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Which Legion dissapointed you the most?

Sir Caverstein

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the blood angels will not give into their weakness

Well, if the rumours are true, then half of the Blood Angels (plus successors) believe that they should embrace their curse, while the other half believes that they should keep trying to overcome it.

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Fair. Oh well, here come: Lives of the Primarchs, Episode 2


Sanguinius's School Report


Scholam Primarchs


Emperor (yells): SANG!


Sanguinius (admiring Mersadie Oliton through the window):Wha..yeah


Emperor: Throne of Me! You can say goodbye to sunshine, sunshine you are grrrounded! We are gonna revise my way now you hear me! The gravy train has terminated! Terminated you lazy bone-idle little :D


Malcador (shocked):Sire!


Emperor: Right. (jabs Sanguinius) Drama. Battle barge. Coursework. :D perfection. Or else.


Sanguinius: Why are you talking in very short sentences?


Emperor: (sweeps arm up): EMPHASIS. Drama. :P off!


Later on, Sanguinius's Bedroom. Sanguinius is revising.


Sanguinius turns on his telly.


Emperor (bursting in) :Right! (disconnects telly and picks it up) No telly! (disconnects stereo, and picks it) No stereo! (finds Sanguinius's hidden stash of Playmarines, picks one up and looks at it,) No Eldar boobie fun! That should be enough to help you concentrate, now is it?


(Exit Emperor, suddenly, lots of bashing and crashing is hear off stage)

Malcador (unseen):What's that?


Emperor: I've fallen down the :cuss stairs you silly cow!

Later. Sanguinius and Horus alone in Sanguinius's bedroom. Both smoking joints:


Emperor heard coming up stairs.


Horus: :cuss, hide 'em


Emperor: You better be doing some :cuss work (tails off)....Hey Horus (sniffs). Wait, wait, now whats that....You've been smoking doobies again haven't you!


Horus: Well, we were-


Sanguinius: (cutting across him) it was me, just me.


Emperor: Right, you (points at Horus) :cuss off!


Horus: Bye Sang (exits)




Sanguinius: Well, where I always get it,


Both: Angron


You really love the actor that plays Sid's dad in Skins, don't you? Going to the effort of copying an entire scene from the show. :rolleyes:

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Fair. Oh well, here come: Lives of the Primarchs, Episode 2


Sanguinius's School Report


Scholam Primarchs


Emperor (yells): SANG!


Sanguinius (admiring Mersadie Oliton through the window):Wha..yeah


Emperor: Throne of Me! You can say goodbye to sunshine, sunshine you are grrrounded! We are gonna revise my way now you hear me! The gravy train has terminated! Terminated you lazy bone-idle little :)


Malcador (shocked):Sire!


Emperor: Right. (jabs Sanguinius) Drama. Battle barge. Coursework. :) perfection. Or else.


Sanguinius: Why are you talking in very short sentences?


Emperor: (sweeps arm up): EMPHASIS. Drama. :) off!


Later on, Sanguinius's Bedroom. Sanguinius is revising.


Sanguinius turns on his telly.


Emperor (bursting in) :Right! (disconnects telly and picks it up) No telly! (disconnects stereo, and picks it) No stereo! (finds Sanguinius's hidden stash of Playmarines, picks one up and looks at it,) No Eldar boobie fun! That should be enough to help you concentrate, now is it?


(Exit Emperor, suddenly, lots of bashing and crashing is hear off stage)

Malcador (unseen):What's that?


Emperor: I've fallen down the :P stairs you silly cow!

Later. Sanguinius and Horus alone in Sanguinius's bedroom. Both smoking joints:


Emperor heard coming up stairs.


Horus: :cuss, hide 'em


Emperor: You better be doing some :cuss work (tails off)....Hey Horus (sniffs). Wait, wait, now whats that....You've been smoking doobies again haven't you!


Horus: Well, we were-


Sanguinius: (cutting across him) it was me, just me.


Emperor: Right, you (points at Horus) :cuss off!


Horus: Bye Sang (exits)




Sanguinius: Well, where I always get it,


Both: Angron


You really love the actor that plays Sid's dad in Skins, don't you? Going to the effort of copying an entire scene from the show. :)

Is that bad?

