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Small DA project


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Hey all, :D


I'm a new 40k player/painter and I have started a couple of big time consuming projects thats months away from completion. Well am running out of inspiration so I started a new small project so I can for once finish something I've started!



I am going for a very fast painting technique i tried on this subject:







And here is the small army assembled. Almost all options been magnetised for sergeants, captain and special weapons marines.








So now its time for priming and then power armour!

All criticism is apprenticed!


(sorry for my rubbish English and/or any broken forum etiquette's)

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Well ive base coated them mithrill silver, I cant decide the use an other coat on top, theyare not that well covered, but on the test mini which had two coat of mitrill had problems with conceled detail in account of to much paint/washes. I use very tinned down paint for this but i think its the nature of metallic paint to ruin detail :lol: . After the base coat i will atleast use four coats of washes, so that could be the culprit too.


Moar dakka:





shiny 'rins:





Does anyone have any tips on how to not ruin the detail?

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Am I to assume you are using dan's Viva Metallica painting method? (SIlver down with wash on top until you get the desired colour). If so I'm liking the test model :lol: As for detail, one tip I've had given to me is to thin the washes a bit before application, so adding a drop of water or two should do it (though I disagree because the result is still the same :)). If you're worried still then use a darker wash to bring out the details, say black.
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Am I to assume you are using dan's Viva Metallica painting method? (SIlver down with wash on top until you get the desired colour). If so I'm liking the test model :) As for detail, one tip I've had given to me is to thin the washes a bit before application, so adding a drop of water or two should do it (though I disagree because the result is still the same :P). If you're worried still then use a darker wash to bring out the details, say black.


Yes thats exactly what am doing, its fast and not to shabby looking :) . don't know if thinning the wash is so effective, maybe ill try to put not so large amonts of wash instead. what I mean is slapp the wash on and then after soak some of the wash of, so i doesn't pool up in the recesses.


Glad u like the test dummy :D


Well i decided to do another thin mitrill coat, and instead be more carefull with the washes. i think the metod will look blotchy if the mitrill is transparent.

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Power armour done


Well last night i ran out of washes, so I had to force my ass to GW stockholm to stock up. This delayed the project by a day as i planned to get all power armour done yesterday.


Here is an example of how they look now with 2 basecoats of mitrillsilver, one dabab black wash and 3 thraka green washes:







Now am gonna get some sleep for tomorrow when its time to start the real painting.

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Today I did the eyes, purity seals and started on the metal parts.


so I figure at this pace they'll probably be done by this weekend.











Wish me further painting luck!



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I got the all the robes out of the way today (only 3 but still!) They took alot of time, and its really hard try to layer those bitches, but in the end I think I achieved an acceptable look:




and a random pic:




@ Cyrox:


Actually its straight from the pot.

I really like this technique as I usually spend 60-70 percent of the painting on the power armor, time which u practically eliminate.

It doesn't look as good as proper highlighting/layering, but it works.

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Wow... ;) they're beautiful...


I'm speechless. :tu:


Whoa... when you got the creater of an idea complementing you about it!... I suddenly feel that your work is way cooler :P


No seriously those are great models. I do think they need to be something other than just green though. Get to work on those chest Eagles, or get some red or black or something on the trim. A little more effort won't kill ya will it?


Also, they seem a little too emerald for Dark Angels. I'd get a mix of Thraka and Badab going, or maybe just layer some Badab on top of those guys?


Good Luck man!!

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@ Metcalfedan: Thank you for those kind words, and for this great painting technique! ;)



@ sgtNACHO: Well they are far from finished, so dont worry about that. Haven t even come close to halfway. This is a wip thread afterall... :tu:

I agree about that dark angels probably should be darker, but I dont care a rats ass about that, I like this hue. I wouldnt go darker if someone paid me to.

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I swear if there are any more Mike Myers pictures, he'll actually materialise on this thread :P


Can't believe I missed the updates :o They're very good indeed. I like beaky with the power fist, that is a sweet way of using the DA parts :tu:


Dark Angels are SHAGGY BABY, YEAH!


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Hey all, :huh:

I have been working on them quite much the last few days, and they are starting to slowly come together. I've changed the scheme a bit; less gold and more red and bone which I think give them a more striking and pleasing appearance. I am especially liking the bone which have a bit red in it which makes it contrast with the green so much better.




