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Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Wolves.... Hoooooo!

Wolf Lord Durgann

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I know I can't be the first to say that... but I was at work and thought of it. Could not stop laughing.


Hope all you brothers are having a good day!


On a side note...


I am still waiting for my codex to arrive >.<


Can anyone with a codex let me know if this might be viable in a 1500pts list







5 man Term (ranged)

5 man Term (ranged)

2-4 packs of wolves


Fast Attack

Thunderwolves (they are fast attack right?)


Heavy Support

Pread (Tripple Las Cannon)

Long Fangs (2HB 1PC 1LC)

I always considered the Thousand Suns the cartoony villain that could never beat those darned Space Wolves, no matter the scheme. They fail every time, just like a villain in a Saturday morning cartoon.



I would watch a kids space wolves cartoon so hard.

Well... With leanly equipped Terminators (Meaning basic loadout PW/SB on at least 3/5 in each squad), 2x10 Wolves, and a 3-4 TWC squad w/o any upgrades will end up around 1500pts.


Two special characters in a 1500pt game are definitely not worth it. Especially since you can make 1 squad of wolf guard troops by just taking a generic wolf lord. With the points left over, you can field almost a 10man GH squad.

Yep! The idea of the list is for the 2 ranged term squads to hold objectives while the wolves run around doing anti-infantry and the Longfangs and hopefully the pred eat up tanks... I was also thinking about 4 LC Long Fangs... or perhaps 2LC 2ML


Maybe I will get my codex tonight and I'll be able to work out my lists then. I'm just not to fond of space marines with stats of a guardsmen.


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