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I just love the idea of the primarchs as kids (in a non paedophillic way: 'But I don't wanna play baseball with Sanguinius, he always wins!' (Sanguinius flies up in air and catches whole team out)


Actually, the primarchs as schoolkids:


1. Rogal Dorn: The normal boy who is good at everything but fantastic at nothing

2. Magnus: The nerdy boy with the wierd birthmark that everyone teases him about

3. Konrad Curze: The emo one that no-one really likes, but who has lots of older friends outside of school. He has one of those wierd emo fringes.

4. Lorgar: The religious one that everyone teases about his god not existing. Has a lisp.

5. Fulgrim:The arch-jock. Narcissistic and hated by everyone lower in the social order of the school.

6. Ferrus Mannus: The boy who is really good at IT, but has learning difficulties that cause him to lash out very easily

7. Angron: The angriest boy in the school. Very badly behaved. Is on last warning from the Headmistress (Malcador)

8. Mortarion: One of those people that everyone likes. Is best friends with...

9. Horus: Popular, good-looking and good at everything. Has a dark drinks and drugs side though.

10. Perturabo: Strange boy. Good at engineering, but just...a bit weird

11. Corax: The junky boy. Always high on something.

12. Vulkan: The cool black kid that everyone likes.

13. Sanguinius: The nice guy, universally liked, but thick as mince. Good at baseball though.

14. Jaghatai Khan: The rich kid who is brilliant at riding horses.

15. Leman Russ: The delinquent who doesn't attend school, but mugs people when they leave

16. The Lion: The boy who spends all his time in the gym

17. Roboute Gulliman: Spends far too much time revising for exams

18. Alpharius: One of the irritating pair of twins who keep...

19. Omegon:...complete each others sentences



Couple things to say to that...


4. I am not sure if I find that offensive or not, seeing as I (slightly appropiately) was (and still am) that kid.


5. Why does Ferrus Manus have trouble learning?


11. Again, why? There is no basis for this other than he likes guerilla tactics, and his legion/chapters armour is black. Which doesn't make any sense at all.


12. Vulkan isn't black. His legion/chapter became black after him tampering with the geneseed, but he himself was never black.


His legion/chapter isn't even black as we know it. Africans aren't black, their brown. Salamanders have absolutely no lightness at all in their skin, they are as black as the Raven Guards armour.


This whole list is <_<

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I think the whole thing was meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek Dark Apostle Thirst :)


Can I ask, where did you read about the Salamanders tampering with the geneseed?


The whole 'race' of the Salamanders or marines in general in fact seems to be a bit of a pink elephant for GW. At one time they were portrayed as a kind of African skin tone (looking at some of the GW painted miniatures from a while back - and I think may have been on the back of the old Salamander tactical box set as well?)


This has since changed to an almost jet-black. This is because of their organ (melanchrone? not sure about the name) which can change the pigment of the marines skin to function in different conditions. However, in every example you can think of apart from the Salamanders this seems to be 'white' by default.

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I think the whole thing was meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek Dark Apostle Thirst ;)


Can I ask, where did you read about the Salamanders tampering with the geneseed?


The whole 'race' of the Salamanders or marines in general in fact seems to be a bit of a pink elephant for GW. At one time they were portrayed as a kind of African skin tone (looking at some of the GW painted miniatures from a while back - and I think may have been on the back of the old Salamander tactical box set as well?)


This has since changed to an almost jet-black. This is because of their organ (melanchrone? not sure about the name) which can change the pigment of the marines skin to function in different conditions. However, in every example you can think of apart from the Salamanders this seems to be 'white' by default.



I know, but those few were particularily....


The Salamanders were white during the great crusade, but after the Istvaan V dropsite massacres, Vulkan tried to rebuild his legions numbers faster than normal by doing genetic experiments. The most obvious sideeffect of this tampering is the jet black skin and glowing red eyes.


This leads me to conclude that Vulkan himself was white. Possibly tanned.

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It is a very "european" universe, in case you haven't noticed the different cultural themes that are used for Space Marine Chapters and Imperial Guard reginemts. Knights, Vikings, Rimans, Russians, French, German, Hispanic, Italian, etc. It is all rooted deeply within european military history.
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The Salamanders were white during the great crusade, but after the Istvaan V dropsite massacres, Vulkan tried to rebuild his legions numbers faster than normal by doing genetic experiments.



