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Which Legion dissapointed you the most?

Sir Caverstein

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this is getting funny now.

True. We've managed to have a six-page discussion on Guilliman and the Ultramarines without any Ultra-hate(rs) appearing, it's absurd. :P

Ultrahate is illogical.


Also true, but it appears with tedious inevitability. It's like Godwin's Law:


"As a Bolter & Chainsword discussion grows longer, the probability of Ultra-hate appearing in the thread approaches 1." ;)

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@Marshal Wilhem

On Russ being a jerk:

He really was a jerk, but i think your logic could use a bit more fleshing out.

Betraying Magnus is a poor reason, as from Russ's p.o.v. (and that of the emperor), magnus had already bretrayed his brotherhood. when you look at the society that Russ was raised from, your word was what made you who you were.


magnus betrayal of his promise to the emperor (first his promise not to delve in sorecy, then his promise to shut down the practices of prospero) removed any brotherhood between them. he became a oath-breaker.


and the lion thing...yea. but the lion needed that punch. ;)




A] Not long til the SW TS duo comes out, or should that be Not long til the Truth comes out.... :)


B] You're such a fanboy :huh:


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trust me, i cant wait till that book comes out. Dan Abnett is my favorite of the GW stable, and to have him doing the Wolves has gotten me very excited for this.


and i have already admitted to being a fanboy pages ago, but i hope i still sometimes ramble out some logical sentences between the tween-like sqeals of pro-russ dribble.



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this is getting funny now.

True. We've managed to have a six-page discussion on Guilliman and the Ultramarines without any Ultra-hate(rs) appearing, it's absurd. :lol:

Ultrahate is illogical.


Also true, but it appears with tedious inevitability. It's like Godwin's Law:


"As a Bolter & Chainsword discussion grows longer, the probability of Ultra-hate appearing in the thread approaches 1." :D


Haha :sweat: Brilliant!


On a side note, I would love to see a World Eater based HH novel. They have been touched on in 'Battle for the Abyss' and in the short story where Khârn meets Angron but to be honest they really need a full novel to themselves. That would be epic!

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I think you fulfilled Godwin's law by equating Ultrahate with Nazi comparisons..... Uncanny.


:lol: ^_^

Where, anywhere, did you find references to Nazism anywhere in here? Seriously, I can't find ANYTHING in here near that. Please point it out to me.

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I think you fulfilled Godwin's law by equating Ultrahate with Nazi comparisons..... Uncanny.


By you actually mentioning Nazis, you have actually fulfilled Godwins law :huh:


It is funny that an Ultrafan made the link between Ultrahate and Nazism.... I was thinking the link was between Guilliman and Nazism! :lol:


"Oh no he di'nt!!?" ^_^ ;) :yes:


In the words of the Human Torch (Jonathan "Johnny" Lowell Spencer Storm) "FLAME ON"


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Well since Godwin's law is of comparisons to Nazis, and Tyrak parodied Godwin's law in regards to the presence of Ultrahate, he has somewhat inadvertently compared Ultrahate to Nazis, thus following Godwin's law (in accordance with the prophecy). :lol:


Apparently, you can't parody Godwin's law without fulfilling it :lol:

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Well since Godwin's law is of comparisons to Nazis, and Tyrak parodied Godwin's law in regards to the presence of Ultrahate, he has somewhat inadvertently compared Ultrahate to Nazis, thus following Godwin's law (in accordance with the prophecy). :lol:


Ok. I see.

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Just as an aside, you all do realize that Godwin's Law is essentially meaningless since as post counts increase the probability of *anything* being mentioned approaches 1 at some unknown rate. Therefore I hereby instate Rain's law: As amount of posts approaches infinity, probability of the mention of demonic celery approaches 1. Prove me wrong :rolleyes:


Oh and how can people not like Angron? He is among my favorite primarchs, whenever I think of him I always picture the Russel Crowe parody from South Park "Fightin Round the World" except 10 feet tall and with a space fleet instead of a tugboat and a chainsaw instead of a guitar. Yep, awesome

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I was disappointed by:

The Word Bearers. In Battle for the Abyss, you half-expect Cestus to burst in nd Zadkiel to say: 'Ah, Captain Cestus. I've been expecting you.'

The Emperor's Children. Who trusts a talking sword that you find in a temple full of orgasming aliens?

Blizzard Entertainment. For stealing the whole 'vengeful hero finds talking sword which leads him to kill his closest friend and overthrow his lord' to fit around the Arthas character.

