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Lions of Terra


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I really slowed down on painting my DIY chapter. However, I thought that if I did up the leader of my army then it might inspire me to get back on the ball. This is my Lions of Terra Chapter Master, Coronado De Leon, using Inquisitor Corteaz. However, I made both of his hands magnetic in case I want to use him "counts as" and change out his weapons.




Please tell me what you think. Comments, Questions, Suggestions.

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just a side note... back packs... they make the armor go...


:woot: Could just be me, but I'm assuming its under the impressive Lion-skin cloak that he's wearing.


I actually quite like the pose - maybe he's sheilding his eyes from the sunlight to survey what little is left of the enemy?

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I actually quite like the pose - maybe he's sheilding his eyes from the sunlight to survey what little is left of the enemy?


Considering the fact that this is a wargame, he's being a bit pre-emptive, isn't he? :lol:


I like the pose too, it's very strong, and I think the shield is fine. Well done, it's a great looking mini.

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Thanks for the comments. I thought of using a larger shield but in that particular pose it looked kind of weighty. However, I originally made this model to be a Vulken Hestan "counts as" so I have made a heavy flamer for that arm. Looks alright but I haven't painted it yet. The hands are magnetic so I can change out the weapons. Why should a chapter master of a space marine chapter be limited? This way he can kill enemies in a myriad of ways. As far as a backpack, I couldn't come up with a way to convert one on this model so instead I went without. To try and add a backpack would take away from the model too much.


I like the sword... mind if I steal it? I will call it the Athens Pattern Relic Blade

Go for it. It was probably my favorite conversion on this model.






Thanks all for showing interest. I will post a picture of him with his heavy flamer soon.

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  • 5 months later...

It's been awhile but I have finished several models since I have last posted. Here is my new first company captain based on Pedro Kantor.





This is my chief librarian with gigantic tome for beating the enemies of the Imperium with.



...and for good measure here is a combat squad



Comments please

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Hey, never been a fan of metallic chapters but you did a very good job, also what did you use for the pommel (butt of the sword)?



The pommel was made from a decorative piece of the High Elf chariot.

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I am stealing that crossguard idea.



Have at it. I am glad you like it.



Here is my Standard Bearer. It is my first attempt at something like this. The banner was mostly done then the latest white dwarf came out about how to do free hand banners. Oh well, I am sticking with this one. The head I chose was from the Space Wolves kit and I liked that it looked like Hulk Hogan. I couldn't pass it up.


http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/1269685344/gallery_30486_2020_163324.jpg' alt='gallery_30486_2020_163324.jpg'>



I feel the banner is missing something but I am not sure what. Any suggestions?

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