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Which Legion dissapointed you the most?

Sir Caverstein

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And I'm also disappointed in ultra marines, because they totally missed the party, but then they came in after the heresy and started thinking they can run the show kind of jerkish if you ask me!!!!

Let's assume for a moment that they did "run the show" (which is questionable, but let's go with it). Then they basically saved the Imperium and made sure it would stand ten thousand years later. How jerkish. You're welcome.



And yes Legatus, Dorn doesn't fear Horus or any of the other traitor Primarchs but the reason why they have turned.

Yes, thank you. I was giving a small teaser and did not want to spoil too much. :D

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Hmmmmm who is a dissappointment.... I will say night lords, because of their primarch being EMO


My least-favourite Shakespeare play is The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, because Hamlet is just so 'EMO'.


Oh no, wait now, Hamlet is one of the most complex, deep compelling and dynamic characters in literature...

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Hmmmmm who is a dissappointment.... I will say night lords, because of their primarch being EMO


My least-favourite Shakespeare play is The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, because Hamlet is just so 'EMO'.


Oh no, wait now, Hamlet is one of the most complex, deep compelling and dynamic characters in literature...


Nice! :D

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And I'm also disappointed in ultra marines, because they totally missed the party, but then they came in after the heresy and started thinking they can run the show kind of jerkish if you ask me!!!!



Did you actually bother to read the past few pages at all?

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Alpha Legion.


You jut belived the Cabal. Fine, how heroic, never thought them to be a chaos toy?


And then the Cabals vison proofed to be wrong, Horus did not win despite the Alpha Legion joining traitors.

And you still fight the Imperium? Even Going full Chaos?

'sigh' This is starting to get annoying...


Did you see the bloody vision? You didn't, did you? Whatever happened in that vision managed to bring a primarch, which was the master of disguise and trickery, to show actual genuine tears. Yeah. Might be some Chaos trick. ;)


Also, they fought on the side of the traitors... do you think the Imperium would really accept them back? Especially knowing that Alpharius was the master of trickery, and could easily be fooling them to get valuable information about the state of the Imperium?


Although going Chaos... I don't think the entire legion fell to Chaos. I think a large portion did, but I think some of them are still loyal to the Emperor, probably due to Alpharius/Omegon (whichever one might be alive) possibly being alive.

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@Dark Apostle Thirst: To be honest, neither primarch cried. They did scream, but the only person noted as crying at the vision granted to them was Soneka. (page 395 of Legion).


That said, I do believe that the Alpha Legion split themselves, with half fighting for the Emperor in their own way, and half following Horus. I believe this because the Alpha Legion are schemers to cover every angle of a conflict, and couldnt betray their father 100%.


@Dark Scorpio: Actuall, the vision of the Emperor winning the Heresy showed the Emperor falling to Horus, then 10-20,000 years of misery and rot would follow...which seems pretty accurate.


The Alpha Legion rarely make use of daemons, and have somewhat limited contact with their fellow traitors. So a arguement could be made of if they went "full" traitor...I know of loyal inquisitors and space marines making more use of chas artifacts then the majority of the Alpha Legion have been noted to use (that is not to say no AL fell to chaos over the past 10,000 yrs, but that those that did were probably expelled from the Legion. WHat good is a operative when he goes too far "native"?)



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Yes, and the World Eaters are still fighting for mankind, because Angron believed that the Emperor was weak and only he would have the Strength to protect mankind. Sure some World Eaters might have fallen to Chaos over th epast 10,000 years, but since the Legion is splintered anyways those few stray elements are probably shunned by the true and noble World Eaters.





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Yes, and the World Eaters are still fighting for mankind, because Angron believed that the Emperor was weak and only he would have the Strength to protect mankind. Sure some World Eaters might have fallen to Chaos over th epast 10,000 years, but since the Legion is splintered anyways those few stray elements are probably shunned by the true and noble World Eaters.





You just don't like the idea that Alpharius/Omegon fooled your primarch by surviving, do you?

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It's mainly how after a decade of Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marines with spiky bits and daemons and possessed and daemon princes suddenly a lot of people are completely convinced they are not actually Chaos Space Marines at all that is bothering me.
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It's mainly how after a decade of Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marines with spiky bits and daemons and possessed and daemon princes suddenly a lot of people are completely convinced they are not actually Chaos Space Marines at all that is bothering me.


Completely convinced is a bit far....and it is just a theory of mine based on the first in depth look we have of them. i think the "Hunt for Voldonius" might shed more info on the matter.


and how much attention did the AL get during that decade? a few blurbs in various rule books? not enough to make firm opinions, but you seem sad that this upset your cart.


deal with it or make snide remarks from your computer, whichever you think will be more productive.



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@Dark Apostle Thirst: To be honest, neither primarch cried. They did scream, but the only person noted as crying at the vision granted to them was Soneka. (page 395 of Legion).


That said, I do believe that the Alpha Legion split themselves, with half fighting for the Emperor in their own way, and half following Horus. I believe this because the Alpha Legion are schemers to cover every angle of a conflict, and couldnt betray their father 100%.




Indeed, there were rumours some time ago about the direction of the follow-up to Legion. Twin brother vs. twin brother revealing the utterly divisive nature of the Heresy..


The fact is though that the AL have always had very little coverage (either canon material, or BL books for that matter) so really there is an opportunity for things to be built from the ground up here. I would imagine likening them to the Night Lords in how they have dealt with Chaos. Some of them have succumbed to a particular pantheon, but not all, and the rest are united by having a similar desire to see the end of the Emperor and the Imperium (see Talos' comments in Soul Hunter).

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and how much attention did the AL get during that decade? a few blurbs in various rule books? not enough to make firm opinions, but you seem sad that this upset your cart.
The fact is though that the AL have always had very little coverage (either canon material, or BL books for that matter) so really there is an opportunity for things to be built from the ground up here.

Yes, the Alpha Legion never got much coverage compared to some of the other legions. However, to conclude that they weren't a fully fleshed out faction until 'Legion' came out is just plain wrong. Their previous background didn't have any gaping holes concerning their history or characterization.

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Well indeed, but something needs to exist for it to have gaping holes in it :)


Look at the amount of PH Alpha Legion armies that appeared when Legion was released - it was a reflection of a depth and style given to the Legion that had previously amounted to 'they are mysterious' and didn't go much further. (Although to be fair many of the legions were in that position before the HH series, and a fair number of them still are).

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While I admit that I'm not a big fan of the two big reveals in 'Legion' (Omegon and the Acuity), I'd never suggest that it doesn't deserve the praise it gets.


It's just that the mystery/stealth theme is a actually just one aspect in the fluff that became their hallmark in their Index Astartes article. For some reason, it's also the only aspect anyone seems to remember about the old fluff, and the one that is frequently cited to dismiss the entirety of their original background as vague or lacking.


And that's kind of a shame, because apart from the new reveals, 'Legion' also addresses some points that were fleshed out in previous editions (such as their view of the Imperium), but this time in the words of the ever earnest Alpha Legionnaires. It's interesting to see just how much their words differ from the original accounts.

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