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Facing Eldar in Planetstrike


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I'm playing two 2500 point games against Eldar in Planetstrike, and I've only played about 3 games vs Eldar before. What tactics should I be ready to use or face, and what specifically should I make sure is in my army for attacking or defending?
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I'm playing two 2500 point games against Eldar in Planetstrike, and I've only played about 3 games vs Eldar before. What tactics should I be ready to use or face, and what specifically should I make sure is in my army for attacking or defending?


I've never played Eldar yet, but I do know a few basic things to get you started.

1) Expect Fire Dragons in Falcons/Wave Serpents (whichever one they can use). These guys exist to toast your squads and armor. They have the same basic role as Termicide squads or Melta Ironclads, come in, knock out a vehicle and probably die. In Planetstrike, expect these guys to go after your Bastions or Land Raiders. Anything AV14 is a prime target as its almost alway worth more then they are.


2) Most players use Dire Avengers in Wave Serpents as their Troops. If you're familiar with the Tau "Fish of Fury" idea, is basically the same thing. They ride up in their uber skimmer, drop out and unleash Bladestorm (30+ S4 shots from a full squad) then hop back into the transport and zoom away.


3) Banshees or Harliquins are the normal assault units and (big surprise) are also loaded into skimmers. One has Power Weapons and will always strike first in combat while the other has Rending, Inv saves and sometimes an upgrade that forces you to check your firing distance (like Grey Knights).


To counter points 1-3, you need to have a focus on weapons that can reliably take out AV12 at range. Being skimmers, you can't rely on every assaulting them and even a Melta weapon (on foot) might be too short range. Fast moving Melta weapons or long range anti-tank is needed. You also have to make sure you can kill the exposed squad once they hop out, you don't want them to get back into their ride.


Eldar also like to do fancy last turn objective grabs, using their skimmers to push you off objectives or contest things.


4) Eldar Warwalkers are basically like IG Sentinels. AV10 walkers that can carry lots of dakka. Beware the Outflanking and loads of S6 shots into side armor.

5) Some players use the Wraithguard as their troops. They're absurdly tough, like Plague Marines but worse. However they are very slow and very short ranged with some warp gun that does something weird with wounding/armor


6) Wraithlords are always a threat. T8 with 3 wounds is a pain to kill. I believe the typical loadout is the Missile Launcher and Brightlance. At BS4, thats 2 S8 shots per turn which isn't too shabby. Best bet to kill it is Krak Missile, Plasma, LasCannon spam possibly backed up by Power Fists. Or go crazy with TH/SS Terminators.

7) Eldar HQ units are pretty wicked. Farseers have a few powers, the most common ones are Doom (reroll wounds on enemy) Forture (reroll saves on Eldar unit) and Guide (reroll shots for Eldar units). In combat they're nothing special, but they're great support. Auturachs (spelling?) have some abilities that mess with your reserve roll, otherwise they just have alot of "normal" Eldar options. The Avatar of Khaine is fairly common. WS10 MC who is immune to Flamer/Melta weapons and makes Eldar around him Fearless. Best bet is treat it like a Wraithlord since its walking up the board.


As for a Marine list, I'd probably focus more on Troops, 4-6 Rhino squads of Tacticals is alot to chew through. This would also be a good time to take large Biker Troop squads. Support them with some Dreads in Drop Pods and Land Speeder/Attack Bikers with Multi-Meltas for anti-tank duty. Dakka Predator/Whirlwind would be very nice for the infantry killing, no armor saves and wounding on 2's, plus they're cheap. Jump Infantry works well, able to catch up to their vehicles and engage the infantry usually.

Lance weapons make Land Raiders a liability in my book, but some people still take them.


Does that help at all?

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I have a friend who is fairly good with his Eldar army and here is some of the tricks he uses.


1) Very effective- Watch out for jetbikes! They will zoom in behind your tanks/dreads and blow them apart from behind. They also like to take objectives at the last minute and they like to draw fire. Send an assault squad in to crush them in CC.


2) Remember that his wave serpents will nullify any shooting over S8. Meaning it all counts as S8. Hit them from behind with melta attack bikes or land speeders. One of his transports I believe nulls the melta rule but I'm not sure about this.


3) Howling Banshees can take out an entire 10 man squad in one CC phase! After that though you can shoot the crap out of them as long as their transport is out.


4) Don't worry too much about Wraithlords. They are not as good anymore in the most recent Eldar codex. Yes, they are formidable but can be taken out with the usual meltas, missle launchers, las cannon.


