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A year of my life in paint and plastic


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Hello everyone, I think this is my first post on this forum, though I have been regularly visiting the site and admiring all of your fine works. I just wanted to share some of the work I have been doing and hopefully get some feedback from y'all. This is also posted up at RelicNews Forums, so if you saw it there, nothing has changed... yet. Enjoy and thanks a lot in advance for the c+c.




First up is one of my Deathwatch army's Sternguard troopers. I modeled him to look like one of the Ultramarines Tyranid Hunters models that GW makes in metal. I tried to recreate the Tyranid head logo that I saw used on those models as his chapter badge. As you might notice it is a little off center... too late to do anything about it now.








This is the commander for the Deathwatch force. Fairly straight forward, but I magnetized his arms so I could have different configurations for my army. All my Sergeants and my Rhino/Razorback/Predator are also magnetized.



This is his shoulder pad, and yes it looks well awful, I can't paint the bird head to save my life it seems:




This is one of the line troopers for the Deathwatch army. I modified his Bolter and like all of my my DW troops he has my attempt at the Green Glowing eyes. More of these will be posted latter, my own camera died a horrible death and so I am having a friend take all my pictures and she does it when she can (it helps that her camera is WAY better then mine, and she does this sort of thing for a living).










This was a model I just threw together from spare parts. I wanted to try my hand at painting a Blood Raven after I did the chapter symbol for the Deathwatch Marine. My Blood Raven is a little darker then most I have seen, but I still like him.











This is another random space marine I whipped up from spare parts. This guys is TOTALLY magnetized; head, arms, and torso are all interchangeable. Right now he has a few arms and two heads, the other arms aren't done yet and the other torso (with jump pack) is still only primed.








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These are absolutely great!

The free hand demon face on that first mini's shoulder pad looks like it took a long time to do. That's some fine detail, my friend.


The mud on the blood raven's feet are a nice touch!

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@Brother 'Ussell: That was actualy a very simple conversion, but I would be more then happy to share how I did it. Fist thing I did was take a SM chest piece with the least amount of "stuff" on it, i.e. no aqula, winged skull, just the one with the single skull in the middle. Next step is to shave that skull off along with any other things that might be there. I then took two of the smaller pouche belt things from the SM tactical sprue and glued them directly onto the chest. Lastly I did a tiny bit of GS work to make straps that led from the pouches to the back, both top and bottom.


The idea I had was to make him look more 'tactical.' Next to the TrueScale projects, the conversion that has interested me the most was the idea of Tactical or Urban Marines, that is; marines that look relaisticlly like they are going into a modern or futuristic battle. To this end I have seen conversions that feature weapons modifications and different ways to equip the marines, usualy with more ammo and grenade pouches. This was my attempt at a chest rig like those we used/use in the U.S. Marines in Iraq and Afghanistain today. The concept behind it is that you place the ammo on the front of your chest so it is easier to get to when you need to reload.



Here is some of my insperation:



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This was my attempt at a chest rig like those we used/use in the U.S. Marines in Iraq and Afghanistain today. The concept behind it is that you place the ammo on the front of your chest so it is easier to get to when you need to reload.


If you really want to take it a step further, place the majority of the magizine pouches on the left lower side of his torso. We place the mag pouchs low on our bodies because your hand naturally falls in the same area, making for easier access, and on your left (or right side for left hand people) using your off hand for reloading.

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@KEEPER: Oh I am well aware of the more specific and realistic placement of mag pouches on flackjackets. I served in the Corps from '02 to '06, so Semper Fi. Next time I try this sort of thing I will give your suggestion a go. This guy was actually my second attempt on a chest rig, the first one looked more like he just had pouched hanging from his neck rather then actually strapped to him.


Its kind of hard to get anything extra onto the chest of these guys and still have them be able to hold a weapon though. I may attempt the more realistic looking pose that the guy from my second link tried, that might leave me room for the appropriate looking rig. Looks like a fairly simple conversion, use one of the arms from a SM turret gunner and then cut and GS a left hand to have it holding the Bolter.


Thanks for the comments guys! Its always a boost to have some peer review.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
This was my attempt at a chest rig like those we used/use in the U.S. Marines in Iraq and Afghanistain today. The concept behind it is that you place the ammo on the front of your chest so it is easier to get to when you need to reload.


If you really want to take it a step further, place the majority of the magizine pouches on the left lower side of his torso. We place the mag pouchs low on our bodies because your hand naturally falls in the same area, making for easier access, and on your left (or right side for left hand people) using your off hand for reloading.


True, but 40K SM's are ambidextrous.


I too liked the Bullpup. Was it a conversion or did you use one of the DA one's?

It would be pretty hard to convert as to be in use though. I have gone for on a couple of my Marines the Sten / Bren Bolter.

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