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A Battle For the Ages! ~CLOSED~

Lord Solcia

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(( A quick note. Not too sure if this belongs here, seeing as this is my first thing like this I'm putting on the B&C. ))


8 players have gathered and are split onto two teams.


My team: Robust Space Marines (Me), Mechanized Tau, Sniping Eldar Force, Mobile Sisters


Enemy team: Assault Space Marines, Infantry Heavy Necrons, Mass Deep Striking Daemons, Unspecified Orks (Possibly shooty, lolwut?)




We each have 1k points apiece, that means 4k points a team, and 8k points on the field in total! We'll be playing a meat-grinder mission. Now, not only have we never played a game this big before, but we've also never worked together as closely as we feel we will need to this time around. This is how the Sisters player and I (Best tacticians of the group) have planned this all out for the most part.


While the Tau acts with the heavy fire and making the enemy chase their tails in frustration (the enemy team is made mostly of new players and probably won't know how to deal with Mechanized Tau), Eldar Snipers find a good place to get their 2+ cover save sand go to town in whittling down the enemy's numbers, while also providing supporting fire for the Sisters and myself. The Sisters player is fielding the Saint and lots of flamers to try and roast the Orks quickly, while also jumping around a lot providing support where needed. My job (Robust Marines) is to take the most of the front lines' blows. Thus, I am fielding assault terminators and a land raider redeemer, as the spear tip of the defending force, so I can hold back the enemy long enough for our long range gunners to take out most of the enemy. From what we can see about the enemy force, they won't have almost anything at all to knock out the redeemer. The rest of my force is relying on mass fire to force lots of armor saves on all the high saves we'll be looking at. While it sounds like we have this squared away, most of you have probably realized that there is some glaring flaws in the plan and army compositions picked and put into stone. (For both sides).


I'm not too worried about the Necrons, as the player who will be fielding them is one I've trounced over and over again, and his tactics are predictable and usually very bad. The Marines will soak up a lot of fire, but still, not a lot of worry about them. While the Sisters have the responsibility of nailing the Orks, they're still fragile things and they won't hold out too long with their T3. I won't be able to do much to save em, as I'm basically martyring myself to keep everyone else safe. Now, the REAL problem and terrible trouble we'll be having is the fact that once the daemons touch down, they can easily get behind us and screw up our long range support. We're beginning to realize we might be at a horrible disadvantage at the sheer massive charge we'll be facing. While this is most likely going to be an epic battle with everything in it that we know and love, we wish to WIN this epic battle, no matter the cost!


Now, my wise brothers and sisters, I turn to you for assistance. While the army lists are set in stone as previously mentioned (and sorry, but I can not put more than the generic army type), the tactics are free to change and roles can be changed on a whim. So, what do my brothers and sisters suggest would be the best course of actions for this firestorm of a game?


Thank you all, and may the Emperor protect.



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Watch out for those Orks if they're going shooty. A good shooty Ork list will have a lot of Lootas, generally about 20 in a 1,000 pts list because they're so dirt cheap for the obscene amount of firepower they have. Mass Shoota Boyz are also very dangerous, as a mob of 20 can fire off 40 S4 assault shots. Even in CC, Shoota Boyz are scary, as they still get 3 S4 attacks each when they charge. A horde Ork list can easily overpower MEQs. The Sisters player might not even be able to handle them even with a lot of flamers, as Lootas and massed Shoota Boyz will gun down everything they've got if they get in range. Beware the Shokk Attack Gun! It's hard to control and somewhat random, but it's AP2 and if it rolls an 11 or 12 for its strength, you can kiss that Living Saint goodbye.


Necrons are meh. Avoid getting caught in rapid-fire range and beat him with plasma cannons and a Redeemer.


Daemons are a worry, especially if they're Khorne-heavy. Power weapons make Baby Calgar cry. Great Unclean Ones will laugh at your bolters. Bloodcrushers will eat almost anything you throw at them short of Assault Terminators. Bloodthirsters will ruin you. Shoot them before they reach you! Keepers of Secrets are frightening because they have Fleet and Initiative 10, so shoot them too.


Assault Space Marines shouldn't be too hard. Make sure you have your Redeemer or Assault Terminators ready to counter Assault Squads and Vanguard Vets (although nobody uses those).

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Just wanted to add that this topic is complete.


For those of you wondering, the battle went over spectacularly, with my army coming out in the end with almost a quintuple kill count compared to everyone else! The Redeemer and the Assault Terminators actually pretty much butchered 3/4 of the Marine player's army in just one turn!


For the Emperor my battle brothers! We have bled victory tonight!

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