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fighting 20 assaulty termies


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Have a guy in my club that uses 2x 10 man squads of assaulty termies 5LC/5TH+SS in each if I remember right, then has 10 Sternguard(5 w/CM, 5 w/CF) droppodding in, plust 2 x tac squads with AC Razorbacks, Pedro and sometimes a Libby to go with one of the termie squads.


I am also playing SM(vanilla), how would you attack this?

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Don't play at the 2500 points level it takes to make this list work at all?


If they're in land raiders you need to kill the raiders on your first turn or at least very early and force him to walk across the field into torrent of fire/anti-infantry fire. If they're deep-striking you need to control your movement and deployment so that they come in where you want them to then shoot them up and move away. They only move 6", so are relatively easy to avoid for a mech army once they're on the ground.


You are playing a mech-marines list right?


Remember the #1 rule: shoot the smashy stuff and smash the shooty stuff.

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They can't be in Land Raiders if they are 10 man squads. 8, yes, 10 no.


Also, he has a small number of relatively weak scoring units, and not enough response units to deal with multiple threats. The biggest weakness any uber-unit-centric army has is that it can't kill multiple weak units efficiently. It relies on having a valuable enemy unit to eat in order to justify its existence. If those are both 5 man Tactical Squads then you could kill one fairly reliably with about 175 points of Scouts in a Land Speeder Storm before they can react.


Failing all of the above, throw a Linebreaker Squadron at it.

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If they are walking up the board, just pour dakka into them.

Dakka Predator, Whirlwinds, Devastators, LRCs, Gundreads, Heavy Bolter Land Speeders/Bikes, Vindicators etc etc


Make them roll enough saves and they'll die


The bigger flaw in this army is that they only have 2(3) scoring units (counting the Sternguard) and so going after those will reduce their chances to win in an objective game.


Land Raider blockers can work very well here. Thunder Hammers are S8 which is only glancing a Land Raider, so park one in front of them and force them to walk through it. Works very well with the LRC or LRR types due to their short range dakka.

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How would I do this, or would I reccommend you do it?


Because I would use 50 Bladestorming Dire Avengers- wich comes out to about 700pts, a little cheaper than them.


How would I say to do it as a codex player? 4x Plasmacannon Devastators... 2 squads. And a Vindicator.

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Have a guy in my club that uses 2x 10 man squads of assaulty termies 5LC/5TH+SS in each if I remember right, then has 10 Sternguard(5 w/CM, 5 w/CF) droppodding in, plust 2 x tac squads with AC Razorbacks, Pedro and sometimes a Libby to go with one of the termie squads.


I am also playing SM(vanilla), how would you attack this?



So I'm assuming this is a 2000-2500 point list? With a whopping...9-10 units?

How are his Terminators getting to your lines? Walking? If so, run circles around them.

But it sounds more likely that he's dropping the pod into your lines and rapid-firing the Sternguard to make a soft landing area for them to arrive via Deepstrike, using the pod's locator beacon, yeah? They sit arund for a turn using their 2+/3+ saves, and then charge the hell out of everything in range.


A great way to counter this list is to mechanize up. The Sternguard can do all of NOTHING to a Rhino if you're buttoned up when they arrive. Use your heavy weapons from your firepoints on turn one to blow up the Pod. It'll take a shot or three to do. Remember you get +1 to the damage result because it's open-topped. Once the locator beacon is gone, he's boned. Stay buttoned, and just drive circles around him. 12" moves with vehicles make them super-hard to hit. I had a Rhino last three full turns with Hammernators whiffing at it because it kited them across the board.

Take out his tacticals, since they won't be able to embark in the Razors until they're down to 6 men. Hit each Razor once a turn with a heavy weapon to keep them from shooting at you.

Chuckle as his 20 Hammernators move 6" per turn, and roll to run to try and catch you.

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Ok, to answer a few questions about his list...

#1 - he walks the termies in never deepstriking

#2 - It is a 2000 point game

#3 - The sternguard are always, 5 Combi-flamers/5 Combi-meltas


Here's how I handled it last night (thanks to some suggestions here)

My list



10 Shooty Termies - 1 Cyclone/1 Asscannon (Khan and Tiggy with the termies)

2 Predators - Las all around

1 Vindicator

2 - 10 man Tac squads - Melta/Las Sgt with PW/Locater Beacon both with TLLas Razorback


Game was Annihilation/Pitched battle

I won roll off, but made him go first - I am Outflanking everything


He split his forces to face both sides of the board with 1 termie squad and 1 TLAsscan razorback

1 tac squad in ruins with pedro to my right side and the other tac squad in woods in center of board

Top Turn 1 - Sternguard come down in drop pod with nothing to go for....

Bottom 1 - I cant come on

Top 2 - he moves his forces some to try to anticipate where I will be coming from

Bottom 2 - all but one predator comes in, with the termies and 1 tac squad as my choice to where

I put the first predator and tac/razorback to my left side(where they rolled to come on)

the termies with hqs, vindy, and tac/razorback all to my right side facing pedro, razorback, tac squad in ruins and 10 assault termies

Use Null zone then shot the termies down to 5 left with the vindicator, my termies and razorback

tac squad melta blows up his razorback

Turn 3 - he move remaining 5 termies closer, moves pedro close to tac squad, sternguard immobilizes predator on far side, his second termie squad with librarian move towards pred.

he assualts with 5 termies left on my right, but khan goes first and rolls 3 6's for wounds! a great roll and now he only has two lightning claw termies left, his termies, my sgt and tiggy go simo and while he manages to kill 2 of my termies I kill the final 2 LC termies he assualts with pedro and my sgt puts 2 wounds on him with PW, pedro kills one guy

Turn 4 - on the far side of the table, my immobile pred shoots and destroys his other razorback, my razorback shoots and destroys the droppod, the combat squad falls back behind a building deep in my zone

over on the right side, the vindy, and termies shoot the tac squad in the ruins, 4 die, the other half or the tac squad come around the razorback to assault pedro, he dies


He is down 5 to 0 with no way he will get his other termies or sternguard over to me in time, he concedes...


Worked out much better than I expected.

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Ok, to answer a few questions about his list...

#1 - he walks the termies in never deepstriking

#2 - It is a 2000 point game

#3 - The sternguard are always, 5 Combi-flamers/5 Combi-meltas


Here's how I handled it last night (thanks to some suggestions here)

My list



10 Shooty Termies - 1 Cyclone/1 Asscannon (Khan and Tiggy with the termies)

2 Predators - Las all around

1 Vindicator

2 - 10 man Tac squads - Melta/Las Sgt with PW/Locater Beacon both with TLLas Razorback


Game was Annihilation/Pitched battle

I won roll off, but made him go first - I am Outflanking everything



Two problems i see with this and please correct me if i am wrong i am but a novice.


First is that According to the rules the person that wins the die roll goes first. It was 4th edtion that allowed you to pick who goes first.


Second Khan replaces combat tactics with the ability to outflank. Your predator and vindicator do not have combat tactics so can't outflank.


Like i said i am a novice so please let me know if these statements are incorrect.

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First is that According to the rules the person that wins the die roll goes first. It was 4th edtion that allowed you to pick who goes first.


I'll let someone else answer your second question.


On question 1: No, the winner of the roll-off gets to chose who goes first or second. You'll find this on Page 92 and 93 of the BRB. In fact, it's stated clearly 3 times on these two pages.


Look as heck the 2nd paragraph in each of the following dialog boxes on pages 92 and 93:Pitched Battle, Spearhead, and Dawn of War.


Happy hunting!

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