They are still WIP but there aren't many hours left on them.


C&C As always are much appreciated!



@ Magnus Thane: Well as GKs doesn't have colored metal it would just be metallic paint with badad black, which is pretty standard i guess. I think you still would need to highlight it to make it look good if that was the question. Oddly enough I myself prefer GKs done with grey paint and not metallics.

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For the record, it isn't really necessary to use thraka green when doing the viva metallica method on dark angels. There's a better way, IMHO. Dark Angels Green is an amazing color, and partially translucent. It's a warm green, and I think it gives a better DA color than thraka green. Right now I'm using it on my Doom Legion chest eagles and it looks wonderful. No pics yet, sorry.


It's a simple method. You can all probably guess it, but I'll include the steps for completeness. Paint Silver, black wash, then wash with DA green and water and some of your favorite wash medium (I use Valleho Glaze medium - at around 50/50 paint/water-glaze mix) and voila! Only need one or two layers of green. :huh:


Sorry Swordbrother, I don't mean to highjack your thread. ;) Your marines look really great. When I saw the first pictures I thought 'whew, too much metallic green!', but with the details coming into place they really are getting impressive. I would be proud to field such a force, that's for sure.

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Hey, :P


Its official, distraction is my greatest enemy. So I haven't worked on my metal minis at all but instead spent a few days painting up 3 AoBR Terminators deathwing style. Which I really enjoyed! So I've been starting to play with the idea of doing a deathwing army... Well after I finish painting my regular DAs first ofc :rolleyes:


Anyways here they are:




a closeup:



Let me know what you think of them, I think they came out pretty sweet. :P



@ ulrikk: I like your metod, sounds like it doesn't use up as much expensive paint as doing it with GW washes does.

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I'm seriously digging that metallic green look for your Dark Angels! Really looking forwards to seeing them all done.


And the DW termies look great! Is that a Dheneb Stone basecoat?


I'm interested in how you do your robes and bone details. Any chance of a step-by-step? Pretty please? :rolleyes:

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Sword Brethren... these are astonishing! They're putting my work to shame...


I'm really liking the green you've acheived for the Dark Angels - wonder if a similar technique would work for Imperial FIsts? I've always imagined them top have a yellow glazed armour similar to your efforts here - never been a huge fan of the shocking yellow normally used for Fists.


The Terminators are also looking very groovy - you should feel extremely proud of your work my man! Can't wait to see more...

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I'm interested in how you do your robes and bone details. Any chance of a step-by-step? Pretty please? :P


Gotta chime in and state same.. I think that's one of the few colors on robe that might fit my intended quartered blue/bone scheme..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Day (Or night or morning depending where you are)!


Since my last update I haven't gotten much done on this project, I've based them and started on chapter icon and well, thats about it. But I did paint up another 2 deathwing guys yesterday making a full squad. And I bought some more Aobr terminators ( for like 10 bucks which is silly cheap!) which ill paint up real soon! And if I grow some balls I will also convert me a Belial for them. And if I do that I'll have a playable deathwing force, go figure! :P


Here are the boys:



They look pretty intimidating if I may say so myself! :P

C&C as always are much appreciated.




@ Neuromancer and Tuumi: The bone on termies and the bone details where done with a dheneb basecoat, devlan mud wash, layer dheneb stone and highlight skull white. Quite simple and fast!


The robes where done by graveyard earth basecoat ( which covers like crap so undercoat first with a brown foundation) then layer commando khaki

which also covers like crap, so i deliberately made the colour blend by leaving it at one transparent coat where the colors met. Then i layered with bleached bone doing the same thing to make it blend. then i highlighted with a white/bleached bone 1:1 mix. It took me almost one hour four each robe, so it is quite a slow process.


@ Inquisitor Gabriel Lupus : Thank you for you kind words it really inspires me to finish them!


I don't know if yellow metallics could work with the GW washes, or at all, because yellow is a really weak colour and furthermore should be quite bright to look right. But maybe mitrill silver then devlan mud wash then yellow ink could look okey? Yellow is such a hard colour to do, so i figure its hard to do yellow metallics aswell...

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