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Anti-Mech eldar


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How are autocannons good? They onyl glance on a 5 and pen on a six.


I believe Termicide (or Loyalist equivalent) works well. Target their rear armor and you get the full Melta bonus against them.


The problem is 1st turn he deploys in a corner so that deep stitking hitting the rear is impossible.


Then he always makes sure to fortune and move 12'' as much as he can.


That's before you add his two Fire Prisms and Falcons.

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But the problem is that it's still only 4 shots, and I ussualy have 5-6 tanks to take out, and they all are moving 12'' or three of them are fortuned by Eldrad.


Four S7 shots is not going to do much.

So get more of them; you'll never take out 5-6 tanks with only a single anti-vehicle platform. The key to beating a fast-moving army like mechanized Eldar is to have lots of weapons that can strike at long range; melta weapons aren't that good for killing the Space Elves.

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I'm talking about 5-man sternguard dropping in a bare drop pod with only meltas.


Thats the Loyalist equivalent of Termicide (either Sternguard or Dreadnoughts in pods).

So it should work fairly well.


As for the AutoCannon units, against things like Falcons and Prisms, you're normally doing well if you can just keep them stunned locked and AutoCannons do that well.

But yeah, a few Combi-Predators and a Gundread or two create a decent enough gunline to add fire support.

Then toss in any Tactical squads with Heavy weapon fire as backup.

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But the problem is that it's still only 4 shots, and I ussualy have 5-6 tanks to take out, and they all are moving 12'' or three of them are fortuned by Eldrad.


Four S7 shots is not going to do much.

I thought Eldrad could only cast a power twice?


Anyhow, if he has that many transports, I urge you to remember that they are stupidly expensive (over 100 each).


Taking a Psychic Hood to counter at least one Fortune is sensible.


Still, one of the best ways to deal with Wave Serpents in my experience has been Krak Grenades. Sure, hits on 6s, but you do have 9 shots.


Also, Land Speeders and Attack Bikes are good for rolling around threatening to get their rear arc.

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I'm kinda surprised no-one has mentioned what I'm about to, but, what about attack bikes with MM? Quick, tough, fast firepower that can get where you need it, with 3 melta weapons.


There's a battle report on youtube from Blue Table Painting, with Ultramarines vs. Eldar (mechanised to buhjesus Eldar!) The Ultra player uses 3 attack bikes with MM, and does considerable damage.



There's the first of four parts. These guys aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack, or supreme powergamers, but I recommend a looksee. The Ultra's player actually has something of a decent head on his shoulders, and this is a good, entry-level batrep for anti-mech Eldar.



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Just remember that you can't get double-dice for melta range against Wave Serpents. Therefore, if you're using MM, just try to snipe at 24" and let the +1 on the damge chart do your work for you. Best thing to remember against Mech Eldar is you cannot outmanuever them. Stay close and keep as much mutual support as possible. If they can't break off chunks of your army to deal with piecemeal, you'll be in a much better position to win.
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You don't need to kill nearly all of the transports to ruin his day. Stunning even half means he's showing up at the party with only half his force and eldar units are pretty meh on their own. If you can split them up and take the passengers one at a time that's usually a win.
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Ok so your opponent deploys 5-6 falcon/wave serpents in a cluster, in a corner of the board?


In addition to all the things which have already been mentioned get a thunderfire cannon and shoot tremmor rounds at the transport in the middle. With a decent amount of scattering you should hit at least 1/2 of the untis. Then you hope to get some luck with the 1's for dangerous terrain movement next turn :)


However stunning/shaking the front rank will annoy him quite well. The ones at the rear might hold the more important units however Eldar are quite a combined arms Race. Deny them some elements of their push and their effectiveness drops quite a bit.


I am going to try my first rifleman dread (only got one completed arm its so new) tomorrow. However in both practice scenarios and mathammer it works quite well at most AV12 and below. At 125 at go they are also realtively cheap.



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I'm kinda surprised no-one has mentioned what I'm about to, but, what about attack bikes with MM? Quick, tough, fast firepower that can get where you need it, with 3 melta weapons.


Um, about 4 posts above yours? ^_^




My bad! :D


I was skimming. But I'm glad someone else thought of it!



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However stunning/shaking the front rank will annoy him quite well. The ones at the rear might hold the more important units however Eldar are quite a combined arms Race. Deny them some elements of their push and their effectiveness drops quite a bit.


The ones in the rear can simply move over the front rank as they are skimmers.

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eldrad can copy one power , ability given by the staff he has. but he gets 3 powers per eldar turn. also eldrad loses a combat attack if he uses 3 powers or two of the same power. two fortunes is max a turn.

you can always scout up with melta storms , loaded with fist combi melta sgt. for first turn assaults.

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