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The Legion of Arachnis

Vlad III

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So after using two hours of my seven hour work day today (total bummer for a saturday) looking through Firestorm40k's Legion of Taurus thread, as well as taking my time staring at the Khorne and Deathguard FW kits and the Red Scorpion helms, I am going to make a complete U-turn from my Inquisition and start myself on the path toward Chaos Glory.


But now I'm at two separate impasses...


First....How in the world am I going to model the mouth vent from the Red Scorpions onto my Chaos troopers? Has anyone tried it? Would anyone be willing to experiment if you're intrigued by this idea?


Second....Paint Scheme. I'm thinking about a Viva Metallica Black (anyone successfully gotten this to look good?) but aside from that I don't know whether I should keep with the Red Scorpion Yellow bits....or change it. Any ideas guys? I could use some good suggestions.

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Time for a little bump. Here are some idea I've had.





The arrow on the head would likely be yellow, and the trim on the head would be boltgun.



This one resembles the Red Scorpions more.....but it's a bit too mono-chromatic for me.






Any ideas? And I still could use some suggestions for how to get the Red Scorpion faceplate onto Chaos.


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