Ultramarines. Do they not have clocks in Ultramar?

Titus Cassar. Be a better shot.

The Thousand Sons. For playing with matches near a petrol station, metaphorically


I was impressed by:

The World Eaters. For being World Eaters

The Imperial Fists. For holding the palace against insurmountable odds.

The Blood Angels. Same as above, and knocking a hole in Horus's armour, through which the Emperor struck the final blow.

The Space Wolves. For creating an interesting storyline, which will be a cracking pair of novels.

Nathaniel Garro. For being such a good lad.

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Just as an aside, you all do realize that Godwin's Law is essentially meaningless since as post counts increase the probability of *anything* being mentioned approaches 1 at some unknown rate. Therefore I hereby instate Rain's law: As amount of posts approaches infinity, probability of the mention of demonic celery approaches 1. Prove me wrong :P


I can't prove you wrong. However, extending and applying that logic wholesale means that as the amount of posts approaches X, the probability of the probability of Y not being mentioned approaching 1 approaches 1. :)

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The probability of certain things being mentioned never really increases if they are utterly nonsensical. Unless of course people make a point of spouting off random words just to prove this to be untrue.

Daemonic celery!



On topic, (oh crap, I am ruining everyone's fun) I think that how they are portayed is more of a disapointment than the actual legion. I see the Word Bearers as dark, faithful beings who are truly warrior monks, but are twisted and selfish beings that are as evil as their gods. BL totally screws such things up, and it is canon whether or not I like it. Their redeeming factor comes in the form of the Dark Apostle trilogy, well worth reading.

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Blizzard Entertainment. For stealing the whole 'vengeful hero finds talking sword which leads him to kill his closest friend and overthrow his lord' to fit around the Arthas character.

That one was meant ironic, wasn't it? I think Warcraft 3 predates "HH: Legion" by quite a bit.



Ultramarines. Do they not have clocks in Ultramar?

Ah, but the Ultramarines even forgot to enter Horus's appointed date to turn traitor and attack Terra into their schedule, so clocks would not have helped.

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The evil sword, kill your friend and take over thing is older than Warcraft 3.

I can't think of many instances, but Suikoden II's Black Sword Rune springs to mind with Jowy Atreides going against his best friend and rising to rule the enemy nation. That's 4 years before Warcraft 3.

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I was disappointed by Emperor's Children and Ultramarines.

Fulgrim had a reason for falling to Chaos. But the rest (except Saul Tarvitz and true children of the Emperor) behaved foolishly. They should have known that only the Emperor bring perfection.

Despite their strenght, Ultramarines didn't take any important role in the Horus Heresy.

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Sorry, I thought the HH books were a novelisation of existing fluff. And I thought Blizzard had nicked it because they nicked 40k for Starcraft (it even says in the credits- Games Workshop for not suing us) . Apologies if I have maligned Warcraft 3 (epic game, still play it). And I was still most dissappointed by Titus Cassar-I mean, if he hadn't been a useless gunman, he would have taked control of Dies Irae, and won Istvaan III for the Loyalists, probs. At least, he would certainly have not buried Loken under rubble.






EDIT: We prefer that you use our special CENSORED emoticon, rather than asterisks, please.

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Before the Horus Heresy books, the Heresy had never been described in more detail than in the Index Astartes articles. Pretty much everything in teh Horus Heresy books that is not mentioned in there is new developed material. There was no daemonic weapon for Fulgrim and he did not fight and kill Ferrus Manus outside of the Black Library Horus Heresy novels. Since there is not that great an amount of information on the Heresy, the Black Library authors were free to simply make up a lot of the new developements. For instance, in the Index Astartes articles Ferrus Manus's whereabout had been left a mystery. He was believed to have fallen on Istvaan V, but his body had not been found. It was believed by some that he was found still alive and transfered to Mars, where he still operates, but that has been refuted by the Iron Hands themselves.

Most of the time the Horus Heresy novels are simply filling in gaps that had not previously been known about, but in some other instances they are changing established material.

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Actually, I think the original "evil sentient" sword was the Runesword Stormbringer, in the Champion Eternal series by Michael Moorcock. It was wielded by Elric of Melniboné and eventually slays everyone he loves and devours his soul. He also served as the basis for Teclis (being a sorceror and dependent on drugs to maintain his strength and constitution).
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There's actually quite a few legions, but in order to save time, I'll list the most disappointing one:


Thousand Sons: not in disappointment to their legion really, but to how the big E reacted to Magnus trying to forewarn him.

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