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WIP Captain Mini - criticism wanted!

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Hi Guys,


Been lurking here for many years on and off, about 3 with this account and I was registered before the great crash a few years back too. Anyway down to business this is a WIP thread for my current marine army (a scorpion themed chapter using FW bits) the first mini up is a captain that I put together yesterday from bits. I'm not quite sure what I think of him so far and wanted to get peoples opinions! (Also he is currently blu-tacked together so he can be easily changed)










Quick bits rundown:

  • Assault marine legs
  • Forgeworld Sergeant Haas torso, head and shoulder pads
  • No idea where the powerfist came from, command squad box maybe?
  • Backpack from the marine commander boxset
  • Storm bolter from marine commander boxset


Points I'm considering:

  • Not sure about storm bolter mods
  • May add a back banner
  • He doesnt scream captain to me at the moment, more vet sarge perhaps?
  • Mould lines still need cleaning up obviously
  • Spacers in legs are a left over from previous experiment and don't make a great deal of difference. Used them because they would have gone to waste otherwise!


Think that is plenty of writing for now!


Thanks in advance,



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* Not sure about storm bolter mods-- they are a little over the top. maybe you could just make 2 regular bolter sized barrels?


* May add a back banner- that would make the model more interesting, but I think a little too "busy" compared to the lower half


* He doesnt scream captain to me at the moment, more vet sarge perhaps?-- Maybe you can do something to the legs? rivets or detailing would make the armor look more ornate

i really like the model, but i agree that something is missing. i think that a loincloth would complete it- as opposed to a cloak because i find that they tend to dominate the model, whereas the loincloth would accentuate the characters movement, as well as being great for adding a bit of complexity to some comparitively basic legs.

i dont like the gun though. it is already a massive storm bolter, which can look a bit off if pistol gripped at the end of an extended arm, so the extended barrel makes it look off. also because you have got the model in a good walking/running pose i dont think that it needs the sniper scope, where as maybe some form of tactical sling would add to the idea of movement? that he is a guy that runs in firing off his storm bolter till he can use that fist. this would give the added benefit of making it look like his arm could actually support the weapon.

either way i really like the pose and the extended legs :lol:

The storm Bolter looks really poor. Regular Storm Bolter would be much better.


I think that's the Power Fist from the ages old Close Combat Weapons sprue. I have one on a Sergeant as well.


Put an Iron Halo on the backpack and add a couple of Purity Seals on the torso and legs, possibly the Storm Bolter too. Possibly add a loincloth or something. Then it will look more like a Commander.

add a cloak that flows to the left. this establishes both rank and flow on the model making him look like he's firing off some rounds before he gets into combat.


i agree that the storm bolter barrels are a bit long. shorten them or take them of all together.


add some GS or something to give a tiny bit of bulk to the wire that goes from the storm bolters sight to its main body.


when you give him a base glue him a bit forward aswell. it gives the model a forward dynamic. (reinforces what the cloak does)

Your commander looks oddly familiar




Swap out the powerfist and you got a pretty similar model. You could add a jump pack that might give him a bit more beef, and as said above a loin cloth or leg details would be a good thing.


I like the over sized storm bolter :D its how they should be, besides the way I justified the storm bolter having a scope was I wired it straight into the helmet so he dosnt even need to look down it he just switches the optics on and pops a few caps in their xenos asses. But then my guy is heavily laden with coms equipment and imageing systems, i was going to see if i could fit an auspex in there somewhere but i ran out of room hahah.


Anyway I love your model, and ive always loved thouse helmets they look so cool, I could see GW stealing them and using them on a few future sprews. As said above some leg work and mabey some vent holes in the storm bolter barrels and he could look awsome, i just wish id used running legs too now :P

Thanks for all the feedback guys! I'm away from home at the moment so just checking this on my phone. It seems that my to do list includes:


1. Toning down the storm bolter modifications

2. Something with the legs - I'm planning on ordering some FW Red Scorpion brass etch with my next lot of bits so that could be one solution.

3. Other captainy type bits - I'll have to rifle throgh my bits box when I get home for this so not quite sure at the moment.


I'll try and update later on this evening, hopefully I'll manage some decent pics without natural light.


Thanks again for the comments!



