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Random tactics?


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I know an Alpha legion player who has decoy captains in his tactical squads (just the sgt made to look pimped out) while his captain is very plain.


That is freaking amazing! Such an Alpha player at heart his mannerisms for deception extend to his game play. Even if at the start of your game you tell the player that the captain looks like this its hard to keep track of him. If I were playing him I wouldnt even ask because its such an amazing and fluffy idea.


My favourite is 10 Scouts + Chaplain in a Landraider. Even full disclosure doesnt seem to allow my opponents to remember that it is scouts in there and not TH/SS terminators. Bless ;)


Gotta say though I do use tank shock every time I can. Even LD9 Marines run every now and again, a unit of Nobs is just as likely to run as it is to not. Even Death or Glory is only 1 auto hit. Which brings me to Death or Glory with Melta Bombs, almost always does something and is a great way or attacking in their own turn.



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I use the CC scouts+Chaplain in LR too, but I often also run Kantor nearby. Especially against Orcs.


My standard deployment with one of my lists is Telion+Sniper scouts up back, Sternguard w/Kantor in LR flanked by 2 Ironclads (1 each side), LR with scouts&chap on one side, Whirlwind and 2 attack bike Squads w/ Heavy Bolters on the other providing fire support. Telion kills the nobz/sergeants with powerfist/klaw, Scouts charge that unit with 36 normal attacks, 11 PW attacks (chap and Scout sergeant) because kantor's close, Sternguard soften up/finish up another unit with rapid fire, Ironclads gang up on another unit.


My favourite AT unit? Techmarine with 2 MM servitors. fairly cheap, expendable, and has nearly a dozen LR kills and numerous other tanks to their credit so far. they always seem to avoid being a target priority, no matter how many tanks they blow up.

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its amazing how many of these threads contain cool scout stories :)


The scouts and chappy in LKR is a pretty good one, they have 31 attacks on the charge, i usually go for fist and combi-flamer in my scout squads which works well.

The better combo would be cc scouts and Khan, although a chappy would work well in tandem.. OUCH!



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Favourite tactic to use for laughs: 3 land raiders in 1500 and 1750 games! (oh and in total they cost me 1000 points or there abouts)


Most prefered tactic(s): Lysander plus his co. of 5 tactical terminators with chainfists and CML in a redeemer, the ultimate in line breaker combos. Another tactic I like is my Forge-apprentice with 5 tech servitors (MotF = forge apprentice) giving my venerable dreadnoughts repairs in CC, always annoys the hell out of off those lucky krak grenadiers! Another personal taste of mine is when I do the most outragous of all acts and some are very successful: Lysander vs. 30 orks, Lysander stands tall (finally brought down after an entire ork shooting phase is directed at him). 5 scouts, 4 shotguns and BP&CCW, shoot at shrikes crew and kill 4 vanguards with jump packs and lightning claws, vanguard finished off by hurricane bolter blitz. That very same scout squad is my comedy squad and so far they have missed buildings at point blank, charge TH/SS terminators lead by chaplins and even once took on a blade storming (and one survived somehow).

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