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how to beat 500pt IG?


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okay the 500 points is something like this,


one senior officer with 4 snipers

one junior officer with 4 snipers


2 normal infantry squads

1 veteran squad with melta guns and a flamer

3 missle launchers and a chimera



now obviously as a marine player my 500 points is limited and i get drowned by rapid fire orders and damned snipers.




WHAT DO I NEED TO TAKE!!!!!!!!!!???????????? lol

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okay the 500 points is something like this,


one senior officer with 4 snipers

one junior officer with 4 snipers


2 normal infantry squads

1 veteran squad with melta guns and a flamer

3 missle launchers and a chimera



now obviously as a marine player my 500 points is limited and i get drowned by rapid fire orders and damned snipers.




WHAT DO I NEED TO TAKE!!!!!!!!!!???????????? lol

To easy:


Chaplain- 100pts.

Tactical Squad- 10 men, Meltagun, Plasmacannon- 180pts.

5x Scouts- Missile Launcher, 4xBP+CCW- 85pts.

Landspeeder Storm- 50pts.

Whirlwind- 85pts.




5 KPs, 2 scoring units, balanced FOC.... and plenty of templates balanced with a decent ability to kill light armor. Your looking at killing about 46 light infantry wounds and one AV 12 tank. Force them to advance if they want to hurt you, and then kill them when they get into range- remember, lasguns are a rapid fire weapon so if you force them to move up to engage you by deploying back in cover with your LSS out of sight but near the scouts theyll be forced to advance to win... at wich point you fire from your "overwatch" position and wipe a squad out each turn.


Chaplain provides fearless- who cares about pinning?

Landspeeder storm allows you to pile the scouts in and zoom off to grab objectives if need be. Once the heavy weapon teams are dead, you could probly bring it out to use its HB without any true threats.

Use the plasmacannon and Missile Launcher to keep that Chimera pinned down with shaken stunned results, or simply dead. If it manages to get close, spring forward with your Meltagun and hope the resultant destruction damages some of his Veterans- or drop a pie plate on them afterwords.


This is also a tournament list in that its balanced enough to take on Marines, Gaurd, Orks, or even Daemons without losing much effectiveness. Eldar might do better, but only jetbikers... who are very much outnumbered.


Any kestions?

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@greymage: I'd drop 5 guys from the Tactical Squad, tool up the Sgt and ride out in a Razorback.

Not a bad idea, you could tool up the scout seargent, or give the LSS a multimelta in that case... heck, maybe get another speeder.


I just have a tendency towards large squads- I play SWs as my core army after all.

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hi guys. i tried the chaplin idea out and it worked quite well, though it was close still. i did however try something else which was pretty useful too.

captain with combi flamer

2 5 man scout squads with sniper rifles

1 5 man assault squad 1 6 man both had flamers (dropped the jump packs) with rhino and droppod


captain was assigned to the droppod assault squad

one flank was assaulted with the rhino using it as cover and the pod dropped pretty much on top of the veterans. from there alot of guarsmen got nice and toasty warm and got chainsworded alot. this coupled with 10 snipers taking out his 2 command squads and pinning them meant no orders were given.


oh and for fun i also used a list that included a droppod dread with tl heavy flamer+heavy flamer power fist that was fun

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The answer to life will solve this.



or 10 sniper scouts in good cover with a thunderfire cannon support

Vindicator- Xpts.

Seige Shield- +Ypts.

Throwing a third of your points in a small game onto a model thatll be stunned all game- priceless.

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I dunno Grey Mage, a Vindi, used properly could well make those puny guard wish they'd worn brown pants that day!


Agreed on the points, maybe a bit too much into one unit, but oh would that be great if he could pull off even 1 good shot.


And I'd reccomend a heavy bolter or two somewhere. Those puppies will make holes in guard pretty darn quick.



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I like your original list Grey Mage, especially the Chaplain to avoid pinning, but I would tweak one thing; swap the scout missile (hitting only half the time) for a heavy flamer on the LSS. I have had as great deal of success using these to toast then chop vunerable or isolated squads of 4+ save or worse troops. S5 plus a template that can't miss? Gold.



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