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2000 Pts fighting against Orks

The Emporer's Divine Fists

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I have lost time and time again against Orks. The ork player usually has all of his boys mounted in 3 truks and a battlewagon. Also he has a squad of deffkopters and a squad of bikes. He usually has a model with a shield generator also in a vehicle. He usually takes his 3 trucks and a looted vehicle, that holds the model with the shield generator, straight toward my objectives. This makes it very difficult for me to take out his vehicles and stop his advance.


This is the list I plan on taking next time. (It does not have a Thunderfire cannon, only because I don't have one)


1 Chaplin on bike attached to bike squad 135

4 Bikers 200

PF for Sergeant

Attached Attack Bike w/HB

1 Attack Bike w/HB 40

1 Dead Multi-Melta and CC weapon 150

Drop Pod w/Locator Beacon

5 man Termie w/ SS/TH 200

2 Standard 10 man Tac Squads 460

Both Sergeants PF

Both in a Rhino

1 10 man Dev Squad 230

4 Missle Launchers

1 Whirlwind 85

Scouts w/sniper rifles 140

Camo Cloaks

Sergeant Telion

1 Combat Squad 165

In a Razorback with Twin Linked Lascannons

1 Vindicator w/seige shield 125

1 five man assault squad 125


Power Weapon


Now that I have given you the list I plan to take I will explain how I plan to use it. (I have never tried this tactic before)

I plan to split my forces into three areas; attack, support and defense. I am not planning for an annihlation mission.

My attack portion is further split into 2 sections 1 to attack his attack force and the other to attack his objective(s).


Placing Objectives: If it is a capture and control mission I will place my objective near the rear in either the right or left of the table, not in the middle, but in cover. If it is a Seize ground mission I will place my first objective in the same spot as I would previously and any further objectives will be all on one side (hopefully my opponent will pick this side, effectively spreading him thin.)


Deployment: I will hopefully go second; Orks should want to go first. That way it gives me the bottom of the turn to contest any objectives at the last second.


In the cover where my obective is I will place my combat squad in the Razorback, the vindicator, and the 5 man assualt marines. On the opposite side of the board I will place my Devastator squad, Whirlwind and my scouts. In the center I will place my bikes. Everything else I will hold in reserve.


Turn 1: If he is bold enough to try and take the 1 objective that he doesn't have (Seize ground Mission) or the objective that he will definatly be going for (Capture and Control) I will drop my dread right on the comming force attempting to take out the vehicle that has the shield generator in it. Hopefully it goes well and I am able to take out this vehicle with either my dread or my Dev squad or twin linked lascannons on Razorback. Hopefully with that many shots I get the vehicle. Once the shield generator guy is out I will use my sergeant telion to attack him specifically. If Sergeant telion and snipers cannot do the job, thats when my Whirlwind steps up hopefully using the ignoring cover shots to take his squad out or most of it out. Also, if he did get the first turn and there is anything in range I will shoot my Vindicator.


Turn 2: I expect I might have lost my dread to either shooting or close combat. Hopefully my drop pod is still there. I will attempt to deep stirke my Termies in to further slow down his assaulting unit. If they scatter to far away I will run them really close to his truks. If they do not show up I will use my bikes to do slow him down. Again using my support to shoot at his oncomming units. If my Tacs show up I move them as fast as they can toward the nearest objective and pop smoke if they cant get into cover.


From their its pretty much just stall him from getting to my objective using Bikes, Termies, and last ditch the assault squad. My tac squads just go up and try to at least contest objectives, not getting out of the rhinos if they can help it.


Well thats my plan what do you think?

I have a very large Space Marine Army and can pretty much take anything except the thunderfire cannon, either type of veterans and scout bikes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The trick against orks like this is a lot of high S weapons. Trukk squads are much easier to fight IMO then hordes. If he dives straight for you plan on it. Typhoons, dakka preds, LRC's, TFC's, just plain well equipped tacticals, all are very effective against Orks. I would definitely take some speeders, but bikes will suffice. Proxy that chaplain as a bike captain to make your bikes scoring. Those termies are a little lonely without a LRC. Your list as a whole seems very incoherent and unable to create synergy. You also offer up a lot of KP's. Things like the sniper scouts, small assault squad and walking TH/SS termies will perform very poorly against orks. try to cram in as many ML's in here as you can and it'll be smooth sailing, ML's, autocannons and HB's really hurt Orks. ML's for nobs and deffkoptas, AC's for Kans, kannons and trukks and HB's for trukks and the lads. pack a few Melta guns for the battlewagon, or an LC. Autocannon dreads, Typhoons and whirlwinds will all reap a bloody tally on the greenskins.
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