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Hey! <_<


Just wanted to show you all another DW squad I started to work on. Only 3 are aobr terminators this time, the other two were recycled Assault terms from my black templar army. Hopefully these will be finished within a week.




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hey, :)


I've made good progress on the DW squad. And started to convert a plastic libarian.

so without further ado: (is that even a word? ;) )


DW squad 2 PIP





And "supposed" librarian blue tacked together:



So I need your opinion on him, any ideas? does he look librarian-y enough? For the psychic hood i will simply green stuff the normal terminator hood and maybe alter it some way to at least making it look different. I will also add guitar string cables from it leading to the back , maybe add a scroll or two too. So do you think that'll work? I figure by being the only blue guy in the army, he will at least look a little like a librarian!


And on the topic of characters; I am gonna go my GW store today get me a chaos terminator lord. nick the claws the cape the rim on the shoulder pads and make me a Belial. Something like THIS.


And the remaining chaos parts will probably make for a good terminator chaplain! Anyway, so you probably noticed that Ive abandoned the green metallic guys by now. Not to worry when i get a little inspiration i WILL finish them... just not right now.


PS. I'm so happy that Brother Argos fixed the board... Got a little scared there! DS.

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Good night,


Belial is coming along fine. I really like his pose, its fairly heroic looking (despite all the choas parts, I might add).

He isn't glued together and I plan to paint him in bits, I will try to give him a little more love than the rest of the gang.






Let me know if you like him! ;)

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I've come back to this thread three or four times and haven't replied. My hands are quite cold, so that might have something to do with it. :lol:


I really love the metallic green that you did. It is a lot brighter than the traditional DA color, but still looks like it, if that makes any sense. The DW are also coming along quite nicely. I would add a highlight or two onto the bone, but that is me.


Keep it up.

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Thanks for the replies, really appreciate your reactions! :P

I have explained how I did the bone already, but here goes again: Dheneb stone base, wash devlan mud, layer dheneb stone, highlight pure white. Its quite fast n' simple.

But for Belial i will do 2 progressive layerings and 2-3 progressive highlights, for a more seamless finish.


And Alpha PTP I can't highlight them brighter than pure white, If God would have made something lighter than white than it would be a different matter. But maybe you mean the latest DW squad? I am saving their armor highlights for last as they tend to rub of when working on them.


Commander Alex I am a bit tempted to put Belial in GB, if just for motivation ofc. ;)

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And Alpha PTP I can't highlight them brighter than pure white, If God would have made something lighter than white than it would be a different matter. But maybe you mean the latest DW squad? I am saving their armor highlights for last as they tend to rub of when working on them.

If you hold your models with your hand, it will do that. I glue the base of my models to old Gatorade bottle tops. It minimizes the contact between my fingers and my model. Also, if you have sweaty hands like I do, it will make your paint look glossy, and it is a pain to fix.


The bone looks...not white in the photos, hence why I said an additional highlight. God should have made a white that is whiter than white. :)

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Oh my god your guys look amazing. I too play Dark Angels , although they are now needing repainted (future Work in progress thread me thinks! :cuss ). I have never been able to get my robes and bone armour looking as good as yours, do you mind if i steal your techniques?


PS-damn God for not making a whiter than white white (say that when your drunk!)

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You've got some good looking marines there.


Nice work!


The one CC I have is on the Librarian; He looks very static with his arms to his side like that, but I think he'd look pretty sweet if you lifted his arm and green stuffed in some ribbing/cables in the armpit area, so that he'd be hold the staff out perpendicular to the direction he's looking in. I'd run the staff horizontal, not vertical, though.

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"And God said;Let there be face!"




The best best face Ive done yet, but please let me know if i can improve it in any way. I want to make him as good as I possibly can.


Alpha PTP, thanks for the tips! I try to tack them to paints and such, but I still put my hand on them for stability and brush control, which is a bad habit I guess.


S. Bloodhowl please do use them!


I agree Iacton qruze he does look static, but i do cant even use green stuff for filling properly so... I will probably do a completely different pose other then on the picture and other parts aswell.


EDIT: I just realised that his cheeks should be covered with metal paint, fiddlesticks! Right now am debating to fix that or leave it the way it is. It looks good the way it is, even if its "wrong".

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Alpha PTP, thanks for the tips! I try to tack them to paints and such, but I still put my hand on them for stability and brush control, which is a bad habit I guess.

I am trying to get out of the habit. Since you're touching the model, the paint wears down. Since you have to apply more paint onto the model, it looks glossy. On top of all of that, the sweat from your hands will make it look even more glossy.


That skin looks ace, Swordbrother. Just touch up above the aquilla and you'll be dandy.

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