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Overcoming the TAU


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I thought i would give you a run through of my 2000pts game with the tau,

This is my list Space Wolves 2000pts list

and he had something like:

2x Shas'o w/ Bodyguards with plasma/fusion, 4+ invun, 2 sheild drones


12 fire warriors x4


2 hammerheads

3 broadsides


8 pathfinders w/ devilfish


We where playing Size ground, with standerd deoplyment...

He got first turn, kept all his fire warrios in reserve, bar one squad in the devilfish, had pathfinders and broadsides up high, and had battlsuites in cover, and hammerheds near, with devil fish on the side,

I had the plasmas up high, and the wolves in the middle ready to charge with Canis (that didn't really work.....)


Turn 1

Anyway, he moved devilfish towards a point, kills 2 wolves with hammerhead blast (misses with other one) and kills 1 plasma and sergeant with Railguns from broadsides.

I brought down the grey hunters and long fangs, long fang killed the devilfish, and rune priest killed a drone :S

both Grey hunter squads did damage to battlsuites... not much though


Turn 2

He gets 1 squad of FW comeing on, and brings them behind the Grey hunters, and kills 3/4, then charges with Battlsuite, the other squad gets obliterated by the other battlsuit squad :(

the Long fangs died too a rapid fireing FW squad and 3 rail guns and missle pod things from the boradsides, Logan and Rune Priest left with 1 wound each.

I have a big fail with the wolves, and roll a double 1 when trying to assualt the battlsuits, So canis is left exposed.....with 8 wolves.

my Termies do not come one, grey hunters in combat with battlsuits kill them off... Logan goes and kills pathfinders, and Rune priest kills fire warriors :D.


Turn 3

His other 2 fire warrior squads come on...

Canis and his squad die (just 10 wolves left) the grey hunter squad is down to one man... and the Rune priest is dead, Logan hid though :P

My turn, Termies do not come on due to second double 1 of the game....

Logan kills 1 broadside and 2 drones, they run, but cannot be caught :( the other wolves kill 2 bodyguards and a drone, but he passes leadership (it may have been 2 turns to kill the 2 bodyguards, he was saving too much...) the singel Grey hunter killed 1 fire warrior, but then died in combat.


Turn 4:

Wolves get killed, Logan gets killed, i'm left with 2 plasmas down, the Broadsides don't run off the table, giving time to re-group.

THE TERMIES COME DOWN finally, i DP next to 2 of the points, and near fire warriors.


Turn 5:

He shoots about 30 fire warriors between the 10 squads, 1 railgun shot, and the Shas'o but only kills 2 Wolf claw ones.

I go into combat with 3 wolf claws against a whole squad, and the thunderhammers manage to assualt 2 squads, and wipe them both out :D and get onto a point, as do the wolf claws, meaning my Wolf guard that are troops because of Logan, win the game 2-0 as he rolled a 1 to continue :D


(other things that happend, my plasmas didn't do too much damage, killed 4/5 FW, and glanced a Hammerhead, the DPs where pretty helpfull, killed a few fire warriers, and took a couple of woudns from Shas'o he left them alone since it was a captureing game)


I was quite please with the end result, although i thought i didn't really do the DP assualt thing that well.... the wolves just don't really work against Tau, unless they get a clear run, they just need to be shot a little to die (or have the shas'o save about 10 wounds, then do 2/3 himself, and get cought running away...)

Logan was great when he got into combat, apart from hes T4, and has no granades (Termie amour :( ) and can't catch things.....

Rune Priest is good, i like them, and Grey hunters are very effective, i am now thinking, maybe 3 squads of them in DPs, coming down, or maybe even 1/2 squads footslooging behind the wolves? or infront of them....

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