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Space Hulk Sergeant


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Hi guys, this is my Space Hulk Sergeant, very WIP at the moment, but please let me know what you think of him.

The base is made of plasticard and flymesh and the white dots on it are where th model is to be attached (he will eventually be pinned in place).

Im painting him in much the same way as he appears on the box, although i might add som free hand patterns to parts of his armour later...










As i say any comments will be greatly appreciated, both good and bad :D



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The face is pretty damn good - the teeth aren't so in your face as the ones painted in the White Dwarf. The Storm Bolter is very nicely painted too.

It doesn'e look like you undercoated as I can see large areas of what looks like bare plastic. Was this deliberate? All told, the red armour is a nice colour - it's got a touch of orange in it which I like.


Good work so far!

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