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How do I beat orks

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Shoot them... Charge them with units that DON'T use powerfists as a main CCW weapon.. Like Assault termies with lightning claws. Or standard assault marines. OR. Shoot them before they get to you and 'port your termies far enough away so the orks can't get the charge.


Powerfists against Orks aren't very effective.

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Well, it's a little hard to say... I have no idea what kind of list you're using :woot: Post up an army list and then we can see what's wrong.


Generally for orks, lots of templates and multiple shot weapons do the trick.




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20 Ork boyz have 80 attacks on the charge, and if you have powerfists you have to take all of those attacks before you get a chance to strike back. The maths just isn't in your favour. The only thing you can do is try not to let those Orks charge your terminators.


You'd be far better off shooting the boys then charging them yourself. That way you deny them the +1A if they charge, and deny them any attacks from dead models.


There seems to be a few basic rules when fighting Orks, some of which have been touched upon:


- Never ever let them charge you if you can avoid it.

- Orks hate templates: load up on flamers, combi-flamers, missile launchers, etc.

- Orks like to 'dakka da choppa, and choppa da dakka'. Do the same.

- Multi-shot weapons (e.g. heavy bolters) are your friend.


Basically, try and kill as many of them as possible before they get close.

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On the charge an ork mob of 20 will score about 6.3 MEq deaths against you - not including the PK.

Off the charge that same ork mob scores only 3.3 MEq deaths! HUGE difference.


DONT let them charge you.



Failing tactics...


Thunderfire cannons DESTROY orks. Anything that negates armour saves as well as cover will win!

Heavy bolter attack bikes also do wonders!!

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My regular terminators keep getting killed when attacked by ork boyz ^_^.

That doesn't surprise me :)You will fail that 2+ save one time in six, so 20 orks charging you means you're going to have to take on average (off the top of my head) about 20 armour saves, which means three failed saves, give or take — and it gets even worse if you happen to roll poorly. That is pretty bad news for a five-man squad, if you ask me …


So yeah, instead of putting 200 points in five terminators, buy an assault squad (not a terminator assault squad) for your points, or a devastator squad with as many heavy bolters as you can put in. Also take dreadnoughts with weapons like assault cannons and missile launchers, give a missile launcher, heavy bolter or plasma cannon to every tactical squad, go for more guys with bolters instead of taking expensive unit upgrades, and so on. Stand back a little so they have a longer way to come toward you, giving you more time to shoot them.

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Actually a TDA assault squad isnt a bad idea- 4x LCs and 1 TH+SS for the codex boys still allows 12 lightningclaw attacks before the orks gett the charge off- wich should drop about 30 attacks off their totals, more if you got to charge them. The TH+SS boy is good incase of Kahns or Deff Dreads or Nobz, and gives a 3++ just in case.


Id still rather shoot the heck out of them.

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Still, not really the armament that's the problem.


How are you getting your terminators into combat? Against orks, most of your guys should be as far away from the orks as possible shooting the hell out of them with their bolters. NOT close enough so the orks can assault them. Also, don't use Termies to counter mass amounts of orks, rather use their really good anti-tank power with the power fists on vehicles like trukks. 2+ saves with 5+ invul really isn't going to do much against the amount of attacks orks get on the charge ESPECIALLY if you're hitting last for powerfists.


Also, you should probably invest in a little more of an army..

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Well I'm guess you have a dreadnought, a captain with bolter and power weapon, at least 10 tactical marines and 5 terminators.


Going by what I know you have, dreadnoughts can tarpit the hell out of ork boyz, even if is for one turn or two due to a power klaw. Your terminators should never get close to orks, just blast them to hell. With orks your better to bolt pistol then charge if you can, you negate 3 bonuses they get for charging this way: their +1 to S and I from their furious charge and you negate the +1 attack, a good method of whittling the orks down is having a 'suicide' unit of tacticals at the ready to get forward if the orks get close and charge them, even 20 orks charged by 10 marines will be hard pressed to hold up. It's all a matter of surviving the first round of combat really, however unless your another ork player with 30 boyz, it ain't easy.


like said above and I will reinforce this: thunderfire cannons don't slaughter, they ANNILATE orks. Using the str5 AP6 round will ignore their armour save and cover save (that includes orks force field, so remember it only confers cover, not invunerables. Some people forget that), I have personally taken out 15 boyz with one salvo of the thunderfire cannon, that same squad was then treated to some more shooting from some other ranged units and that was all they wrote for those boyz who promtly ran away. If you can't dish out the £35 for one thunderfire cannon (it's outragous, mine was £25. Got it one year back at GDUK08 before the price hike) then ether get a dakka pred (autocannon, HB sponsons and a storm bolter if you can) or just have a 4 man squad of devs with heavy bolters/missle launchers (I personally would use 4 missle launchers, helpful for when the orks want to roll with a trukk or two!).


In summary, just shoot the living gork and mork out of them. when that fails get stuck in!

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have a 4 man squad of devs with heavy bolters/missle launchers (I personally would use 4 missle launchers, helpful for when the orks want to roll with a trukk or two!).

Four heavy bolters should take care of trukks fairly easily: twelve shots, six hits, call it one glance and one penetration. Four krak missiles would be two hits and usually two penetrations, but you're giving up anti-infantry firepower to get that (granted, orks tend to be in massed formations so the blast markers might do some good, but I've not found frag missiles to be that effective against infantry). But much of it is personal preference, I suppose :o

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More Dakka is usually the solution as said above.


