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Enter: The Pantha Lord(Updated:New concept pics added)


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So after salivating over the new SW codex long enough, the conversion fanatic in me has taken over. I've come up with the idea to do a SW type army, but using panther imagery(they'll be from some wacked out jungle deathworld once I finish bashing out the fluff/background). Anyway, as i like to start with designing my leaders 1st, here is the basic concept for my Pantha lord(I'll add suitable baubles, totems, and such as i model him, whenever the USPS sees fit to deliver me the darn peices i've ordered).


@ Annunsi: Nice start. The C:SW has inspired me similarly, although I am teetering between bear & tiger imagery. I have to try my hand at some sketches; it certainly seems like a fine motivator when you can 'see' what you want.


Keep us updated!



CDR Grendelwulf



I almost called him a Lord on Thundercat Mount,lol.


It seems like C:SW will bring about a few atl. animal themed armies. Wait til you guys see what I'm planning for my Rune Priest's Chooser of the Slain, here's a hint, the land of OZ.

It reminds me of Battlecat...

I actually liked that big ol' green and orange stripe kitty...

and, since it is obligatory in any cat-referencing-space-marine thread:

thunder...Thunder...THUNDER CATS, HO!!!



CDR Grendelwulf

I was just looking at yours nurlgepuss, great job. I'd thought of using the lion model, but I think I'll search around and see if I can find something I like better.


Edit: Anyone know how big these guys are compared to SMs?


the saber tusks are half way between my lion and a plastic wolf ^_^


thanks for the compliment!


Something else you might want to consider (I am) for your generals mount is the old dark elf manticore, with mings removed and a new tail.

I was just thing of the Manticore, but I'm not sure if the model is too big, I don't want him to be TOO easily targeted. Unless you're referring to an older one.


Edit: Okay so Canis is on a 60mm, while the Manticore is on the 50mm Square base, so I may be able to make that work, now to try and find a Manticore model. ;)

Chapter Colours. Figured, I'd never seen a SM chapter use deep brown so:



Wow! I like!


It seems you're going for a very Zulu/General African kind of background, this should be interesting so see...

Background fluff to the chapter would be AWESOME!!! :tu:


Looking forward to more in the future ;)



Chapter Colours. Figured, I'd never seen a SM chapter use deep brown so:



That is bada$$! Looks great, and replaces the wolf imagery with panther imagery quite well. Its nice to see some African influences in there too, as that area of the world is often overlooked in the search for inspiration for SM chapters. Can't wait to see where this goes!

@Solid Zaku: CONKER!! I used to love that game.


I'm working on some background for the chapter(as well as a name) right now. I've been designing an African influenced chapter for a while, trying to capture the tribal feel while maintaining the SM tech. I need to do a lil research for a few of the chapters battle stories(at least the worlds can be accurate). Then as soon as the bastard :D USPS finds my bitz order, which they mis-delivered :P , I can start modeling.

I have no idea if it would work, but this model has a lot of what you might want.


Also, few Chapters have had a good reason to use a dark brown color. This just fits it like a glove, and I wish you the best trying to GS those locks.

Lock aren't that difficult, just takes a lil time. I don't plan on having too many helmetless Marines though, and the Lord is the only one with the really long locks. TThe others will have short afros or cornrow braids. Sigh, now too wait for USPS to either find my bitz package or reimburse me for my loss.


Edit: Colour scheme



Edit2: Think I like this clour scheme better



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