:) I've never heard of this before. Are you sure you aren't confusing them with the genetic experiments that Corax undertook?

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The Salamanders were white during the great crusade, but after the Istvaan V dropsite massacres, Vulkan tried to rebuild his legions numbers faster than normal by doing genetic experiments.



:) I've never heard of this before. Are you sure you aren't confusing them with the genetic experiments that Corax undertook?


I don't know where I read it, probably lxeicanum though. I will go cheack lexi in a minute.



However I am completely sure that I read it. There is not a smidgen of doubt in my mind that that is what happened.

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The Salamanders were white during the great crusade, but after the Istvaan V dropsite massacres, Vulkan tried to rebuild his legions numbers faster than normal by doing genetic experiments.



:) I've never heard of this before. Are you sure you aren't confusing them with the genetic experiments that Corax undertook?


I don't know where I read it, probably lxeicanum though. I will go cheack lexi in a minute.



However I am completely sure that I read it. There is not a smidgen of doubt in my mind that that is what happened.


This information is completely wrong. Unfortunately, I do not have my IA's anymore, so I can't decisively prove it. But please, if you ever trust anything a stranger says on the internet (especially if they say "she's" a "chick"), then trust me now. Completely. Wrong.


Your initial post references Corax, who tried to rebuild his near annihilated legion with genetic experiments, which failed miserably by producing the mutated monstrosities later to be know as the "Weregeld". Even the Space Wolves had an encounter with these sad brethren.


I do know that the original inhabitants of Nocturne were "of Afro-Caribbean stock", and this implies dark skin. Vulkan was described as "Dusky" by the people who found him, and his skin eventually became an even darker shade as he spent years over the forge and from traveling across the volcanic plains of Nocturne. Lexicanium is garbage. They are to fluff accuracy as a gunshot to the head is a cure for headaches.

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I'm not so sure... I trusted the source completely. I know it sounds like Coraxs experiments, because I know Corax did the same thing, but there is no reason why Vulkan didn't. It also explains why the chapter is how they are, I can't think of another logical explanation.


However, this is 40k we are talking about. It doesn't need a logical explanation.

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I'm not so sure... I trusted the source completely. I know it sounds like Coraxs experiments, because I know Corax did the same thing, but there is no reason why Vulkan didn't. It also explains why the chapter is how they are, I can't think of another logical explanation.


Elaborate on the bolded.

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Initially, when IA:S came out, I can't remember Vulkan being known as black.

They never said he was white but the never said he was black (as far as I can remember)


In a galaxy where all our guys are white, you'd think that would be note worthy, yes? IMO, everyone is white as the default setting, anything other than that needs to be told to us.


I don't know if he has been made black subsequently, but I never remember him as being black when he was first described.

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because I know Corax did the same thing, but there is no reason why Vulkan didn't. It also explains why the chapter is how they are, I can't think of another logical explanation.


I can - retcon. Up until the latest C:SM, there was nothing to explain. The Salamanders didn't have any gene-seed problems. Frankly, if black skin and red eyes was the only side effect then Vulkan solved the problem of modifying gene-seed anyway - the AdMech would be clamouring to get at the process. Corax's experiments resulted in huge genetic instability in the Raven Guard gene-seed - the Salamanders don't have anything of the sort. Even with the retcon, a perfectly good reason has been provided - it's a result of the gene-seed reacting to Nocturne's environment.


It's not really a problem that has to be explained by gene-seed manipulation. The Imperial Fists also took huge casualties in the Siege of Terra and the Iron Cage - should their genetic problems be put down to some as-yet-unknown genetic experiments by Dorn? Did the BA leaders experiment with the gene-seed and inadvertently cause the Curse of Sanguinius in order to rebuild their numbers? Did the Wolf Brothers' gene-seed fail because Russ deliberately did experiments on the gene-seed? No - there are all perfectly good reasons that have already been given for these things. Why should the Salamanders' one suddenly be questioned?