5) Dark Reapers can throw out A LOT of blast templates! Don't fall into a trap of wasting all of your shooting trying to take these guys out. I would think that 5 CC Scouts in a Land Speeder Storm would be good at dealing with these guys. But I play Blood Angels and thus have never used a LS Storm. Just guessing.


6) I've seen a squad of Striking Scorpions take out an entire Black Temlpar squad in two CC turns. These punks also have a 3+ save I believe! Don't underestimate them.


Last peice of advice I can give is to keep your guys together. Don't spread out or you will be picked off. Mass your firepower and keep units in support to counter their assaults. I have found that drop podding is useless against Eldar. You just get shot to peices and out-manuvered. Just my experience.


Hope this helps,


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THE best units in PS for Eldar are Swooping Hawks and Warp Spiders- pop in, assault *using a strategem to give the WS Meltabombs* and move like theres no tommorrow.


5) Dark Reapers can throw out A LOT of blast templates
Whered you that Idea? Three at most, if you take a peice of equipment and a power that makes your exarch cost almost 90pts by themselve. No, its 10 armor peircing rockets at S5 or S 8 that really does it.


But if you want some advice on eldar in general I point you to another thread:


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If they are attacking I would watch out for passive play with the aim for late game grabs. I would also suggest to spread your points around because a unit of deep striking fire dragons can ruin pretty much any unit in a turn and you don't want that :D



If the eldar are defending watch out for escape hatches I used these to great effect with howling banshees and fire dragons to counter assault.


Without knowing what the eldar player will be using its hard to give any solid advise.

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Here is what I'm going to try.



Terminator Librarian: null zone, gate

Sternguard x 7: drop pod, 3 multi meltas, power fist

Venerable Dreadnought: drop pod, assault cannon

Ironclad Dreadnought: drop pod, 1 hkm

Terminators x5: assault cannon

Assault Terminators x 5: th/ss (with transport)

Attack Bikes x3: multi meltas

Land Speeders x2: multi meltas, heavy flamers

Land Speeder: heavy bolter, heavy bolter

Assault Squad x10: 2x plasma pistol, power fist

Land Raider Crusader: multi melta (dedicated transport)

Land Raider


Predator (dakka)



Terminator Librarian: null zone, the avenger


Tactical Squad x10: heavy bolter, flamer

Tactical Squad x10: multi melta, flamer

Scout Squad x6: snipers, Telion

Sternguard x6: drop pod, 3x combi melta, power fist

Venerable Dreadnought: drop pod, assault cannon

Terminator Assault Squad x5: th/ss (with transport)

Attack Bikes x3: heavy bolters

Land Speeders x3: multi meltas, heavy flamers

Devastators x10: 3x missile, 1x plasma cannon, razorback

Land Raider Crusader: multi melta (dedicated transport)



Predator (dakka)



Attacking, the Librarian will be with the regular Terminator Squad, hopefully able to gate them to an objective late in the game if necessary. Attacking I am thinking about dropping in the Librarian with the Sternguard in the drop pod and keeping the Chaplain with the Assault Terminators.

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After recently being on the recieving end of a Planetstrike beatdown as the defender, I haven't got a whole lot good to say about fielding AV11 rhinos and razorbacks as the defender. A hit from a preliminary barrage is enough to wreck them, and if they're full of troops, it's like opening up a pinata for the follow-on shot. d6+ number of objectives... blarg. Leave the razorback and the whirlwind at home. Spend those points on a fast moving assault type unit that can clear the enemy away from an objective they're camping.
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After recently being on the recieving end of a Planetstrike beatdown as the defender, I haven't got a whole lot good to say about fielding AV11 rhinos and razorbacks as the defender. A hit from a preliminary barrage is enough to wreck them, and if they're full of troops, it's like opening up a pinata for the follow-on shot. d6+ number of objectives... blarg. Leave the razorback and the whirlwind at home. Spend those points on a fast moving assault type unit that can clear the enemy away from an objective they're camping.



The only 2 things that will be on the table will be my 2 Tactical Squads, split evenly on either side of a defense line. Scouts and Devastators will be in 2 Bastions, and the entire rest of the army will be in reserve.


I'm 2-0 in the Planetstrike League so far, once as the defender vs Daemons.

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I know I don't have to deploy in my dedicated transport (razorback), but can I then hold that transport in reserve if the unit is on the table in a Bastion? If not, then the Razorback WOULD have to be in the open.


If that is the case, it's either leave it in the open, or probably add another Assault Terminator for 40 points.

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