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My WIP TrueScale


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Hello all, I am making my second topic on this fine website today! The first was me gratuitously showing off my better finished works, this one will be me showing off my WIP stuff.


What I have here is a pair of attempted True Scale Marines. I have been inspired to attempt this project for over a year at least, ever since I first saw a True Scaled marine. I have been heavily inspired by a number of people and their fantastic work in this field and partly because of how many people it would be and mostly because I am lazy and don't have a lot of time today, I cant thank them all individually. Suffice to say that if my work looks like your work, its a safe bet that you inspired me, so thank you.


I have these guys already painted up, but due to not taking my own pictures (see post in the Hall of Honor for details) you only get to see the unpainted stage. I have them painted a green/blue color with silver trim and bright green chapter badges. The odds are you have already guessed what chapter they are from, but I will leave it a surprise for when you see them finished.


As always, I would love any feedback you can give me, particularly if you see something that needs improving/changing. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to look at this, and without further ado..:















In retrospect, I should have cut off the little armor plates on the hips... and now they are both fully painted. boooo...

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Normally T-Rexes look very, very wrong, but these guys are alright, since they have tiny chests too. Proportion wise they are terrible, but looks wise they are great. I am also interested to see how the tiny trim on the shoulder pad turns out. I have not seen anything like this before.
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I failed to mention this before, but since you pointed out the shoulder pad trim Terrible_Trygon, I feel I sould mention this as one of my bigger problems making these guys. I have the plasticard and I have a thickness I like, but I have been having a hard time keeping the width of the trim consistant, can anyone give me any pointers on that?
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I failed to mention this before, but since you pointed out the shoulder pad trim Terrible_Trygon, I feel I sould mention this as one of my bigger problems making these guys. I have the plasticard and I have a thickness I like, but I have been having a hard time keeping the width of the trim consistant, can anyone give me any pointers on that?


A 'square' and a metal ruler might help?


Oh, btw Good job Looks quite a lot better than some other t-scale marine I've seen (including mine :D )

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SCCOJake these are great! And they look relatively simple to do to, I've been trying to make my own but I am failing miserably, dont suppsoe you can give be a detailed brief of what you did could you?


From what I can see its terminator legs with green stuff to fill in the gaps, Terminator shoulder pads with added trim, and Greenstuff to extend the waist?

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your marines look good,IMO the torso could do with a little more bulk to it but otherwise ok.


I have the plasticard and I have a thickness I like, but I have been having a hard time keeping the width of the trim consistant, can anyone give me any pointers on that?


I find that a paper cutter works quite well for my purposes

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@Cosmic castaway: Sure, no problem. As you correctly surmised the GS in the gaps of the termi legs, termi shoulder pads (with plasticard trim added) GS at the waist to make the torso blend into the legs. Literally the only other thing I really did was space out the torso halves, one with just GS and the other with some plasticard and then GS to fill the gaps. For the shoulder pads I did fill in the cut out corner that all Termi shoulder pads seem to have with GS and then blend it in, but this step might be easily done with plasticard too. When attaching the shoulder pads to the arms I used a glob of GS to fill everything in, but I think next time I wont use so much and leave a little bit of a recess under the pad itself. (if any of that makes sense)


I hope that helps! maybe at some point I will do a little walk-through with pictures, but for now I am at the mercy of another to take my pictures for me.


Everyone else: thanks a lot for the support. I plan to make 6 of these in total and then 10 semi true scale scouts (i will have two scout squads and then one sternguard and a commander).

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  • 2 weeks later...

These guys are immense.

And just so you know the model is in proportion.

Do not listen to anyone who says they aren't.

The might be out of scale for GW stuff, but their stuff isnt in proportion anyway.

My friends a anatomist and very very avid True scale modeler, he has even molded and caste his conversions and has a decent size army of them.

He has had a pretty detailed look at almost every pisture and piece of fluff on marines going since the start, nothing in the fluff states or points towards them having anything different proportion wise other than their rib cage which is covered in the origional model anyway.

And anatomitaly you arms are the right thickness. A evenly muscled person has an arm roughtly a half the thickness of their leg (doesn't matter about the size of the person just that their muscle mass is even). Them ply on the armour, which is to pretty evenly layered and you are looking for an arm thats about half that of the leg. Which yours (and my friends are: we was worrying that he would have to bulk out the arms, or even sculp new ones) are well proportioned. And even if their are differences within the models across the entire army, point to an army where all the guys are the same evact proportions. Not even space marines are all the same size and shape.


You have an ace model(s), when i get the money and time i will be doing true scale like this. Thanks for re-afirming it can be done.

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