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Count-as lightning claw modeling

Brother Loring

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Hey guys, wanted to make a couple of count-as lightning claws that look a bit less flimsy and a little more brutal. They're my first real try with green stuff - it's a tricky little blighter isn't it!





Thoughts/opinions/advice would be very much appreciated!

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I think the idea is a good one.


however..2 thoughts.

if you are gonna do a large one piece blade..try using plasticard for the actual blade...the way its sculpted now looks too thick.


The other is..remember the size of the model and what it represents. The claws look flimsy because they are small in your hand. If the were next to a human sized chest...it would look like 4 broad swords.


I also believe in customizing and making things your own. So please dont let my words discourage you in any way.


Keep going..like to see it when its through.


Wolf Lord Kejl

If only I had a camera...

I am very pleased with my lightning claw on my bike captain: As I was using a female Warmachine figure, with slenderer armour, there was no way a GW one would work.

Instead I simply glued 3 standard dressmaking pins, chopped to the appropriate length, to the back of her hand, then a bit of GS to cover the joins.

It came out very Wolverine, and after painting I scraped the undercoat off to reveal the stainless steel.

They look vicious and elegant. (and are! Careful how you pick her up!)


If I ever get round to LC termys, I'll do exactly the same, but burn the pins in a gas flame first to get that Niobium look!

I made 2 of the same type of weapon for one of my models. So definitely love the idea.




Used armour plate from CC terminator cpt, and the blade tip of a P-sword cut and filed to fit. Of course you can use plasticard but I got so many damn P-swords around I went the easy way. Might be a little big for Sm P-fist, but if you got one definitely worth a try.

Thanks for the advice guys. I haven't played with plasticard much, but my only worry it wouldn't be 'sharp' along the edges and wouldn't have much depth to it, but may be very wrong.


I was thinking about using a single power sword tip, but as I don't have hundreds spare, I filed down a couple of scout knives and then green stuffed them. I will be filing down the green stuff to make it more pointy all round though.


Once again, thanks for the advice!


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