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Random tactics?


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Basically, this topic is a call out to anyone who uses those tactics that are just hilarious they must be used, they hardly ever work but its funny anyway :


the first one is charging a rhino up to the frontline all guns blazing to reveal..shotgun scouts XD

another funny one is using counts at models, but for something worse B) calgar could equal a captain with a fist and a bolt pistol :yes:

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We use full disclosure at our shop, so none of those shenanigans would work with our group. At the very least, you'd have to hand over a copy of your list.

Since the scouts can't start the game inside someone else's Rhino, the surprise really doesn't work. I already know what you loaded in there.

And using a counts-as model requires you tell me what it counts as.

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I have to say the vanguard in a raider is a nice nasty surprise. I've popped honor guard out of a razorback for devastating results too. Works even better when all of your tactical squads have razors too, but the HG's has only heavy bolters and the tac razors have assault cannons. it'll almost never get shot at, even with list disclosure.


I've taken a predator before with no upgrades, and used it to block LOS as units advanced... and then used it as a ram. An AV 13 tank can hurt a lot of vehicles by ramming them.


Chaos rhinos with combi-meltas. they're modeled on there, but once that squad of bezerkers or plague marines or whatever is delivered and the rhino drives off, people tend to forget about it....

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Tank shocking with a dirge caster autocannon predator. Its nice to see LD7 marines running away and continue running because I remain within 6". Leaves me room to ram with it too, so simple for that of the cost of a obliterator.


Using small squads of thousand sons with rhinos and their main power is gift of chaos. Leaves guard players and ork players who like grots something to think about at the end with 10+ spawns made from their own troops, some even losing HQ's to it. Especially when the table has been wiped by the +400 points of models.



All time favorite though has to be moving land speeders in the face of the enemy the turn before they get to charge marines. And moving the marines forward for rapid fire under the vehicles that obscure nothing (can plainly see past them, no cover saves granted).


Tempts me to use dark angels codex to get 15 land speeders, and using 40 sisters of battle just for that tactic.

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Shell Game.


3 Land Raiders.


1 CC Death Unit of Vets with stupid amounts of power weapons, with Azrael giving everyone a 4++.


1 Deathwing Squad with nothing but L.Claws and a Chaplain.


and piece de resistance, Another Vet squad loaded to the brim with Combi-Melta/Flamers/Plasma.



Either way SOMEONE is going to get a funny surprise.


Seriously. 10 templates of fire? That's just funny. Aint no amount of bodies gonna stop that.

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i play blood angels. always have, always will. its funny seeing the look on any players face when you pull out a baal predator. 'bbbb...but, its got... assault canons!' yup. but, to instill absolute terror, (were talking scare tactics here) i take three baal predators, with all the trimmings. (extra arour, sb, dozer blade ect). But thats only the first suprise they get. I love seeing the look on there faces when you over charge your engines. who wouldn't be scared if 36 shots of death were coming towards them at 18 inches per turn? and, to be honest, if you take all three 0f them, (sponsons included) that comes to 375 points! not expensive at all! (its ok to put points up cos ba codex is free off da website)
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Not really a tactic but once I got annoyed in an apocalypse game because no-one had blown up my shadowsword (I wanted a ridiculous explosion), fotunately my scouts with meltabombs were right next to it and obviously realised it was being crewed by heretics.


I was very happy after that.

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I love doing drive-by shooting with Tactical squads in Rhinos. My opponent is almost always surprised when I pull my flamer template out after my Rhino drives next to their horde of light infantry.


That's not sub-optimal, that's the right way to play marines (from the inside of their mobile bunkers).

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my friend always uses a drop with locator beacon carrying an ironclad to drop first turn then 5 TH+SS termies to drop in later, no-one ever shoots the pod to try stop the termies.


personnaly I try to use 2 20 man squads of templars with every game to overwhelm the enemy, my favourite tactic is squads of multi-melta land speeders deep striking (take that enemy characters and vehicles :P )

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not a tactic, more a habitual error... but i keep using fast single models (e.g attack bike) to zoom ahead to choke points, to 'slow the enemy down'. of course 40k's simple ass movement system means the enemy can walk right by them, or assault and consolidate in any direction they please. must remember... can't march block in 40k >_<
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My tactics are a little more simple, one or two assault squads with a pair of Land Speeders (one with multimelta, one with Hvy Bolter, both have AC) attacking on a flank. On the other flank is my foot sloggers and slower armor, backed up by Dreads. The idea is either he/she can focus on one or the other and get spanked by the open unit or try to divide between the two groups and most likely get pounded by both.
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I love running things over with tanks. I will ram or tank shock anything that comes near enough, including skimmers, independent characters, and things that will almost guaranteed blow up my tank. I have immobilized my own Land Raider on top of an objective so nobody could get close enough to it, I have boxed enemy squads into buildings with immobilized Rhinos, I have taken out Wave Serpents with Rhinos, and not too long ago I backed over a Daemon Prince with my Land Raider and squished the beastie under several tons of ceramite wrath. On the other side of things, I fondly recall my beloved Dreadnought Hellboying a turretless Fire Prism into oblivion.
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The tunnels asset in apocalypse with units of 10 Wraithgaurd- its expensive, anyways you put it. You dont deploy anything on the table to begin with... and then you walk up from below, blow up three titans, a baneblade, and a landraider.... and laugh as their armies try to make it back ripping apart your wraithgaurd as all their D strength weapons are dead.


Could do the same thing, for cheaper, with sterngaurd- and then making them scoring with pedro kantor.

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I love running things over with tanks. I will ram or tank shock anything that comes near enough, including skimmers, independent characters, and things that will almost guaranteed blow up my tank. I have immobilized my own Land Raider on top of an objective so nobody could get close enough to it, I have boxed enemy squads into buildings with immobilized Rhinos, I have taken out Wave Serpents with Rhinos, and not too long ago I backed over a Daemon Prince with my Land Raider and squished the beastie under several tons of ceramite wrath. On the other side of things, I fondly recall my beloved Dreadnought Hellboying a turretless Fire Prism into oblivion.


Nice. I ram and tank shock a lot too and I once ran over a Carnifex with my Crusader.


My other random tactics include taking 2 full squads of Sternguard with no Pedro, putting sniper scouts in a Land Raider and using a Predator with no sponsons and a lascannon turret.

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This one belongs more in a stupid stunts thread (along with a couple of others too, lol) I once charged a grey knights grand master with a fex... it got force weaponed down before he could attack. Then I had the brilliant idea of charging with two more at the same time. Strangely, it didn't work out..

I knew there was a purpose to the catalyst power...

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