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Curse you GW!

Hfran Morkai

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Why? *Sobs* You outsmarted me! I was hoping I would be able to use the frost axe and power weapon from the Wolf Guard boxes on my shooty terminators made from standard marine boxes, mainly to acquire the cyclone launchers for my lords retinue.


But they were smart, too smart and didn't put enough arms for those and thunder hammers.


I applaud you GW on your ability to reduce the number of bits left over. I also find it interesting that on the TDA sprues there are little combat knives.

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I also find it interesting that on the TDA sprues there are little combat knives.


Didn't you know that WG's can take their TDA gauntlets off in battle to use those little knifes.


That is quite an accomplishment.


Also I have just discovered an ale horn! Good days! I was looking to use one for my Wolf Lord and GW gave me one!

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It is somewhat annoying. However, I now have a great many spare power fists and chainfists.


I set mine up with


Thunderhammer-stormshield Combimelta-frostblade


WolfClaw-stormshield Assault cannon-power weapon


heavy flamer-chainfist


The great thing about mine though is that I used a Chaos Termie lord to make my wolf lord (I wanted "special" wolf claws for him and the chaos lord had proper claw style rather than wolverine style lightning claws) and I got some spare bitz, namely the combimelta, a big frostaxe (daemonaxe) and a double bladed chainfist.


But now I have spare hammers, storm bolters, power fists and chainfists and no more terminators...damn, so much cool stuff and nowhere for it to go... :P

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It's the same principle behind fire warriors in Crisis shoots carrying little knives.


It looks cool and badass


I thought Tau carried them as a symbol of bonding?


Perhaps they're for collecting trophies after the battle is done?


And they do look quite awesome.

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It's a business folks they need you to help take other items off the shelves. Remember in the rumor thread there the initial pics were from the sales material which encouraged selling other marine bits to "cross pollinate" the SW purchase.
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i think the box was design to produce a battle leader/lord and 4 guards hence why only 4 wc and hammersor 4 plus a heavy wepon

when i was building mine i considered storm bolter/storm shield then power wepon storm shield in the end i went for a mixed pack


im gona use all those funky storm shields to decorate my wolf guard drop pod

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You could allways magnetise alof of the weapons and arms for more options.


They would have to be ridiculously tiny magnets to attach the hand to the arm...


1mmx1mm would be fine, wouldn't it?



Possibbly but considering how clumsy I am I wouldn't be comfortable working that small.

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It's a business folks they need you to help take other items off the shelves. Remember in the rumor thread there the initial pics were from the sales material which encouraged selling other marine bits to "cross pollinate" the SW purchase.


Not sure if you are suposed to buy marines that aren't SW, but you can use marine parts that you already have, like those you got from starter kit, and upgrade them to SW. And let's face it: Who doesn't have regular marines in their selfs or bits boxes?


Personaly i bought some terminators early this year and now i'm going to use them to make WGs from that SW terminator kit.

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