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Some aid for a face-off

chapter master 454

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Right, the thing I'm taking part in is a 'battleforce face-off' where each competitor has buys one battleforce, assemble and painte it then battle against others. The only addition allowed at all is a HQ choice (no more, no less), whether this must be bought and all I am still to ask but I have joined in with catachans (move if this isn't the place for this) and going more with theme than winning (you know, flamers, scout sentinel. Only break is taking 3 autocannons for a heavy weapons team) and take colonel Iron hand straken to lead my guys where that furious charge and Int power fist will help greatly against bigger grubblys (I am currently fearing tyranids expained now).


Now heres how it all works, you get what ever your battleforce gives you and whatever your HQ choice gives you. Now for the canny this means I am referring that there is no upgrade points limit, the only snag is it must be WYSIWYG. This means carnifexs are going to be juiced up to the max along with most likely a hive tyrant, all guants now completely tooled out. I have no converns over orks, chaos, marines, eldar, dark eldar and so on but the tyranids are scarey, I have seen how hard it is take down a 'super-fex' and it cost me my tactical terminator squad and two wounds off lysander (granted though I was mobbed by the warriors to boot). Any advice for me to take down the super nid's in the worst case scenerio.


For those not knowing: no other units may be added, not even a retinue unless you got it in the battle force. So the broodlord ain't got his crew of stealers but thats the thing, only then the hive tyrant fits the bill and I only pray a winged tyrant doesn't show (or I am, how shall we put it. Boned).


To the mods: if this isn't in the right place move it to wherever is correct. Just seemed this fitted th bill the best.

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