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Some Chaos Marines WIP

Void Stalkers

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I recently bought a box of Emperors Children thinking they all came with Sonic Blasters, they did not, so i built some

im not good with GS, and this is my first project with more than a tiny amount....

Here is the first one


side veiw


2and guy gun built out of Plasma Cannon and combi-flamer from Chaos Vehicle sprue


Side veiw


And the last for now




Any Advice or comments helpful!


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Not bad for a first attempt. I'm guessing you had only a hobby knife to work with, yes?

One thign that will help you for future attempts is starting with smaller amounts of Greenstuff. It's far easier to fill in the gaps in the guns first, allow the GS to set, and then add smaller pieces later. For example, on the very last pic...maybe fill in the gap in the gun first, using a wet tool to smooth the GS out. Let it cure. Then use thin rolls of GS to get the general shape of the skull bulked out. Use a wet tool to sculpt the details. Allow that layer to cure. Finally, add the scuplted detail of the grille into the mouth area.

Working in small additions allows you to achieve much finer details than pushing around a big blob of material.

Keep at it!

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ya All i have is a very dull hobbey knife right now...

hrm.... I never thought of doing it by layers, when I get my next box of the buggers i will do that!

i got another pic of that last guy, this time a close up of the shoulder


and the next try




this guy is not one of my favorite, kind of a horrible job with the green stuff


close up on weapon




this one was built out of a multimelta




there is a bolter under all of this GS




group shot


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does the organicness follow a slaaneshi theme very well?


In my opinion, no. It looks more like Nurgle.



It's great that you want to become better with Green Stuff, but building custom weapons could be more easily achieved by simply combining bitz or using plasticard.

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does the organicness follow a slaaneshi theme very well?


In my opinion, no. It looks more like Nurgle.



It's great that you want to become better with Green Stuff, but building custom weapons could be more easily achieved by simply combining bitz or using plasticard.


True, it does have more of a bloated Nurgle feel, I tend to think of Slannesh being sleeker - though if it is painted up all fleshy and wet, could look more obliterator like.

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hrm.... i was going ta paint them in a metalic color, but i think i will try the flesh first.


I was also hoping to cut off some of the more bloated parts and (attempt) to sand it into a sleeker shape, i will post pics when i have gotten that done.


I GS'ed the heck out of a squad of plague marines too (before hearing all your advice im afraid)

Anyone interested in seeing them?

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