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A few Questions


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So i've read trough the codex and wrote some lists, now there are a few things that i need answered:


1) Does TDA give you +1 attack? if that is the case you could have your wolf lord dishing out 7attacks on the charge, without the thunderwolf.


2) It seems to me that the WGBL can actually take saga of the hunter aswell as a thunderwolf because the only restrictions is that he cant be given terminator armor, runic armor, jump pack or space marine bike. So a wolf still seems possible (and incredibly nasty.) Did i oversee anything?


3) Does the thunderwolves have fleet? I know they count as cavalry and thus getting that 12" charge, but since i am still waiting for my rulebook to arrive after we moved back to norway after staying in New Zealand for a year, and i really cant look it up, help please ;)

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1) TDA no longer gives out +1 attack. Black Templars/Grey Knights are the only codexes where Terminator armor still gives +1 attack.



2) I don't think you overlooked anything. I think (but could be wrong) its legal.


3) All cavalry are fleet.

On the Saga of the Hunter its first words in the description are Infantry Only so I think it means you can't have a Bike, Jump Pack, or a Thunder Wolf if you take this Saga as it would change you from Infantry to something else.

If it says infantry only, you can't have the mount. Good catch.

The unit type for a WGBL is listed as Infantry, wargear shouldn't change the unit type unless there is a rule somewhere that the type of unit you are changes based on the wargear you add on.

The rules for thunderwolf mount say it chages the type to cavalry.

wargear shouldn't change the unit type unless there is a rule somewhere that the type of unit you are changes based on the wargear you add on.


it's either in the BRB or heavily implied by the same. There's a larger rules-construction issue relating to how the system handles inheritances of rules by units with wargear that's been addressed somewhat in the context of how Deep-strike works, but no real resolution.

A Thunderwolf Mount specifically changes the model's unit type to Cavalry, so Saga of the Hunter isn't applicable.


Good catch, I was actually planning on making a WGBL with Thunderwolf, Frost Lance, and Storm Shield. It made a bit of sense to me, since a giant wolf is marginally more subtle than, say, a Space Marine Bike. And I just liked the idea of a S6 model outflanking.

Personally i couldnt care less for the outflanking :D i just wanted to make a scout move then assault into the closest viable target (like a tactical squad!) but youre right, i am just wishdreaming.


Even tough a wolfrider with saga of the hunter DOES make sense.

Personally i couldnt care less for the outflanking :rolleyes: i just wanted to make a scout move then assault into the closest viable target (like a tactical squad!) but youre right, i am just wishdreaming.


Even tough a wolfrider with saga of the hunter DOES make sense.


Maybe, but all the new fluff in the book points to Thunder Wolves barreling down on their targets. Not so subtle in my opinion.

Personally i couldnt care less for the outflanking :rolleyes: i just wanted to make a scout move then assault into the closest viable target (like a tactical squad!) but youre right, i am just wishdreaming.


Even tough a wolfrider with saga of the hunter DOES make sense.


Maybe, but all the new fluff in the book points to Thunder Wolves barreling down on their targets. Not so subtle in my opinion.



Yeah true, i just associate wolves as prowling pack hunting animals ^^


Well i guess it is to balance things, considering how awfully powerfull a WGBL with a SS and FB on a Thunderwolf that gets to charge on the first turn.


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