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Angels Ascendant (and others) WiP Thread

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Hey everyone, I've really been needing to kickstart my army's painted-ness, so here's what I'm going to do. I've written a 2000 points list based on my DIY Chapter, the Angels Ascendant. Reading their Index Traitoris will be useful in understanding parts of this thread. It's geared towards a) a mix of fun and power, B) getting a playing army painted and c) counts as. If you don't like counts as run far far away. I mean seriously. I commit some mortal sins for some folks out there.

List is as follows.

2000 Points Chaos Space Marines

HQ: Daemon Prince- Wings, Mark of Tzeentch, Warptime, Doombolt (185)

This guy is going to be made from the Artemis model. He's basically going to be a loyalist-looking giant Space Marine with wings and bling, representing my Chapter Master after his supreme blessing by the patron god of my Chapter (probably Tzeentch).

Elites: Chaos Terminator Champion x6- Icon of Tzeentch, Chainfist, Heavy Flamer, 5x Combi-Plasma (320)

Self explanatory, dead 'ard vets of my Chapter.

Troops: Chaos Space Marines x10- Aspiring Champion, Icon of Chaos Glory, Powerfist, 2x Meltagun (220)

Also self explanatory.

Berzerkers x10- Skull Champion, Personal Icon, Power Weapon (245)

Death Company, as my Chapter is a descendant of the Blood Angels.

Plague Marines x10- Plague Champion, Personal Icon, Powerfist, 2x Plasma Gun (305)

A Sanguinary Priest and his Sanguinary Command Squad. The Priest model himself will be decked out with an Exsanguinator (I think on a servo arm), Grail, Death Mask and a Holy Shroud, which combined will represent the abilities and drawbacks of a Plague Marine squad.

Transports: 3 Chaos Space Marine Rhino- Extra Armor (50x3=150)

Gotta have speed, baby.

Fast Attack: Raptors x10- Champion, Pair of Lightning Claws, Melta Bombs, Icon of Slaanesh, 2x Meltagun (285)

Veteran Assault Squad.

Heavy Support: 2 Vindicator- Daemonic Possession (145x2=290)

Some firepower.

Anyway, on to the modeling aspect.

I've begun work on the Artemis model and gathered the bits I need to convert him into a proper Daemon Prince for my Chapter. DISCLAIMER: I will be filling gaps with green stuff, don't worry.


It's Artemis' head, yeah. Next to the Dante model. Why? I'm going to do what I can to sculpt and otherwise construct a fascimile of a Death Mask over Artemis' features.




Torso and cape (every SM character needs a cape). The cape is from some Reaper miniature that I found and decided that I was going to use the cape for something. I do that a fair bit. I'm also going to attempt to sculpt a six pack molded around the power cables and abs around the chest eagle to give his armor a little bit of the ornate look that the likes of Dante possess.


Backpack. Obviously modified somewhat. I saw a conversion of a Salamander model in a WD article using the old Chaos gun barrels and decided to try it out. I feel the size of those pieces are far more suited to this model, and lend it an archaic, master crafted look. And as every SM character needs a banner, so does this guy. Of course, a regular one wasn't going to cut it so here's the Company Banner to represent his. And a cherub.


Shield arm. The wing is the Chapter symbol. I will be using green stuff to add trim around the sides of the base I'm using for it and also to fill in the inside. Also, studs.


Pardon the appearance of my grubby mitts. Anyway, spear arm. My Chapter Master wasn't in the Deathwatch, but I want to keep the scrollwork to add to the artificer look of the armor. The three things next to it are my ideas as to what to replace that area with when I file off the =][=. Sisters of Battle bit that I think fits fine with my Chapter's iconography, a representation of a book, or a scroll and some purity seals. I'm leaning towards the first or last.


I'm not going to modify Artemis' pose much, and this sword will be on his right side. I'm going to green stuff a scabbard for it. I had to cut up the sword to fit the spear and figured I'd best not waste it.


Pray tell, how many Princes have you seen without wings? The Tzeentch ones are as close as I can get to scale. I hope they don't look too small.




His spear. It uses some Elfy bits from Fantasy and the Mage's sword as the actual spear head. It's on fire, what can I say?



Left leg. At first I tried melting the plastic angel and then molding it around the leg, but found it was easier to melt the metal and stick the iconography to the greave*. I know it's a Dark Angel bit but angels are angels. I also had the second Lion Helm wing around and thought it would balance things out if it was on the left heel since the first is on the right shoulder. Finally, my Chapter had leonine heraldry before its Excommunication so I put the lion heads from the Lion Chariot in Fantasy onto the kneepads.



Right leg. Same deal with the lion head and Ecclesiarchy symbol. The tabard is from the Chaos Terminator Lord with the Chaos iconography shaved off (though the skull remains, for GRIMDARK). Had to bend it a bit to get it to fit with his running position*.

I am not planning on carving musculature into the metal of the arms and legs, however I do want to sculpt the sandaled look onto his feet.

Sometime when I have the energy to do more than take pics I'll do some of the greenstuff work and temporarily glue him together so I can get a mock up shot. I know it's a very busy model but he's a Chapter Master and a Daemon Prince, I have no intention of selling him short on tabletop looks. Though my paintjob will undoubtedly ruin my modeling.

*I did it the unsafe way, you probably shouldn't take a lighter to your plastic. I wore a mask and ventilated the area. Take these precautions at the very least as pewter/plastic fumes are not good at all for business.

Thanks for the compliments guys. I got the sword blade that I used for the spearhead from the Fantasy Empire Wizard plastic kit. More specifically, I think I got it from a bits site. Battlewagon Bits back before their reorganization.


Does anyone have any preferences on what I use to replace the =][= icon?

Thanks for the compliments guys. I got the sword blade that I used for the spearhead from the Fantasy Empire Wizard plastic kit. More specifically, I think I got it from a bits site. Battlewagon Bits back before their reorganization.


Does anyone have any preferences on what I use to replace the =][= icon?

they're supposed to be chaosy right? so i'd say the symbol of tzneech, or something (since he is a demon prince of tzneech right?)

Chaos, but not overtly. They actually believe they are still following the will of the Emperor, and that mutations He grants are blessings (much in the vein of the gifts of the Gods). Hence the more human-looking aspect and the Imperial iconography. It's most likely that it is Tzeentch behind it all, but since they and those that ally with them see them as more a Chapter of Living Saints (after the Thorian fashion) than anything, they aren't going to be daubing themselves with Chaos runes.


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