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Killing Orc Nob Bikers

rat of vengence

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Hey all, I have had a bit of a speedbump in my games lately, I basically got monstered by a mob of Nobs on bikes, with a Warboss and Painboy, including two powerclaws. I think there were 8 or 10 all up, and they came up as less than 300 points(?!?) less the Warboss.

Firstly, was this dodgy list writing, or are they really that cheap, especially as a scoring unit?

Secondly, how best do I kill them? My all-comers list is this:



jump pack, Might of the Ancients, Ap3 template thingy (Codex is buried, painting rooms tonight :()


Tac 1

10 marines, multimelta, melta, rhino


Tac 2

10 marines, Plasma C, flamer, Serg with PF, Razorback


Landspeeder storm

Heavy flamer



5 scouts ccw/bp, sergeant with powerfist


Assault squad

6 marines sergeant with powerfist





I am having no trouble at all with hordes with this army (love the HF on the LSS :) ), but the fast, tough, FnP bikers had me flummoxed. Should I consider replacing the Vindi with a dakka pred and using the spare 30 points for some combiweapons, or another powerfist?


You thoughts please brothers. :)



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Well since I play Orks let me first say that Nob bikers can be extremely cheesy when min maxed. Which is why I never do that. The key to killing a unit like this is to force him to take Str 8 or up wounds. They don't get feel no pain against a melta weapon or vindicator cannon. And power fists/ weapons as well. All Nobs have 2 wounds so hitting them with these will ignore their save and cause instant death (not the power weapon of course) If you can land a Vindicator shot on 4-5 of them that would really be bad news for him. They do always get a cover save but at 4+ that still means 50% will be instant killed, including the warboss from Str10.


The key to Nobs is to use high strength shots and watch them die just like any other Ork.

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Wow. He cheated. They're 45 points each without any upgrades at all when they're on bikes.

That's my gut feeling, but he said that the 25 points puts them ALL on bikes, not each. Are you sure?

I didn't want to call him on it because it was a social game at the local GW, and I'd rather have a game than make an issue. However, I am not easily done over twice :)



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Vindicator'll poof them.


The unit if 8 w/ 2 PK, Waaagh Banner (WS 5, they should have it), Painboy (they should have cybork, too), and Boss (PK, Cybork) is:

625 points.

At 10:

725 points.

Yeah, he had that banner too. A good trick working them out to be less than 300 points (less boss)... :jaw:

This will be sorted out :devil:



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Vindicator'll poof them.


The unit if 8 w/ 2 PK, Waaagh Banner (WS 5, they should have it), Painboy (they should have cybork, too), and Boss (PK, Cybork) is:

625 points.

At 10:

725 points.

Yeah, he had that banner too. A good trick working them out to be less than 300 points (less boss)... :P

This will be sorted out ;)




Excellent Brother-on this we can agree! Slay the filthy xenos!

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