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How do I beat orks

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When you fight Orks dont place the Terminators in the Landraider. Use it to block LOS from nastier weapons and walk the terminators in to 24" range. Because your weapons are Assault (they shoot at 24" ranges regardless of whether they are static or on the move) you can then keep the enemy out of charge range for a number of turns without diminishing firepower. This strategy is called "Kiting".


Of course against Orks its a little more difficult because of their ever annoying Waaagh move, however they will still need to be within 18" of you to be able to pull off the tactic.


However it has to be said that you should not be advancing your terminators into CC range with something that has more than 2 basic attacks and is cheap enough to outnumber the squad 3 to 1 or worse. As you are experiencing, given enough armour saves they will all die.



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I haven't played much against 5th ed orks, so don't take my advice at face value.




1) rapid firing big boyz mobs tends to cut down their numbers fast... however, a 15-20 boy mob will still slaughter your tactical squad in assault. So, if you rapid fire them, then get two or more tactical squads to rapid fire + flame them.


2) heavy flamers, especially if you run vulkan, are very good against boyz mobs. Speeders with multimeltas & heavy flamers make short work of just about anything in an ork list. Sternguard with dual heavy flamers are also death to orks.


3) if you really want to assault them, then you need to remember the rock-paper-scissors dogma:


Assault marines/vanguard/sternguard > boyz > thunder hammer terminators > nobz/bikenobz > assault marines/vanguard/sternguard


4) most ork transports are open-topped, hence a penetration kills them on 4+. A melta penetration kills them on 3+. This means melta range isn't all that important, and even bolter fire can glance a trukk to death (though this isn't advisable, seeing as the disembarked boyz will assault your tacticals). Hence, you rarely have to bother with melta range and the like, just shoot ork vehicles in the side armor and you got a good chance of takin' 'em out.


5) dreadnoughts do a really good job of bogging down a big boyz mob, but don't really expect them to ever destroy that boyz mob on their own.

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Flamers and Heavy Flamers destroy Orks in all flavors.


Nit pick alert! Doesnt really work much for Nob Biker Lists, Dread Bash, Battlewagon lists (most of the time when they are out of the transport your troops are dying) and Deffwing (all Mega Nob Army in Battlewagons).


Heavy Flamers and Flamers work well against normal footsloggers, however unless they are breakable when you do so the only thing you are doing is thinning their numbers before combat. Important to do but not the be all and end all of killing orks, thats done best at range.


Nit pick alert over



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Another idea is Land Speeders with Heavy Flamers or Drop Pod Dreadnoughts with Heavy Flamers. Especially effective with Vulkan.



Only problem with that is if you are close enough to use flamers, they are close enough to charge. The next turn they are going to kill your armor ten vehicle with their PK. The Dread can usually stand up to a group of boys however the Land Speeder isn't going to do as well. If your going to use Land Speeders it is best to keep them in the back and give them lots of shots. My favorite is the Assault Cannon/Heavy Bolter combination.

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If you fly your Landspeeder behind them, then they need to turn and charge the opposite direction to where they probably want to be going; this can give you another whole round of shooting at least. Outflanking Storms are great, did that today actually.


Note, Deffguns will eat Landspeeders if they have any reasonable sort of numbers...



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Another idea is Land Speeders with Heavy Flamers or Drop Pod Dreadnoughts with Heavy Flamers. Especially effective with Vulkan.



Only problem with that is if you are close enough to use flamers, they are close enough to charge. The next turn they are going to kill your armor ten vehicle with their PK. The Dread can usually stand up to a group of boys however the Land Speeder isn't going to do as well. If your going to use Land Speeders it is best to keep them in the back and give them lots of shots. My favorite is the Assault Cannon/Heavy Bolter combination.

Not really. 3 speeders with TL-ed heavy flamers will pretty much wipe out a boyz mob. They will almost certainly force a leadership check, and with their low ld the orks are likely to start running a way, at which point they're under half strength and they can no longer regroup. In other words, they're as good as dead, and you can ignore them from that point onwards.


Even if some boyz + nob survive to counter-assault, they're still hitting your speeders on 6s (your speeders moved 12" in the last movement phase, didn't they?), so it makes it unlikely the nob will actually score much kills with its PK.

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If you're going to go the Flying Flamer route vs. a big Ork Boyz Mob, you might as well add in a Assault Squad (with 2 Flamers of their own) to act as a "cleaner" unit.


Oh, and vs. Trukks, Buggies, Bikes and so on, Speeders with Assault Squads can work wonders too


Assault Squad with Land Speeders in support is a fantastic combination all round.

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Shooting orks regularly doesn't work. You'll get a few, and the rest of the squad will wipe you.


So you use templates of all flavors for when they're out far and when they get in close, get out of you transports and charge them.

MULTICHARGE-this word is your friend.

If you charge 30 tac marines into 2 30 man boy squads, the Marines will win and combat resolution does the rest.

Works evern better with dedicated assault troops. I've had 20 berzerkers kill 70 boyz, 2 bosses, and a squad of meganobz in one game because I picked my timing on charges carefully. They were aided by a 3 man termicide with meltas partway through that, though (took some wounds off the biker boss).

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