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I do hope this is the proper place for this but if not, I am sure i will be redirected to the proper place by one of the admins or someone else. anyway!


I have begun recently to work on a small unit of Crimson fists for a 1850 list all infantry space marine force in a tourny coming up. as i could not paint all of my models in time as Salamanders and I came to owning a crap ton of crimson fist models I have decided to throw them in instead of painting them just yet. As I was i found i really wanted to add Pedro Kantor to the army but I do not know of a good way to get the blue highlight/glow effect on the trimming of his armor to make this model look awesome and stand as one of 2 major players in the force.


As such i politely request to see any and all Pedro Kantor Models posted... though if it is not to much to ask I would also be greatful to ask to see any tutorial anyone has made on painting this guy. So far all i have figured out how to make good on a CF is the red hand. my main body so far is Necron Abyss with a light highlight of Enchanted blue. gets the job done but wanted to make him look better.


thank you for the time and help if you can pass me any links!

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hey man...


i can help...

i use P3 paints, so the colours will be a bit different...

first off, here's the painted mini:




first off, i put down a basecoat of Exile Blue...

this is about like Regal Blue...


next is a heavy wash with P3 Armor wash...

you can use Badab Black...


then i came back with the Exile to clean up the armour plates, but bein' careful to leave my shadows...

the Exile made for a nice dark blue armour, so all i had to do was come back in with sharp line highlights...


the first layer was Cygnar Blue Base...

it's close to Ultramarines Blue, i believe...

these lines are a bit fat, to provide some transition between the base and the next two layers of highlights...


next a fine line of Cygnar Blue Highlight...

Enchanted Blue should work here...

try to keep things neat and sharp, and make the lines a bit thinner than the previous layer you are painting over...


the highlights are finished with a 50-50 mix of Blue Highlight and White...

Enchanted and White for you...

these lines shuld be very sharp and neat...


that's it, 5 fairly simple steps...

neatness is the key...


hope that helps...




Jah how did you do the red? Fist/leather straps?


That's an awesome mini.


Davidkits. I suggest using the search feature of the WIP/Hall of honor boards. You will find ten times more Kantors than people will likely reply here, then you can just PM them your question.


(you might not need to, Jah's Kantor rocks)

the reds are all P3 reds, done in layers...

the start is Sanguine Base...

shade with Armor Wash...

50/50 mix of Sanguine Base and Skorne Red...

pure Skorne Red...

50/50 mix of Skorne Red and Khador Base Red...

pure Khador Base Red...

50/50 mix of Khador Base Red and Heartfire (an orangey yellow) for the final fineline highlight...


the main thing i've done with the reds here on Pedro is to vary how bright i went on each component...

for the hanging straps i went the darkest, stoppin' at the pure Skorne Red stage for the highlights...

the fist icon, and the tassles, i went up to pure Khador Red Base for the highlights...

i took the Power Fist, the Bolter Fist, and the shoulder pad rim up to the last stage of highlights...


glad ya like him...




thank you Jah! this means a great deal to me, your model is the level i would wish mine to turn out. and if he does turn out well maybe after my tourny i can repaint them more like this. once more i bow to you and will try starting on this tonight *bows repeatedly*

Unfortunately I have no pics of my Kantor, but for the blue I tried something completely different.


(Do this before painting the red)


Mithril Silver base coat

1 wash of Badab Black over the entire model

3 liberal "baths" of blue wash (Asurmen blue I believe it is)


Should turn out a nice dark metallic blue.


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