Ok, just got home and had a bit of a look through my bits box and raided my plasticard supplies! The pics actually came out pretty well compared to the earlier ones considering there was no daylight this time round (macro setting really works wonders!).




- Toned down SB barrels, Added back banner, No loincloth.



-As above, Chain loincloth - Looks off to me but I took the pic so I thought I may as well let everyone see it.



-And the same again but with a loincloth form the SM commander box (I think).



He's still not quite right so I'll be doing some more experimenting with parts during the week. Also as I mentioned earlier I'll have some FW Red Scorpions brass etch on the way soon so I can add some extra detailing when that arrives. The updates will either be here or in the WIP thread for the army, when I actually have some other models assembled that is!





agreed - i think a loincloth, iron halo and loads of purity seal would top it off. also, i dont like the storm bolter atm because it isnt modded enough - imo if you're gonna mod something, go full throttle and turn it into a dobber of a gun. who knows, in game terms it could easily pass as an auxiliary grenade launcher on top :D




edit. looking at your new selection i think none of them - i think the best look would be a loincloth (made of cloth :S) thats the length of the chain one. that would look cool - all you need now are bionics!!!!

I really like it, SB looks much better. prefer the loincloth thing, the chain is slightly too long atm? my only concern is, is it a Kantor-counts-as? otherwise, from a gaming point of view, a PW or relic blade might be better than the fist as you're not wasting the Cap's high initiative?


very nice anyway!



Grenades and pouches might be a good way to balance out the bottom from the top. I like how he looks right now and the chain tabard is ace. If you still don't think he looks Captain-y enough, then what about a bare head with the helmet on his hip.



I like the chain loincloth. One thing to consider, you're doing a scorpion-themed chapter, and a chain with a hook on the end looks an awful lot like a scorpion's tail...


agreed, 100%. and I second that the chains look beast (might wanna heat the plastic and bend them more to form though)

i think the banner pole is not so good an idea, personal heraldry is incorporated in the company standard, no?

iron halo in its place.

the chain loincloth is a good idea, but that one is just hanging there, contrary to the sense of movement in the rest of the model, but the commander loincloth seems to fit better (just flows together right)

that doesn't stop you bending the chain to fit...

as for the storm bolter, i love the scope, the smaller barrels look good, but if you wanna use the bigger ones just drill holes

along the length of them

Evening everyone,


Quick text only update today, been flat out at Uni today (sounds crazy I know!) so I haven't had time to do much with the captain mini. On the other hand I've had plenty of time sitting in lectures to give him some thought.


So, Things I'm thinking at the moment:

  • Chain tabard is actually growing on me, I'm somewhat surprised as I didn't like it all that much to begin with! (still not 100% on it though)
  • Adding pouches/grenades to his waist to try to balance the model - This is something that all my normal marines will be getting, not sure why I never thought to extend the same treatment to the captain. If I go for the pouches etc then the tabard may actually be too much so i'll have to try it and see.
  • @Strike Captain Lysimachus: Yep right on the money, He was originally conceived as a Kantor stand-in.
  • The back banner may well go in favour of an Iron Halo when I can source the bit (or a reasonable alternative) from somewhere.
  • Um... Think that may actually be it for now...


The WIP thread for the army is getting to closer actually happening, got a scout squad (with shotguns) and the first half of a tactical squad to build between lectures tomorrow. Hopefully something will be up by the end of the week.



Nice model! I absolutely love the chains, but I'd cut the length down a bit. Better Storm Bolter barrels there. Give him some pouches for sure.


I added an Iron Halo-like bit to an SM backpack by using a WHFB Ork piece. The thinner of the metal shoulderpads. It might be a bit chunky compared to the more detailed FW bits. I guess you could use one of the thinner SM bits.

I do think that there should be an Iron Halo in place of the banner, as some about them just screams "Chapter Master". I do like the chain loincloth, but it may look better as chainmail. There's a modelling tutorial in the Librarium somewhere :D


On the plus side, storm bolter looks much better. One thing that might look pretty cool, is if you made a scorpion icon on the powerfist. You can achieve this by using Green Stuff and a pencil :lol:


First, make a ball of GS on the end of a pencil, and push it against the icon that you want to use (in this case, the scorpion). When it dries, you have a mould! Now, just press that against any blob of GS and it will press it into a scorpion icon, and while it's still soft, take away any excess GS. Now imagine that on the powerfist :D


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