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because I know Corax did the same thing, but there is no reason why Vulkan didn't. It also explains why the chapter is how they are, I can't think of another logical explanation.


I can - retcon. Up until the latest C:SM, there was nothing to explain. The Salamanders didn't have any gene-seed problems. Frankly, if black skin and red eyes was the only side effect then Vulkan solved the problem of modifying gene-seed anyway - the AdMech would be clamouring to get at the process. Corax's experiments resulted in huge genetic instability in the Raven Guard gene-seed - the Salamanders don't have anything of the sort. Even with the retcon, a perfectly good reason has been provided - it's a result of the gene-seed reacting to Nocturne's environment.


It's not really a problem that has to be explained by gene-seed manipulation. The Imperial Fists also took huge casualties in the Siege of Terra and the Iron Cage - should their genetic problems be put down to some as-yet-unknown genetic experiments by Dorn? Did the BA leaders experiment with the gene-seed and inadvertently cause the Curse of Sanguinius in order to rebuild their numbers? Did the Wolf Brothers' gene-seed fail because Russ deliberately did experiments on the gene-seed? No - there are all perfectly good reasons that have already been given for these things. Why should the Salamanders' one suddenly be questioned?



Because its the only one that has a serious side effect without proper explanation...?


Sanguinus dieing is what caused the Black Rage and the Red Thirst, but the Salamanders Daemonic appearance is caused by them reacting to Nocturne?


It sounded like GW wanted to make a black legion but couldn't come up with a good reason for it, although they could have just been straightforward and said "Vulkan and the Nocturne people are black, so the Salamanders are as well."


The only reason I can think of them not doing it is because they suddenly decided to make it jet black with glowing red eyes. Why they did that...


Please note, these comments aren't rascist.

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Thirst's comments do make some sort of sense; why would Corax be the only one trying to rebuild his numbers, surely Vulkan would too. The Iron Hands lost the only one that could handle something like that, so thats understandable.


I'm not saying i agree. I don't. I think the enviroment explanation is fine, while as a Primarch Vulkan may have been more immune, hence his lighter tones. Regardless, it would really have to be covered by the HH series before we would have any clarity, so the point is mute. The Salamanders book say's its the enviroment, and i'm taking that stance.

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Because its the only one that has a serious side effect without proper explanation...?


"Proper explanation" is subjective. You think the explanation given is not suitable, so you go looking for another one.


Plus, this is science fiction. How many of the explanations given for anything will make sense without the suspension of disbelief? :P


Thirst's comments do make some sort of sense; why would Corax be the only one trying to rebuild his numbers, surely Vulkan would too


Very true. However, we know he doesn't manage it because the Salamanders don't have enough Marines to make Second Founding Chapters and still field fewer Marines than other Chapters. Essentially, this explanation would mean that Vulkan's alleged genetic experiments would have had to have been enough of an utter flop that barely any 'extra' Marines were successfully created, but at the same time the only noticeable bad side effects on the gene-seed would be the black skin/red eyes. To add to that, the whole thing would have been so insignificant that GW never felt the need to tell us about these experiments like they did with Corax.

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Also recall that Vulkan and the people of Nocturne are known for their patience and pragmatism. It is not in the character of the primarch to rush anything he worked on, let alone something as important as the future of his legion.
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Very true. However, we know he doesn't manage it because the Salamanders don't have enough Marines to make Second Founding Chapters and still field fewer Marines than other Chapters. Essentially, this explanation would mean that Vulkan's alleged genetic experiments would have had to have been enough of an utter flop that barely any 'extra' Marines were successfully created, but at the same time the only noticeable bad side effects on the gene-seed would be the black skin/red eyes. To add to that, the whole thing would have been so insignificant that GW never felt the need to tell us about these experiments like they did with Corax.




Just had a read through the IA article. There is no mention at all of either the race of the Salamanders, or of the fact that Vulkan tampered with the gene-seed.


The lack of a second founding is put down to them being one of the smallest legions, and then the drop site massacre of Istvaan V.

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and i just want to say, i have NEVER heard of the Salamanders or vulkan being white. everything up till the 5th ed Marine codex has them being African black.


then somebody made the mistake of letting matt ward touch a codex, and now they are coal black with red eyes...by the emperor i hate that man.



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