three games I fought with the tounry list, it really had not hit that all, it not even funny any more.

So it gone & will be replace with a DCCW with heavy flamer.


Also since some money arrive & before Christmas present have to be bought for family, I got these :)




The Predators will be for my Razorback since I preffer the turret look & also the spare side weapon can be use for other projects.


Also yes I paint inside my tanks (currently waiting on the paints to dry so spend time getting this up)




The box of Space Marines, well with the release of The Legion of the Damned I though it would be cool for object marker. By this I mean what will be cooler than Legion of the Damned trooper carry wounded Space Wolves who scouted ahead of my main force, only to be badly out number by a Nid hordes.






So I will be useing a mix of the metal & converting some of the Plastic Marines there.


Next update should be Fri or Sat hopeful





Little update on the Space Wolves tournament side of things


So far the list I have planned for the tournament session doing really well with 3 wins, 2 draws & one loss under it belt over this past week. Overall Bjorn is well worth it, though he hated difficult terrain. But this topic about photos & what been built/painted so far :D


I've now started buying the armour element to my Space Wolves force in the four of the Rhino & two Razorbacks










The new Razorback I bought during the weekend.






Also in the last update, I spoke of how cool the new Legion of the Damned models where & how I was going to include them in my army in fourm of Object marker, well here they are so far










I've advance order a few of the brand new LotD models to make the other three object marker.


All that is left is to build my 8 man Grey Hunter unit which will start today. Then it is just my Rune Priest & Bjorn when FW release there Venrable Wolf dreadnought.


Also here the army as is current stand for my tournament force





  • 2 weeks later...



Time for a little update on the Space Wolves. I am currently in full swing painting the tournament side of my force & aim to get all current models finish before christmas.


So here a photo on my Rhino mounted unit along with Wolf Guard




Also while clean my roo out before the x-mas session is upon us. I mange to find the lost company, the 13th Company, men of the Wulfen




I still got another two to find. I might just paint these up & count as Wolf Guards/so they can be use in my overall might Space Wolves force.


But back to the tournament force here how thing are looking


Bjorn - Still waiting on the Forge World model to be release

Rune Priest - Currently gather bits to make a conversion. Only the chooser of slain marker is complete


Dreadnought with Heavy Flamer - Finish bar some detail (battle damnge)

Dreadnought - Finish

3x Wolf Guards, PF, Combi Melta - Two are getting painted, one still being built


5 Grey Hunter - Build & painted, just stastic grass & some detail left to do

Razorback - Painted, just need to weather it & battle damnge/chip


5 Grey Hunter - Build & painted, just detail left to do

Razorback - Still to get around & add plasticard extra armour


8 Grey Hunter - As seen half are in the painting phase. The other half will be build during this week

Rhino - Painted, just need weather effect & battle damnge.


So far games have been with my tournament force for those intrested


Orks Mech/Hordes - Won, they give up on turn 3 with a mere 20 boyz left, me lossing one Grey Hunter, Razorback & Dreadnought

Marines - Win

Space Wolves - Draw, lot of Grey Hunter

Marines - Loss, could not make a save for GH

Marine - Draw

Chaos Guards - Win, epic battle for the Rune Priest with one wound vs the odds with 40+ lasgun shots, battle cannon shell's (you got to love ruinic armour) & getting into bitter close combat slaughter many a foe until the wieght of number was to much.

Tau - Draw.


So next update I hope to have all current models finish for this tournament force & also try spend time finish off my Drop Pod force orignaly seen that the start of this topic.




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