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I think I got it! Now with more pics!

Iron Man I

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After seeing AlexCrute's fantastic Imperial Fist army(http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=145321), I wanted to see if I could duplicate his scheme with easier to obtain paints. (Some of the ones he listed were OOP.) So I started thinking, experimenting, revising, until the final piece clicked. P3 Yellow ink. So I started my experimnent.

Basecoat the min in white.

Coat the entire miniture in flat flesh (vallejo model paint. NOT Game paint)

Then mix white (Any white paint, I use Vallejo) with water till you get a thick soupy mix.

Go over the model with this mix. At first it looks like you are painting the model white again, but it dries more translucent allowing the flesh color to show.

Paint the entire model with a good coat of P3 yellow ink. This will turn the miniture a nice golden yellow. (Not the paint color)

Now the trick :) Put ONE drop of yellow ink in the white soup mix and heavily dry brush the mini.


As a side note, I think if you use more white paint than water you will get a more yellow color.

Here is the result (I am the suxor at taking photos btw.)



This took tops....15 mins to do.

EDIT Here is the second one I did



and another of the first one



I would love to see more. I have one pot of yellow ink left and need another way to paint these guys. The super smooth appearance of inked marines makes the armor look great.

Thats why i was trying to find a diffrent way of doing IF with out using GW Yellow ink since its OOP now. Every one fo these paints you can get online or at your local Brick and Mortor.

I'll try and get a pic of the other one I did, but I dont think it came out as well as i would have liked it. But again it was just a rough test.

It may be the photos, but there sems to be a lack of shading/darker hues in the recesses?

Yeah this was just to see if I could get the yellow right since thats 80% of the mini.

The main colours look fine, and I will add the recipe to my collection ready for use on my upcoming IF force.



Hope to see pics!

Yeah, the yellow goes on before the shading.


What are you using for the blacklining, Iron Man? I'm pretty sure Alex's Brown Ink is OOP as well.

Hadnt thought of it, but I believe that p3 makes a brown ink.....checking.......YUP, they make a brown ink. I'll give that a whirl when I can.


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