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Two very different armies


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Hi everyone, I've got a tournament game coming up at 2500 points, I play vanilla marines. The problem I have is it's either going to be SM or Orks. The marine player uses three vindicators, TLLC Razorback and a few land speeders, may be a squad of terminators and I think a dread with TLLC. Where as the Ork player uses three battlewagons, two looted wagons with boom guns and about five deffkoptas. I normally use two LR's, one old-school, one crusader, ten man sternguard in DP(lots of melta, flamer) and cassius leading the assualt termies. I have a lot of units to choose from with this list, thunderfire, ironclads, even honour guard. What do you lot think would be best suited to this dual role? Thanks in advance!
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First thing I see is there is alot of armor on the battlefield with both of those opponents.

For Loyalists, that means you should start spamming Multi-Melta Attack Bikes or Land Speeders. Both will be very useful against those Vindicators and Battlewagons and Looted Wagons.


I'm thinking that some DP Ironclads would be good support too, try the Meltagun/Heavy Flamer combo and use them as tank busters or infantry killers.


With their weapons loadouts, you could kinda mess with them by not taking any MEQs. Use Scouts as your Troops and the Boomguns, Vindicators and TL LasCannons are all less useful against those kind of targets.


For your Heavies, what about PlasmaCannon Devs? They mix well as anti-MEQ/TEQ killers and horde killers.

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