Normal Termis shouldnt be mixing it up close with orks, ditch them for assault ones with lightning claws, they will rip it up pretty hard usually, or give them something like a heavy flamer (although even then, you wont get your points back easily), if they dont strike first they are gonna get battered by hell loads of attacks, i would ditch normal terminators versus orks alltogether personally.


But yes, they get a huge boost from the charge, best to leave the terminators in your lines and use their storm bolters/assault cannon to batter as they come in, kite them until you can get the charge and watch out for the WAAAGH bonus move.

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As stated before "DON'T them THEM assault you".

The load out you have limits your options. as such, while the Termie Squad is shooting the boyz you'll need another unit or more shooting that ork unit in support.

If you can get you hands on a Cyclone or Assault Cannon Bit, i'd upgrade one of your guys too it. Although i myself prefer the Assault cannon the cyclone is pretty effective.

If you can afford to get a Squad of Assault Terminators, a mix of LC & TH/SS termies is good all around (3+ Inv Saves against CC&Shooting is sweet & gives good anti-armor/monster ability), but if ALL you are playing against is lots ork boyz i'd go with LCs all around the extra attacks for the pair & rerolls are not to be underestimated, plus they strike BEFORE almost all orks. With this load out you shoot them with a different unit, then assault with the termies to finish them off.

{Personal NOte: My Terminator Assault Squads were built to be used as an Apoc "TitanHammer" Formation w/ Lysander are all TH/SS, which isn't too bad against my main Ork opponants Mega Armor Nobs as troops IF i can ever the termies to assault the Nobs, but the "Strike Last THs" hurts against large numbers of boyz}

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have a 4 man squad of devs with heavy bolters/missle launchers (I personally would use 4 missle launchers, helpful for when the orks want to roll with a trukk or two!).

Four heavy bolters should take care of trukks fairly easily: twelve shots, six hits, call it one glance and one penetration. Four krak missiles would be two hits and usually two penetrations, but you're giving up anti-infantry firepower to get that (granted, orks tend to be in massed formations so the blast markers might do some good, but I've not found frag missiles to be that effective against infantry). But much of it is personal preference, I suppose :)


Related, the heavy bolters are AP 4, so even if it's a mob of 'ard boyz it'll still deny their armor save, whereas frag missiles won't. If trukks are still a big concern you can still always give your tactical squads missile launchers or lascannons to compensate.


On charging into orks with terminators: If you get a box of assault terminators it comes with 5 sets of TH/SS and 5 sets of lightning claws, so you can just equip the termies in the box with the claws and chop the arm pegs off the Black Reach termies and stick on the TH/SS. Presto! Instant ork (and everything else) murdering squad, if you have a way to get them up to said orks.

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If you are using a Landraider, you should ALWAYS be getting the charge. Personally, I would be tempted to hold back the 'raider (kill his transport and kanz) and drive forward to unleash the terminators when he leaves a mob vunerable to being charged, preferably this means that he can't then counter charge with another mob of boyz.


Only inload the termies near the orks if you are definitely going to get withinj charge range, YOUR charge range. Oh, and with powerfists you are still going to get a few loses before you swing, but not as badly as if they charged you.



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Squads of Scout Snipers work wonders, too. The sniper weapons negate a lot of ork armor, and on top of that, if enough casualties are sustained they can pin that mob of boys in place. Use Snipers to your advantage. I find placing a single unit of scout snipers somewhere behind a unit of tactical marines (though not directly behind the squad so you have to shoot through it) with bolters and a heavy bolter works wonders. Shoot with the scouts, you're almost guaranteed a pinned result if enough drop, and then fire at them with your tactical squad(s) to clean up.


As far as armor goes, invest in a Predator Destructor and a Whirlwind. They both have a lot of troop killing power.





Edit: Clarified.

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Squads of Scout Snipers work wonders, too. The sniper weapons negate a lot of ork armor, and on top of that, they can pin that mob of 40 boys in place. Use Snipers to your advantage. I find placing a single unit of scout snipers behind a unit of tactical marines with bolters and a heavy bolter works wonders. Shoot with the scouts, you're almost guaranteed a kill and a pinned result, and then fire at them with your tactical squad(s) to clean up.


im not sure this would be that effective, i agree scout snipers are good against orks, especially with Telion. But used as above the orks would get cover saves due to the tac marines being infront of the snipers, they would then get +1 cover save against all marine firing becuase they are pinned!


Can orks be pinned with mob rule?? i cant remember if the fearless thing prevents pinning?


anyways, its probably better to smoke the orks with the tac marines and try to pin whats ever left..



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im not sure this would be that effective, i agree scout snipers are good against orks, especially with Telion. But used as above the orks would get cover saves due to the tac marines being infront of the snipers, they would then get +1 cover save against all marine firing becuase they are pinned!


Can orks be pinned with mob rule?? i cant remember if the fearless thing prevents pinning?


anyways, its probably better to smoke the orks with the tac marines and try to pin whats ever left..




Ah, forgive me. I could have worded that better. I also don't know why I put "Mob of 40 boyz" in there, as you can't have a mob of 40 boyz legally :) Sorry. Fixed ;)




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The problem is that I got the assault on black reach and the terminators can only get power fist and storm bolters so thats why I'm stuck :)

Know any other players? Trade them some bitz, or spot them a bag of chips in return for a heavy weapon. Dont know many people? Just ask around at the LGS.

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