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Angels Mortis Master of Sanctity


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Hoping to get some input on the points value for the powers. If you don't care about my made-up fluff, just skip to the "rules" part of each description.


Ezekiel Faithborn, Angels Mortis Master of Sanctity


points: 240






Armor of Faith Unyielding [unique Terminator Armor]


Crozius Arcanum



Special Rules:

Combat Tactics

Independent Character

Liturgies of Battle

Honor of the Chapter

Beacon of Faith



Ezekiel is a staunch and unyielding believer in the divinity of the God-Emperor, the return of his true son Dorn, and the holy power granted to each Space Marine. As Master of Sanctity, one of Ezekiel's primary duties is overseeing and translating the prophecies of the Angels Mortis librarians. As such, he has a unique insight into the minds of the members of the librarium, and the unique dangers they face. Second only in power and influence to the Chapter Master himself, Ezekiel is the embodiment of all that the Angels Mortis believe in, and is the holiest living member of his chapter. A fierce orator and devout believer, he has turned the tide of countless victories with little more than words, faith, and his own considerable martial prowess, inspiring his fellow battle-brothers to feats of unrivaled valor.



Armor of Faith Unyielding:

Ezekiel believes that faith in the God-Emperor's divinity is the greatest armor available to His true servants. If this is true, the Armor of Faith Unyielding is surely a close second. A truly ancient and magnificent suit of terminator armor, it is worn only by the holiest member of the Angels Mortis chapter, and is as much a badge of office for the Master of Sanctity as his crozius arcanum. The armor itself incorporates technologies long since lost to man, and is such an ancient relic that many of it's complex functions should have ceased long ago- a fact that only fuels Ezekiel's belief that it is truly an artifact of faith.



The Armor of Faith Unyielding is a suit of Terminator Armor. It incorporates Ezekiel's Rozarius and the Crozius Arcanum that marks him as the Master of Sanctity. The armor also incorporates Ezekiel's custom chainfist. The arcane technologies within the armor grant Ezekiel the Feel No Pain special rule.



Beacon of Faith:

Ezekiel is the most holy member of the Angels Mortis, and his words spur the hearts and souls of his battle-brothers like no one since Abram himself. Ezekiel is totally dedicated to his faith and his chapter, and this zeal shines with every word spoken and blow struck. Faith such as his is anathema to the warp-spawned horrors that claw their way into reality, and he marches to war burning the holiest incense and wielding weapons that have received the most potent of blessings. As the Angels Mortis Master of Sanctity, Ezekiel alone knows the Words of Consecration and the Rites of Dispelling, taught to each Angels Mortis head chaplain by the mysterious desert-priests of Bethel. Against those most hated and unholy enemies who are true abominations in the eyes of the God-Emperor, the very strength of Ezekiel's belief blisters flesh and warps metal, banishing them from the physical realm with ease; his very presence loosens the warp-spawn's grip on reality, and bolsters the spirits of his battle brothers who would fall victim to demonic possession or worse.



Any Angels Mortis Librarian in the same squad as Ezekiel roll a d6 after suffering a Perils of the Warp test, and may ignore the wound on a roll of a 3+. Ezekiel may re-roll failed to wound rolls against any Deamon model (or model that counts as a deamon), or any character wielding a demonic weapon.




I based the stat line off the Dark Angels chaplin (the one with 3 wounds), and approximated the points value based on related items (ghosthelm, sicarrus' armor) and what seemed fair. Do you guys think the points are within fair levels? Do you think the abilities are (or are not) too cheesy? I'm more worried about having a cool and unique fluff-oriented character than power, so I don't care if it's underpowered.



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I suggest dropping the Beacon of Faith rule. You can't talk a Librarian out of a Perils of the Warp test. That test represents an attack by denizens of the Warp.


Other Chapters have suits of tactical dreadnought armour dating back to the Great Crusade/Horus Heresy, and some of those suits are worn by Chaplains or by Captains with iron halos (same thing, basically). Yet these characters aren't given Feel No Pain. I'd either come up with a better rationale for the rule (i.e., he pushes through injuries and such due to his fiery faith) or drop the rule.


Why the chainfist? While useful against pretty much any target, the purpose of that weapon is cutting through bulkheads. It's more of a boarding action type weapon. He already has a crozius arcanum for up close work. Wouldn't the character be a bit more flexible if you gave him a storm bolter?


Instead of allowing him to re-roll against characters equipped with daemon weapons, I'd make it work against units with a Mark of Chaos. That better represents the rationale you established (in my opinion), and expands the number of models the rule works against.


I'd drop the stat line down to the Codex Chaplain as a baseline, increasing one or two of the scores to reflect where this character is special. The current stat line is too high for a Chaplain.


The name "Ezekiel" is going to confuse people because of the prominence of the Dark Angels Grand Master of Librarians. I'm not saying that you should change it (it's ludicrous to think that no Space Marines share the same name). Just be warned, in case you hadn't considered it.

Thanks for the input!


I forgot about Ezekiel; I'm going to just have to stick with the name until I find something else that's sufficiently Old Testamenty and is somehow related to prophecy.


The stat line may have been a little out of control, so I adjusted it down a couple notches.


The model itself was made by my best friend back in 4th edition codex marines; he took the iconic Termie Chaplin, added the cloak and cyber-cherubs from the Living Saint model for sisters, put a chainfist on the left arm, and (with a lot of love, care and greenstuff) re-modeled the Crozius Arcanum on the chaplin's right hand. The resulting model is my favorite Space Marine model ever, and he gave it to me when I started playing Marines. It really does look sweet, and I would post a pic if I knew how. Besides, a Chaplin in Terminator armor not only has to minister to the spiritual needs of his brethren, he is also thrown into the most dangerous and insane combat missions, including boarding assaults on Hive Ships and Space Hulks, lightning strikes against Ork Warbosses and Mega-Nob retinues, and even going toe to toe against traitor Titans. I think it's safe to imagine that a Chaplin leading these assaults could, if he so desired, chose to be appropriately equipped.


You are right about the Perils of the Warp test, it's not something that any amount of oration or preaching can prevent. As a result, I switched the ability so that the explanation is due to Ezekiel's holy influence, and made it so that only those close to him (i.e. Librarians in his squad) can benifit.


I also agree that the re-roll to wound against dudes with Marks of Chaos makes a little more sense and would be more applicable in general; however, I fight against 2 chaos players a lot when I play Apocalypse (which is the only place Ezekiel sees play). I like the idea of his power only really affecting deamons, and I also don't want to make a character than can re-roll to wound every single opposing independent character I play. That doesn't seem super fair (and may lead to some complaints!).


Finally, the ability for certain types of armor to grant feel no pain is established in the marine codex. Captain Siccarus (and every counts-as homebrewed version) has a suit of Artificer Armor that grants feel no pain, so an ancient suit of Terminator Armor that grants the same ability seems well within the realm of possibility.


Thanks again for the input, I appreciate it. Any other ideas, comments or responses are encouraged!


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